Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online

Page 18

  "We have been contacting other species and have heard back from one called the Agurtzane. They have apparently located the Toufik planet, which is closer to their quadrant of space. Anyway the news they shared is not good. That is what we are going to discuss today." Dagaa explained.

  "What's going on?" Providence asked.

  Providence recalled the story Bird told her about the storms and volcanic eruptions on her planet. She liked the Toufik, they were a studious, good natured people. The plight of their planet hit home. Although Earth was doing fine when Providence was abducted, it did have its issues. Scientists insisted global warming was taking its toll on the blue planet, along with the fact Cila and Zer had alluded to rescuing humans from some perceived future disaster.

  "The Agurtzane probes have confirmed that the Toufik planet is not doing well at all. Cadi needs to decide how we are going to proceed."

  "Can I come along?" Providence asked.

  "You are not a regent or a member of the governing council, but seeing as we are, and you're officially our Prime, I imagine it would be allowed." Madhava conceded looking thoughtful.

  Dagaa, Madhava and Providence entered the council room with several of the other regents. Providence took a seat next to Giselle at the edge of the room.

  "Morning." Giselle nodded in greeting.

  "Good morning."

  "Can you believe the Agurtzane found the Toufik?"

  "I don't know how hard it was, but it had to be like finding a needle in a haystack." Providence replied.

  It was still hard to imagine finding alien life at all, yet in the span of a month Providence had met four species, and if she ever met the Agurtzane, they would make five.

  Kagan stood and everyone quieted.

  "Good day. Today we have gathered to discuss recent communications, pertaining to the Toufik, which we have received from the species our Foreign Relations Committee has been in contact with. Dagaa would you like to bring us up to speed?"

  Dagaa nodded to Kagan and the assembled regents as he stood.

  "As you all have been apprised we have been in contact with the Agurtzane, from the Delta 7 quadrant of galaxies. They are a species our ancestors were in contact with before the war. Based on the limited records we were able to pull from the Jurou Biljana ships, we felt the Toufik came from an area not far from Delta 7. The Agurtzane were kind enough to send out probes when we communicated our brethren's plight."

  "Recently the Agurtzane probes located the Toufik planet and report the conditions are indeed as bad as we suspected. Unfortunately they were not able to determine how long the Toufik have, but according to their preliminary estimates it's maybe a year at best before the planet becomes entirely inhospitable. So the issue before us today is, how do we plan to proceed with this information?" Dagaa sat back down.

  "The Toufik have aided us faithfully and were instrumental in bringing about the end of the war. As your Daimio I recommend that we plan a rescue mission over the next several months." Kagan stated his position.

  "We barely have a dozen ships. Do you suggest we risk what few we have?" One of the regents asked.

  "I do, and we can spare a few for such a noble cause. If we make several trips, we won't over extend ourselves." Kagan reasoned.

  "Do you truly believe we can support that many more Toufik?" A man asked.

  "We will not be supporting them, they will support themselves." Kagan countered.

  Many of the Cadi felt the Toufik were child-like and had to be cared for. Though from what Providence had seen, they could easily fend for themselves.

  "Daimio, I meant our planet. The combined population growth concerns me. It is something to consider." The man corrected.

  Providence nodded. That would indeed be a concern. Two apex species vying for the same resources on a planet could rapidly pose a problem.

  "Yes, of course. We will need to run those numbers." Kagan replied.

  Providence listened to the gathered Cadi as they debated the merits, pitfalls and all the details in between, of rescuing the Toufik. Providence's gut reaction was to organize a mission without delay. She had to bite her lip to keep from insisting on it in the council room. But of course rescuing those in need was what she did best. Providence never dealt with the logistics of permanently moving an entire population. Many of the Cadi regents had valid points, though not all were logical, some were fear based.

  The group broke for lunch and Providence sought out Giselle after eating with her men.

  "I'm glad I was never a politician." Providence mused as she and Giselle took a walk around the garden, instead of returning to the heated debate.

