Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Page 16
"Yes." Providence groaned.
"Unbelievable. How? You are so incredibly tight." Madhava growled.
His deep raspy voice at the back of her ear did strange things to her. It made a spike of excitement traveling through her.
Madhava's fingers left her channel but were immediately replaced by Dagaa's, who slipped easily into her needy passage. Madhava's hand slid back to her rear. His fingers circled her puckered opening and Providence shivered.
"So it's true you are sensitive here." Madhava groaned.
"Unbelievable, you have three erogenous zones. You were made for pleasure." Dagaa husked.
Madhava slipped one finger slowly into her ass. The darkly erotic sensation struck her by surprise. It was only compounded as Dagaa stroked in and out of her pussy with his seeking fingers.
"Amazing! I can feel you Dagaa." Madhava said as he added another finger stretching and delving deep into her behind. "Feel the way she quivers."
"Beautiful." Dagaa husked as he probed deep with three thick fingers. "If she wasn't so small I'd say she was made for the both of us my friend. Madhava can you also play with her nub?"
Madhava reached around to torment her clit as he stretched her anus with his other hand.
"So slick. Perhaps you were right Providence, your body does yield to us." Madhava said then licked her shoulder.
His teeth crazed the crook of her neck. Providence felt the tips of Madhava's fangs exert pressure on her flesh, but quickly he released and kissed down her shoulder.
"Do you think you can accept both of us into your body fiery warrior?" Dagaa husked.
Providence must've nodded because the two men growled in unison. She was lost, finding it increasingly harder to hold her second orgasm at bay.
Providence felt so full as Madhava and Dagaa thrust in and out of her body, with increasingly frantic strokes. This pleasure was deeper, darker, and so intense as it gripped her, pushing her inexorably higher. Providence wanted more, she wanted the carnal pleasure they suggested. She pressed into their hands as she writhed in ecstasy.
Providence mewled as more fingers impaled her body going deeper as they thrust.
"Please I need you." Providence begged gripping Dagaa's shoulders for dear life.
"Not tonight, beautiful." Madhava said into her ear then continued to kiss and lave the drops of water off her neck.
"If we get you in that bed now we'll never get out." Dagaa husked.
They denied her, the evil men. Providence was so overwhelmed as she they penetrated her with their fingers, sloshing the water all around. Providence shook her head back and forth as the intense pleasure built to epic proportions. She tried desperately to hold on to it as she rode the knife's edge.
Providence's fingernails dug into the flesh of Dagaa's biceps. Her channel quaked and throbbed. Her ass clenched and quivered. Suddenly Providence froze, her finger and toes curled. Her mouth opened but Dagaa swooped in swallowing up her desperate cry with a kiss as she erupted. Providence's eyes rolled back in her head. Her womb clenched, her stomach doing mini crunches, as her pussy spasmed uncontrollably around their invading fingers.
The men snarled as they held her, pumping her body, riding out the cataclysmic orgasm. The climax was so intense it lashed her like a hurricane, whipping up her spine and out her trembling limbs.
Providence gasped and pushed at the men as she regained her sense. She couldn't handle any more.
They released her and she sunk boneless into the tepid bath water.
"I think she is done with us." Dagaa chuckled as he stared at her.
Madhava grinned as he scooped her up and got out of the tub.
Providence barely recalled them drying her off, let alone tucking her into bed as she drifted into a blissful sleep.
7 Triumvirate
Madhava tried to concentrate on the task at hand as he, Dagaa and Providence surveyed the lake they usually used for training exercises. He was finding it incredibly hard to concentrate, his mind drifting to last night.
He'd come so close to biting Providence's shoulder as she writhed between him and Dagaa. His fangs itched at the memory. He wanted desperately to mark her, but that would be in poor taste at this point in their competition. Not only that, Providence hadn't consented. Madhava refused to bond with her unless she was willing.
