Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online

Page 10

  After about a few hours there was a loud commotion outside. Providence and Giselle wandered out to see Stone and a few other Toufik males faced off against a handful of Cadi males. They stood several feet apart looking tense. Providence had seen enough altercations to know when people were spoiling for a fight.

  "You need to leave my grandfather's building." The lead Cadi male growled.

  Stone gestured calmly back to the aggressive Cadi.

  "I don't care if the property was purchased for your people. It's been in my family for over a hundred years." The red male countered angrily. He then looked over to Providence and Giselle. "You foreigners come to our planet and suddenly expect us to change our entire way of life." He practically yelled at them.

  Giselle stepped between the angry Cadi males and the Toufik before blows were exchanged.

  "What is your name?" Giselle asked the lead male.

  "Geirr" The male replied, looking slightly shocked that Giselle approached their group.

  "Geirr I'm sure you know who I am."

  The male nodded at Giselle.

  "I appreciate that you are frustrated with all the changes that have been happening. Have you approached the Daimio about your concerns?"

  "Look female I don't have the time to explain this situation to you. You need to go find your master or tend to female matters, this doesn't concern you."

  Providence's eyes widened at the blatant racist and misogynistic reply. According to what she understood, the Cadi had voted to give them status like any other Cadi female. Obviously this man didn't agree. Giselle had explained how conditions were, but seeing is first hand was an eye opener. It had Providence suddenly worried again about her future here.

  Giselle sighed.

  "Geirr this does concern me because Cadi is now my home. The Toufik behind me fought to win that war not to mention the fact they served your people for generations without complaint. They deserve more respect and gratitude than what you are showing them." Giselle glanced at Stone who stood calmly beside her. "And yes I am a female. But it was my strategy that gained Vidya Cadi the edge in the final battle and that female there," Giselle gestured to Providence, "served in my planet's military. So don't presume to tell me our place."

  "I have heard the widely exaggerated rumors." Geirr practically sneered.

  His eyes then widened as Giselle stepped into his personal space.

  "Believe what you want however here are the facts. The building you profess to care so much about fell into decay while Cadi warred with itself. My bonded purchased it for fellow warriors because he finds them worthy. The question I have is, are you questioning his authority and are you really so selfish, that you are willing to ruin the first chance at peace your family has seen in centuries, over a building?"

  The male moved closer to Giselle and Providence. There was a tick in his jaw as his hands clenched in frustration.

  "I fought in the war and know how important peace is." Geirr countered. "But you have no idea of all the implications that go along with freeing the Toufik." Several of the other males nodded in agreement.

  Providence couldn't stand back and idly listen any longer. His demeaning manner was insulting.

  "You are wrong. On our planet we also had slavery so we do understand." Providence spoke up seeing how obstinate the male was being. He was clearly very angry. She moved closer to Giselle in case the male got aggressive. Providence attempted to speak calmly though she doubted anything she said would diffuse the situation. "I congratulate your people for ending the war, it is a monumental feat. But the work is not over. Now you must work to maintain the peace and rebuild. I agree that it will be difficult. It was a very difficult time in our history as well. But nothing of value is gained without effort." She attempted to reason with him.

  The Cadi male looked behind Providence, Giselle and the gathered Toufik, then backed up. Several of the other Cadi began to disperse.

  Providence turned to see a dozen Cadi warriors approach, Kagan, Dagaa and Madhava were among them. The three men looked very angry.


  Madhava sat listening to the regents from Scelus Cadi report on the progress in their regions, as Dagaa did the same for Vidya Cadi, while Kagan met with the primary council formed from both sides.

  A warrior entered the meeting room and approached Kagan. The Daimio's face immediately darkened.

  "We need to go. A group of citizens are being aggressive towards Stone and his clan down at the water front." Kagan said as he stood up dismissing the regents.

  Several Cadi resistant to change had been attempting to bar the Toufik from occupying properties purchased for them, to build their homes as they saw fit. Madhava had expected as much, but it was still frustrating.