  "I know it's enough to make your head spin. Kagan's life isn't any easier with the war over, that's for sure." Giselle grimaced.

  "It's sad the fate of the Toufik depends on finite facts and figures. But I guess all these things have to be considered."

  Giselle nodded then a wicked little smile spread across her face as she glanced at Providence's neck.

  "So I see you bonded. So who's the lucky warrior?" Giselle beamed.

  "Both of them." Providence blushed as she admitted what she had been up to with her men.

  "Both?" Giselle turned with a surprised expression that turned to a broad grin. "I'm glad things worked out. I was worried."

  "Me too."

  Providence's head turned at the ruckus outside the garden wall. Men were shouting. As she and Giselle approached, Providence could hear the protesters.

  "No more foreigners!" Several yelled. "Cadi for Cadi." Others chanted.

  "Someone must have leaked the details of today's meeting." Giselle said with concern. "I can't believe how fast they've gathered."

  It was a good thing the regents were meeting. The concerns of the protesters had to be addressed because the nay sayers would probably only grow should more Toufik be brought to Cadi. It was sad but true.

  "How many people are against the Toufik?" Providence asked as she peeked through the staggered bricks in the wall.

  There appeared to be a mob of at least a hundred people out there. It was more than the gathered rabble that had caused trouble down by the river.

  "We figure that as much as eight percent of the population is up in arms across Cadi. It doesn't sound like much, but we both know how a determined group of people can cause trouble for the rest."

  Providence recalled the uproar back home about the number of Hispanic immigrants entering the States. She'd always thought it was a foolish debate. There were pros and cons to the issue, just like here on Cadi. But it seemed that no one remembered the lessons from history class. The U.S. during every era had seen an influx of immigrants from one region or another for various reasons. At the turn of the century people had been up in arms about the influx of Irish. On more than one occasion Providence had giggled, as she debated going to Arizona to stand among the anti-Hispanic mobs, holding a large sign that read 'Irish Go Home.' However she doubted few people would get the joke.

  There was a sound and Providence turned her head in time to see a Cadi male leap from the wall into the garden, several yards away. When he turned Providence saw that it was Geirr, the bigoted male that had approached the Toufik at the fishery.

  "Shit. Did you bring your communicator?" Providence asked Giselle.

  "No it's inside."

  "Where are the handful of guards usually wandering around?" Providence wondered out loud.

  "They must be dealing with the protesters." Giselle said as they quickly started back towards the manor house, to get away from the belligerent man.

  Giselle was suddenly yanked back, her hand tugged at Providence's, nearly causing her fall. Providence whirled to see Geirr gripping Giselle by the back of her shirt.

  "The Daimio needs to seriously listen to our demands." Geirr growled as he shook Giselle.

  "Let me go!" Giselle screamed as she attempted to pull away from the large male.

  "It's an abomination that our Daimio bonded with a foreigner, bu
t he's gone too far with this nonsense about the Toufik. He'll learn." Geirr sneered as he swung Giselle around like a rag doll.

  Giselle attempted to twist out of his grasp but couldn't get leverage.

  This couldn't be good for Giselle in her condition.

  "I suggest you let her go!" Providence demanded.

  "I don't take orders from foreigners." Geirr snarled as he reared back to strike Giselle.

  Being pissed about the Toufik was one thing, but being a violent asshole was another thing entirely. Providence had to do something before Geirr hurt Giselle.


  Madhava noticed the females didn't come back to the meeting after midday meal. He couldn't blame them, the proceedings were mind numbing and frustrating. One of the warriors entered and approached Kagan.

  "Roughly a hundred protesters have gathered outside the estate walls." The male whispered.

  Kagan was instantly pissed. One of the regents clearly had been talking outside of the proceedings. As Kagan stood he gestured to Cyprian to go assist the guards and make sure nothing got out of hand.

  "Regents I expect you all to discuss major issues with your regions. I do not wish to keep the citizens in the dark." Kagan snarled in reprimand at the gathered bureaucrats. "However I expect you to show a modicum of discretion."