He hoped like hell he was victorious today. Even though he competed against Dagaa, and couldn't think of a more worthy male, Madhava couldn't fathom not winning.
Madhava liked his friend and had come to love him as the brother he'd never had. The male was the closest thing to family he had anymore. But Dagaa was strange where females were concerned. He burned through them like wood on a fire. Madhava didn't relish the thought of Dagaa doing the same to Providence.
Madhava boarded the platform they would dive from as it rose up above the lake. They'd be judged on form and smooth entry. The platform vibrated as it hovered fifty feet over the surface of the lake. He looked down. This was easily the highest he'd ever dove. Madhava wasn't afraid of heights, but damn it was a long way down. He'd be lucky if he didn't flop like a dead fish.
Providence stripped down to a tiny pair of briefs and that damn thing that cupped her breasts. Holy Kali she was a sight. Her full hips and creamy behind were so tempting.
She glanced down and shrugged, not a lick of fear registered in her eyes.
On their way home last night Dagaa said he asked Providence why she was competing against them, but she hadn't really admitted much. They both were at a loss. Cadi females weren't nearly as independent, brave or obstinate as human females seemed to be. Madhava loved everything about Providence, but he drew the line at her putting herself at risk, a thing she seemed to revel in.
"I'll go last." Providence smiled as she stepped back.
"Fine I'll go first." Madhava said. "If you are bothered by this, you don't have to do it." He suggested.
"Oh please, and let you guys have all the fun. No way." Providence cast him an ornery smile.
Madhava stepped forward and took a deep breath as he lined up at the edge of the platform. The spectators' heads were tipped up as they eyed him expectantly.
"Here goes nothing." He said mimicking a phrase he'd heard Giselle say, then jumped, hands outstretched.
Madhava was pretty sure he hit the water smoothly as he held his breath and kicked back up towards the surface.
"Not bad." Kagan said as he joined the warrior and the judges at the lake's edge.
Madhava turned to see Dagaa approach the edge. He held his breath as his friend leapt off as if he were diving again himself. Dagaa was perfectly vertical as he descended, splitting the water with barely a splash.
Dagaa's form looked really good. Madhava wished he'd seen his own dive to know how it compared. Providence watched Dagaa. Madhava could just make out the smile on her face.
Madhava wondered how she felt about him as Dagaa swam ashore. Did she like him the way she did Dagaa? He wasn't nearly as handsome as his friend. Providence didn't seem to mind, but Dagaa's looks and jovial personality had to sway her in some way. Madhava would feel blessed to be her Second, but the driving need he felt when in her presence, pushed him to be her Prime. The fact he'd almost bitten her said it all.
"How'd I do?" Dagaa asked.
"Pretty good." Madhava replied as he turned to look at Providence on the platform.
Suddenly the platform was rising higher in the air.
"What is she doing?" Dagaa looked at him in concern.
Madhava shook his head as it rose higher still.
"She's going to get herself killed. Kagan you have to stop this." Madhava insisted.
"Damn that stubborn female. We have to do something." Dagaa said, his eyes riveted to the platform.
The hovering pad stopped at twice the height he and Dagaa had dived from. Madhava and Dagaa looked from Providence to each other. Nothing was worth Providence risking her tail like this. As much as it pained him Ma
dhava couldn't allow this to continue.
"I forfeit." Dagaa blurted.
"I concede." Madhava said to the judges simultaneously as Dagaa.
"Someone bring that thing down." Dagaa demanded.
It was too late. Providence had already leapt from the perilous height. Her arms arced out in front of her as she dove towards the lake.
Madhava's mouth dropped open as she cut the surface of the water like a knife.
He dove in and headed towards where she'd entered the water, Dagaa splashed half a pace behind him.
Providence rose to the surface with a wide grin on her face. She looked at them in surprise when she saw them swimming her way.
"What were you thinking female?" Madhava bellowed as he tread water.
"I'm going to tan your hide when we get home." Dagaa growled.