  "Two human females were reported amongst the Toufik." Kagan practically snarled as they left the main house.

  "What are they doing at the waterfront?" Dagaa growled as they loaded up onto the rota parked outside the manor.

  Madhava shook his head. He had no clue Providence had even left the estate.

  Madhava was aggravated by the way the citizens were behaving, but the thought of Providence being caught up in an altercation with the irrationally aggressive males made him instantly worried and angry. It would take nothing at all for a Cadi male to harm the little female. Madhava couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to Providence, of failing another female he'd given his oath to protect.

  They arrived on scene to see at least a dozen Cadi males facing off against Providence, Giselle and several Toufik males. Thankfully Stone and the other Toufik males flanked the females protectively, in case anything should happen. Madhava sighed in relief seeing that they were okay.

  As Dagaa, Kagan and Madhava approached the group, many of the Cadi males started to leave.

  "Halt!" Kagan bellowed. "What are you doing here Geirr?"

  Geirr opened his mouth then closed it again. The male knew he was in trouble.

  "Did I not pay you double your asking price for this property? Now I come to learn you are here attempting to harass the Toufik." Kagan stepped into the circle and looked at the two females. "Giselle, Providence go stand by the rota."

  The females approached Madhava and Dagaa. As they led them to the waiting rota, Madhava heard Kagan growl at the lead male.

  "Geirr this is your final warning. I have attempted to appease you and make things right by you since I understand your concerns. However if this happens again you will not be happy with the outcome."

  Dagaa turned to Giselle.

  "What were you thinking?" Dagaa rebuked Giselle. "You should know better after what Bram did to you!"

  Madhava had heard how the disgraced warrior had abused Giselle. It was enough to make him see red.

  The human females were too brave for their own good. They had no clue that not all the citizens of Cadi were happy about the changes that were occurring. The bulk of the aggression by the handful of Cadi in every region wasn't focused on their former enemy, but instead towards any foreigner on the planet. Madhava was glad the people were unifying under a single cause, however it shamed him that the cause was anger towards the Toufik who had served them so loyally.

  Madhava took hold of Providence's shoulders and turned her towards him.

  "Providence I gave an oath that I would protect you with my life. I cannot uphold my oath if I do not know where you are."

  "I had no idea." Providence said.

  "No you didn't." Dagaa said angrily. "Do you have any idea what could've happened?"

  "No sir." Providence answered formally.

  "We are going home." Kagan said as he picked Giselle up and stalked off towards his rota.

  Madhava could see the Daimio giving Giselle the business, and she seemed to be giving Kagan just as much in return. Madhava shook his head.


  Dagaa and Madhava led Providence back to their home. The trip was made in silence. She couldn't believe the men were so frustrated that she
and Giselle had gone to help the Toufik. Then again the men might have had cause, since racist, pissed off Cadi had surrounded them. But Providence was so used to taking care of herself, it hadn't occurred to her that she should be worried. Of course she was new to this planet and didn't really know all the dangers yet. Just the thought of being penned in and restricted because of racist assholes chaffed.

  "What were you doing all day, your back is a mess again?" Dagaa asked with a rough voice, his hand running from her shoulder down her spine as they entered the small house.

  Part of her tension came from the fact she was frustrated with what had transpired, but she'd also been hefting rocks for several hours.

  "I was helping rebuild a wall before those guys showed up."

  "Go upstairs and take off your clothes." Dagaa said.

  "What?" Providence said as she looked from Dagaa to Madhava, eyes wide and her mouth hanging open.

  She couldn't have possibly heard Dagaa right.

  "You ruined all the work we did on your muscles last night." Madhava said. "How do you expect us to care for you when you over extend yourself and take off places with no clue of the threat it poses?"

  He was no help.

  The men were insistent as they stared at her sternly. Providence didn't move a muscle as she looked from one serious face to the other. She couldn't believe this.