  There was a sound outside that instantly silenced Kagan and had him turning to face the windows looking out onto the estate garden. Another female cry echoed and Madhava along with Dagaa were instantly on their feet, hot on Kagan's heels as he rushed out of the room.

  Madhava's heart thudded in his chest. His female was in danger. Her high-pitched yell, along with Giselle's cry had him running towards the garden like his life depended on it, which it did. If anything happened to sweet Providence...

  The three entered the garden in time to see Geirr attacking Giselle near the south wall. Giselle was sprawled on the ground, her shirt torn, as the male yanked her through the dirt.

  Providence's face was grim as she gripped a nearby shovel and swung it at the male, knocking him in the back. Geirr released Giselle and turned on Providence. She smacked him in the ribs with the tool, and the male went down with a bellow, the spade breaking in the process.

  "Didn't anyone teach you not to pick on woman?" Providence screamed at the threatening male.

  As Madhava rushed towards his mate, she kicked the crouching male in his face, her shoe hitting his nose. The man's head recoiled, his face pouring blood. Geirr moved to get up, attempting to take an aggressive stance. Before he could completely recover, Providence pulled back and punched him, again in the nose. Madhava could tell she broke his nose. He was both proud and livid all in the same breath.

  Madhava was snarling, vibrating with an indescribable rage as he reached Providence and Giselle. The liquid fury burning through his veins was unlike anything he had ever known.

  Providence spun around to see them, a look of relief instantly transforming her expression.

  In an instant Kagan was at Giselle's side, scooping her up and sheltering her in his arms. Madhava reached their mate and enveloped her, leaving the despicable male that dared to hurt their bonded, for Dagaa to secure. Providence trembled in his arms, the scent of her fear, driving him mad.

  Dagaa circled Geirr, his fangs bared, a feral snarl reverberating in his chest. Geirr faced off against Dagaa, daring to cast a bloody sneer at his friend. Dagaa tackled the male

  "I'm okay. Help Dagaa." Providence's said with a wavering voice.

  He glanced back to see Dagaa holding Geirr against the ground, with one arm twisted behind his back. Clearly Dagaa had the situation handled though his little mate had already done a number on the dishonorable male.

  "Daimio, do you mind seeing to our females while we take care of this problem?" Madhava looked to Kagan.

  Kagan's jaw was tense, the muscle flexing in anger as he nodded ascent. Madhava set Providence down by Kagan and the look that passed between him and his Daimio spoke volumes. Madhava tilted his chin up to indicate he caught Kagan's unspoken command. As if he needed to be told. Something this heinous would not stand!

  "Are you okay?" Madhava heard Providence ask Giselle as Kagan escorted them inside. It touched Madhava that his precious bonded was more concerned about someone else than herself.

  Once the females were safely out of sight Madhava turned back to the pathetic male. Dagaa released Geirr's arm and stood back. The male pushed to his feet, facing off against them, bristling with anger.

  Geirr thought he was angry, he didn't know anger. A vicious smile twisted Madhava's face. He would show the male anger.

  Dagaa and Madhava let loose their wrath as they set upon the dishonorable male. It wasn't a fair fight, two against one, but Geirr had sealed his fate attacking the females.

  A handful of punches later, Madhava found himself face to face with the panting bloody male.

  "If these were the old days, I'd gut you slowly for hurting my bonded." Madhava spoke calmly barely a breath from Geirr. His subdued tone belied the rage seething inside.

  The male just glared at him, unrepentant for his despicable acts.

  "Count yourself lucky." He snarled.

  Madhava lashed out, lightning quick he gripped the male's head and twisted, breaking his neck with a sickening crunch. Geirr dropped limp to the ground.

  "Clean this excuse for a warrior up." Dagaa bellowed to the nearby guards that had gathered.

  Justice was swift where males attacking females was concerned.

  "Let it be known, that no one touches my bonded." Madhava snarled to the warriors and anyone listening on the other side of the wall.