"I jump out of planes, that was nothing." Providence said as she took off for the shore.
Madhava and Dagaa quickly flanked their foolish woman. Madhava was so relieved, but ready to bust something he was so freaked out, as they made it to land.
"You are never to risk yourself like that again. Do you hear me?" Madhava said as he gripped her shoulders.
"Providence you could've been injured. Promise us you'll stop pulling these stunts." Dagaa snarled as he got in her face.
"You see this." Providence pulled back and showed them the warriors ink on her back. There was a planet flanked by wings with writing. "It says 'So that others may live.' I trained to risk my life for others."
The seriousness of what Providence did back home finally sunk in. She was very much a warrior, the likes of which rivaled any male. Still the idea of her risking her life for any reason did not sit well with him at all. Certainly not for this competition he and Dagaa had waged.
"It appears we have a winner." The lead judge said looking at the trio slightly perplexed.
Madhava turned to him in surprise.
"Dagaa and Madhava conceded to you before you dove, however your dive was the most impressive one today." The judge said.
Madhava nearly forgot that he and Dagaa had pulled out of the competition in an effort to stop Providence from risking herself.
"This is unprecedented." The judge looked to Kagan.
Giselle clapped and cheered behind Kagan, who looked flummoxed.
"So does this mean that in our trio I am Prime?" Providence asked.
The judges and even Kagan nodded slightly, looking confused.
Madhava and Dagaa looked from Providence to each other, then back to her again. According to the strict rules of the competition Providence had earned the position of Prime. But the thought of Providence being THEIR Prime was beyond unprecedented. How was that supposed to work? It was their duty to be her protectors not the other way around. No female had challenged and won this right ever.
"I think the council needs to discuss what this truly means since it has far-reaching implications." Kagan said.
Providence shrugged not at all affected by her feat.
"I think we have some serious things we need to discuss with Providence when we get home." Dagaa leaned into Madhava and said.
As they walked into their small house Madhava's thoughts swirled. What did this mean if he attempted to bond with Providence?
"I need to go wash the pond scum off." Providence said as she sashayed up the stairs before either Madhava or Dagaa could stop her.
"I don't even know where to begin." Dagaa said in frustration and confusion.
They were both at a loss as to how to proceed.
"I was so afraid when I saw her up there. We have to talk some sense into her. Providence can't go risking her tail like that." Madhava frowned.
"We are in agreement on this." Dagaa mirrored his mood. “Neither of us may be her Prime but tradition be damned. There is no way I can set aside the part of myself that demands I protect and shelter her."
"I know how you feel. She is a very capable female and I pity the creature that challenges her, however until a week ago all she knew was her planet and species. Cadi is unknown to her, and she has already been hurt by those nasty reptiles." Madhava growled.
"She is a fiery little warrior. It makes me proud that she defended herself so well." Dagaa smiled. "But even the best warrior is vulnerable at times. It is why a Prime chooses a Second in the first place, so if something happens his family is cared for."
"Dagaa before we talk to her you and I need to discuss some things between us." Madhava paced the living room. "Dagaa, where do you see this going with Providence? I know why I challenged you, but why did you accept?"
Madhava saw himself bonding with Providence. He wanted what he saw with other bonded pairs. He wanted young someday, and all the joys that went along with having a family that he'd been denied.
More than that, Madhava wanted to nurture the connection he felt with Providence. The way she looked at him turned his world upside down. All she had to do was walk into the room and everything brightened.
"I think I am falling in love with her." Dagaa admitted as he sat on the settee. "I've been fighting the urge to mark her. What about you?"
"The same." Madhava sighed.
This was a difficult position to be in, two males vying for the same female.
"I am sorry my friend, for how I've been acting. When I was a young warrior, I found the female I thought I would bond to with another. I shielded myself against facing that again, then along comes our fiery warrior. It's no excuse for being such an ass, but my feelings for Providence are so strong I feared losing her." Dagaa rubbed his hands over his face.