  Dagaa reached out and hefted her over his shoulder like she weighed nothing at all, as he marched up the stairs and into his bedroom, then deposited her on the floor.

  Providence bit her lip as she stared at his giant bed. She didn't know what was going through their heads as they flanked her. They were so damn tall and imposing she felt instantly overwhelmed.

  "Look guys I'm fine." Providence insisted.

  "Don't make me strip you." Dagaa said as he stood at her back.

  His tone brooked no argument as he looked down at her with a stern expression, his brow furrowed. She looked up at Madhava and saw he too had this look that said she'd committed the ultimate sin overtaxing herself. Providence debated refusing their crazy demand.

  A smack landed on her ass with a stinging crack. Providence's eyes flew to Dagaa. Her mouth opened to object, but he growled at her.

  "Now Providence!" Dagaa repeated looking feral.

  "Yes sir." Providence said out of habit in response to his commanding voice. Too many years in the military had brainwashed her.

  Hesitantly Providence reached down and pulled the hem of her tank top over her head. She was nothing like the svelte Cadi females she'd seen. Providence felt short and pudgy by comparison. She didn't have tiny pert A cups. Her solid C's had suffered from the effects of gravity in the last few years. She was rather muscular, but her ass still jiggled when she ran. Not to say Providence didn't appreciate her body, she just doubted Madhava and Dagaa were going to be impressed with her alien figure, when they were used to tall slender model types.

  Providence shivered as the air hit her nipples, making them stiffen up. Her cheeks burned from embarrassment as she slid her skirt slowly down her thighs. She didn't even have the luxury of underwear to hide behind.

  "Oh god I need to shave." Providence thought as she looked down at her legs.

  As Providence stood awkwardly staring at her feet with her arms crossed over her breasts, she wondered what Madhava and Dagaa were thinking. They were silent, just the sound of breathing could be heard in the room. The two men hovered so damn close their body heat radiated off of them, ramping up her unease.

  Providence didn't know what to do. This was far beyond any situation she'd ever encountered. A corner of her mind screamed she should be indignant that they made her strip and smacked her butt like a petulant child. Except the sting in her ass, the flutter in her stomach and the way her nipples tightened up in their presence, betrayed her. Last night Providence's mind had been filled with illicit images, however the present reality of standing naked between two alpha males was unnerving. It was all she could do to keep her heart from beating out of her chest.

  "Lay down on your stomach." Madhava insisted as he grabbed a bottle of something that looked like oil.

  Madhava reminded her of Jason Momoa, the actor. She looked from his rugged handsome face to Dagaa's Hollywood good looks, as she knelt on the bed and slowly lay on her stomach.

  Providence steadied her breathing as she felt the bed dip on either side of her. She pressed her face into the blankets to keep from staring at either one of them and to hide her embarrassment. Goosebumps rose up on her skin as she waited for them to touch her.

  If she thought the massage last night drove her mad, this was going to be hell.

  A large, warm palm, slick with oil, made contact with the middle of her back. Providence jumped and stiffened up bracing herself for the next set of hands.

  A firm slap fell against the bare flesh of her ass. Again Providence gasped in surprise, but it was muffled by the bolster pillow.

  "Relax!" Dagaa said as he began massaging the back of her thighs with his slick, strong fingers.

  It was easier said than done with them touching her naked body and smacking her ass.

  "I can't relax." Providence groused into the blanket as Madhava mirrored Dagaa's movement on her opposite side.

  "Why can't you relax?" Madhava husked with a gravelly voice.

  Providence didn't know what to say. It wasn't like she was going to admit they turned her on. Dagaa and Madhava hadn't propositioned her, they were simply giving her a massage. Many cultures had no qualms with massages or nudity. What was her problem?

  Madhava's hand fell against her back side making it wobble. The sting went straight from her ass to the place between her thighs. Providence squeezed her legs tighter to hide how this was starting to affect her. She was more than a little flustered by how her body was responding to their treatment.