  Madhava huffed, willing his emotions to subside. He couldn't return to Providence looking like a rabid beast.

  "Did you see our girl?" Dagaa asked with a sideways glance as they marched into the manor.

  Madhava didn't like that his female had been attacked by the prejudice male, but she'd defended herself so well, it nearly made him grin from ear to ear.

  "Is it wrong to think she looked sexy beating that piece of shit?" Madhava asked attempting not to smile.

  "Probably but I'll be damned if I can convince my manhood to behave." Dagaa replied with a glance down at his crotch.

  Madhava grunted in agreement.

  The men found Providence sitting with Giselle in the rear foyer. Both females looked frazzled. Kagan knelt by Giselle checking every visible inch of her. Madhava felt an immense sense of relief from the fact they weren't visibly injured or collapsed in a heap of tears, now that the worst of everything was over. He couldn't bear it when Providence cried. His female was tough, he'd known that fact before, but seeing her in action just hammered that point home.

  "I'm fine Kagan, just a bit dirty and scraped up. “Giselle insisted. "He didn't get a chance to do more than knock me down."

  "Well you're having a medic check you anyway." Kagan growled as he picked Giselle up. "Thank you Providence. I am in your debt." Kagan told their little female.

  "Yes, thank you. You were bad ass." Giselle agreed with Kagan before he carried her towards the manor clinic.

  "Let the regents know the meeting is over for today." Dagaa instructed the guard by the door as he scooped Providence up in his arms.

  Their little mate was favoring the hand she punched Geirr with.

  "Are you okay?" Madhava asked in concern as he looked Providence over.

  He lifted her hand noticing her bloody knuckles and grimaced. His female may be a warrior at heart, but she was still delicate on the outside.

  "Nothing a little ice won't fix." Providence smiled wanly. "Boy am I glad you guys showed up when you did. Things escalated fast."

  "I'd feel better if the medic looked at your hand." Madhava insisted as he flexed each of her slender fingers.

  Providence winced and Madhava heard the gasp she tried to repress.

  "Okay, but I've been in my fair share of tussles, especially when I was younger. Let me just say, people neve
r made the mistake of talking crap about my sisters more than once. I've got a short fuse when it comes to people I care about."

  Madhava shook his head. He pictured his fiery mate taking other males to task. She was incorrigible.

  "Well you don't need to worry about this mess anymore." Dagaa said as they headed down the hall.

  Madhava concurred, he'd taken care of this particular problem.

  "I doubt that. It's clear there are Cadi that are very, very unhappy about foreigners being here." Providence frowned.

  The medic finished treating Giselle's scrapes then tended to Providence. Madhava nearly lost it when the male reported Providence had a hairline fracture in her smallest finger. The medic stabilized the injury though not much else could be done.

  "I'm just going to give you a little something for the pain." The male said as he picked up the injector.

  Providence nodded. Her tense expression relaxed, showing the medicine was taking effect.

  "Thank you." Providence said to the medic with a broad lazy smile.

  Madhava sighed knowing she was getting some relief. The scent of her anger, fear and pain had been needling him. Since he'd marked Providence, every one of his senses, at least where she was concerned, had been stronger. He felt like he was on high alert. The instant he heard her scream a switch had flipped in his brain sending him over the edge. It was slightly disturbing. He'd heard the older bonded males talk about what happened when a true bond existed, but nothing could've prepared him for this.

  Madhava pulled Providence in close, nuzzling her hair, needing the reassurance she was fine.

  "You should take her home. She's going to be lethargic for a bit." The medic encouraged.

  "Yes take me home, but I want a piggy back ride." Providence giggled.

  "And what is that beautiful?" Dagaa asked amused by her drug induced goofy demeanor.

  "This." Providence said.

  She precariously jumped up on the table, much to Madhava's surprise, and then launched herself awkwardly at him. Dagaa hovered by her side as Providence shimmied onto Madhava's back.

  "Giddy up horsey." Providence declared as she bucked her legs against his hips, like he was a pack animal.