"Then we are quite the pair. You with an abundance of females but no love and me with a lack of females and still no love." Madhava shook his head. "You know Dagaa, you are like a brother to me. You accepted me when other warriors doubted my intentions. I never want to lose our friendship. You have no idea how valuable it is to me." Madhava walked over and clapped Dagaa on the shoulder.
"I feel the same my friend." Dagaa smiled.
"Now how in the name of Kali do we approach Providence? Do you think it's even possible that she could want or even handle what I think we are proposing?"
"Our fiery warrior is full of surprises. I think just maybe we have met our match my friend." Dagaa's grin broadened.
"Well then we better go hunt our Prime down."
It felt strange referring to Providence as their Prime, and yet it felt right at the same time. She was after all quickly becoming the center of their world.
Providence hid at the top of the stairs with a smile on her face as she listened to the two men. She thanked her lucky stars that Dagaa and Madhava were making up.
What surprised her though was the level of affection they both seemed to feel for her. If she wasn't mistaken they were suggesting that they both would mate, no bond with her. Providence still didn't quite understand what bonding meant, but she knew what love meant.
Providence found that she loved them too. The seedling had taken root in her heart and was growing stronger the longer she was with the two men. Providence didn't know what to expect from this unorthodox relationship, but she was willing to do anything to watch it bloom.
Providence heard the men coming up the stairs and quickly scampered towards the bathroom, where she started brushing her hair as if nothing were amiss.
The men entered the bathroom, and she glanced at them through the mirror. They towered over her, dressed in the small shorts they dove in. Dagaa's tail swished reminding her of a cat on the hunt, as he smiled baring his fangs.
"Madhava what should we do about our reckless little spy." Dagaa's eyebrow rose as his dark penetrating eyes stared at Providence in the mirror.
Providence paused. She was busted. They must have heard her run from the top of the stairs.
"I think we strip her, bathe, and then teach our fiery warrior a little math." Madhava smirked.
"Math?" Dagaa looked to Madhava.
"Yes. Two S
econds easily outnumber a Prime." Madhava cast her a debauched smile.
"Uh oh." Providence thought as her eyes widened.
The men crowded her then quickly stripped off her robe along with the bra and panties she used as a bathing suit earlier. Madhava stepped out of his shorts and his thick, studded cock sprang free pointing directly at her. Dagaa was at her left side his manhood poking at her hip.
Providence practically had whiplash as she looked from one male to the other. From Madhava's serious gaze, pronounced rugged features and stubbled jaw, to Dagaa's smooth, yet stunning masculine expression. Both men looked ready to eat her alive.
A nervous twinge crept through Providence as they ushered her beneath the warm spray in the shower. Something told her that the men would not hold back with her, not now. Was she ready for the two massive men to possess her completely?
Providence glanced at Dagaa. Her eyes traveled over his broad chest covered in black tattoos, to his muscular stomach. Then down to his large erect cock bobbing beneath the water. She bit her lip as she thought about what it would feel like inside her.
Madhava's soapy hand landed on her shoulder and Providence nearly jumped as she looked to him. He was built like a tank, broader than Dagaa, but just as handsome for all his harsh features.
Providence reached out to wash Madhava as he did for her. She wanted to touch them.
"No, no touching for you naughty little warrior." Dagaa said as he took her hands and held her wrists in front of her.
Dagaa held her immobile as Madhava reached around and washed her. The man ran his hands over her breasts cradling the globes as he massaged them. Providence nipples hardened beneath Madhava's red palms.
Providence looked at Dagaa. His wanton gaze followed Madhava's hands as they traveled down her stomach then to the cleft of her pussy.
Providence groaned as Madhava grazed her clit and washed her folds carefully. Her cleft was slick as his fingers barely delved into her channel. Too soon Madhava pulled away leaving her wanting.