  "Answer me Providence. You will not keep your needs from us. Do you understand?"

  Providence shivered at Madhava's commanding tone.

  "I can't relax because I'm naked and you two are touching me." She turned to see Madhava looking intently at her with his onyx eyes.

  "Has no one ever given you a massage?" Dagaa asked.

  "Yes but not like this."

  "What is so different? Are we hurting you?" Madhava spoke as he rubbed her back.

  Providence bit her lip. Did they really expect her to spell it out?

  Smack! The slap Dagaa delivered to her behind screamed 'YES.'

  "Fine!" Providence gasped. "You guys are making me feel things."

  Providence shoved her face back into the blankets wanting desperately to crawl into a hole somewhere. She couldn't believe they were forcing the truth out of her this way.

  "Are you attracted to us?" Dagaa leaned in and husked into her ear, as his hand squeezed the stinging cheek he'd just slapped.

  This was so embarrassing, and they weren't helping with the twenty questions.

  Yet again Madhava slapped her opposite cheek when she didn't reply fast enough. The sensation zeroed in on Providence's clit, turning the tingle into an all-out throb. She'd never been man handled like this. No male ever dared. Providence liked strong commanding men but had never had one, let alone two dominant males to take her in hand. Providence was desperately trying to make her wayward libido behave, but it wouldn't listen, as Dagaa's palm continued to knead her behind. Providence felt moisture slip down her thigh.

  "Tell us beautiful." Madhava insisted, his warm breath skating against her neck making her nipples ache as they stabbed into the blanket.

  "Yes!" Providence admitted as she shoved her face deeper into the pillow.

  "Yes what?"

  "Oh god they were unbelievable!" Providence groaned to herself as Madhava's fingers trailed along her back and down her leg. "Yes! I'm attracted to both of you." Providence bemoaned what she'd avoided admitting to the two large men.

  "Well that explains why you are so stiff. You've certainly had me stiff since I first met you." Dagaa
whispered into her ear his voice deep with arousal.

  Providence's eyes swung to him in shock. She thought he might be interested in her as he massaged her, but to go so far as to admit she aroused him was unexpected. Providence turned to look at Madhava. His hand moved to brush the hair from her face as he nodded to indicate he felt the same.

  "Don't look so surprised sexy. I've been terribly jealous Dagaa got a chance to see all this." Madhava growled as he ran his hand from the side of her breast down her ribs, over the dip in her waist, to rest on the swell of her ass. The corner of his mouth tipped up in a seductive grin as he stroked then squeezed her behind wantonly.

  Providence's breath caught in her throat.

  "Madhava, Providence clearly won't be able to relax until we relieve some of this tension, which is no good for her healing muscles."

  Providence mouth gaped.

  "What do you suggest?" Madhava looked over her to Dagaa.

  Dagaa cast Madhava a wicked smile. He leaned over and picked Providence up and flipped her over. He placed her bare back against his chest as he leaned against the head of the bed. Madhava shifted to the foot of the bed, staring at Providence.

  Providence was frozen in shock as Dagaa reached around and placed his hand beneath her knees. He pulled her knees up to her chest then splayed her legs wide, baring her to Madhava's gaze. Providence panted as she lay exposed against Dagaa's hard muscular chest. She felt the arousal he referred to pressing into her back. He was huge.

  This is not what she expected. She anticipated an awkward massage at most. But now the two men insisted on relieving a tension of a very different nature. Providence didn't know what to think or do. She felt like a deer caught in headlights.

  "Look at that lovely patch of red hair." Dagaa husked.

  Madhava nodded, his dark eyes moving from hers, slowly down her body. He paused to stare at her heaving breast with their rosy nipples. Then his gaze roamed further down past her hips, to rest on her splayed pussy. Madhava studied her intimate flesh unabashed. Providence felt another flood of moisture leak from her vagina as her womb pulsed in response to the erotic turn of events.