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Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Page 21

  Madhava captured her lips in a bruising kiss. She felt his fear and relief as his tongue breached her mouth. Providence palmed his cheeks, running her fingers over the stubble on his chin.

  "I better make dinner, Madhava is clearly hungry." Dagaa said.

  Madhava pulled back and chuckled. His eyes danced in the firelight.

  Providence pulled on one of the cloaks Dagaa brought, tugging it closed as she cozied up to the fire again. Dagaa pulled out the steaks and spitted them, searing them over the fire.

  "That smells mouthwatering. With all the craziness, I didn't realize I was starving." Providence said as her stomach growled.

  "I agree. Dagaa is a pretty good cook. I've eaten better than I have in years." Madhava declared as he rubbed his belly as if he was putting on excess weight.

  "I'm average in the kitchen. How about you, are you a good cook?" Dagaa asked Providence.

  "Not too shabby. I hope to help out more when I get more familiar with everything." Providence was still getting familiar with the Cadi cuisine.

  "I noticed you liked the padana whenever we've made it." Dagaa replied.

  "What is a padana?"

  "It's a fur bearing, grazing beast about the size of a manx. We keep herds of them." Madhava explained.

  "It sounds like the cows we have back home." Providence replied.

  "Wait a minute I thought a cow was one of your deities?" Dagaa asked looking confused.

  Providence looked sideways at him for a second then broke out into a fit of giggles. The stressful day just made it worse, as she let loose and laughed till she doubled over, and her belly hurt.

  "Oh god. Okay so I've said holy cow one too many times." Providence gasped. "It's not a god, it's a saying. Well I guess to some humans it's a holy animal and they don't eat it. I'm sure that's where the saying came from, but most people find cows delicious." Providence giggled.

  "Interesting an animal that is a food and worshiped." Madhava considered with a tilt of his head.

  Providence sighed feeling so much better after a good laugh. She leaned against Madhava, watching Dagaa tend to their dinner. She thought about how nice it was to have not two, but three people to share the chores, not that she'd ever considered domestic home life much. Providence always assumed she'd have a normal partnership, but this was anything but traditional. She found herself more than happy with their arrangement.

  Providence realized that she wasn't quite certain what the status of their relationship was. The men had asked for her to bond with them. But their seemed to be some nuances between bonding and mating. Were they, officially married, engaged or what?

  "Tell me something. You spoke about bonding versus mating, and somehow bonding is connected to how I feel when you bite me. What does that really mean?" Providence asked.

  "You are our female." Dagaa grinned. "What we share is deeper than what unbonded mates share."

  "Mates can be together for many reasons, like status or a Second taking a widow. Sometimes they feel strongly for each other though the bond may never be forged. But a bonded couple generally shares not just the emotional connection, but a primal, soul deep connection." Madhava added.

  "I think I understand. Among my people a couple usually loves each other before they marry, or mate, unless it’s a marriage for convenience as we call it. But we don't have anything like bonding. It sounds like bonding is chemical thing, like lust gone wild. Never have I heard of a man biting a woman and well you know." Providence demurred, her lashes dipping as she stared up at them with a shuttered gaze.

  "Ah. Well yes, that is a difference between us. You clearly respond to our conjugo mark." Dagaa's eyes took on a wicked seductive look as he bared his fangs at her.

  Providence shivered as she recalled just how she did respond to their liquid euphoria.

  "Mating is usually a formal event that follows bonding." Madhava said. The look on his face said he knew exactly where her wayward thought had gone.

  "Most loving couples tend to find themselves bonded, sometimes one happens before the other, but it usually coincides." Dagaa added as he squeezed Providence.

  "It is hard to explain how bonding happens, besides the obvious act of marking. It’s like being struck by lightning. One day you like a female and the next you find yourself desperate to sink your teeth into her and claim her for the entire world to see." Madhava leaned in and whispered into Providence's neck, his lips tickling the bite mark he'd given her on her shoulder.

  Providence felt her nipples harden. She felt their bond, it was nothing like she'd felt at home for any man. Dagaa was right it went deeper than just raw attraction. Not only did she want them desperately, to the point she wanted to jump their bones, but she also orgasmed so hard when they bit her. It was a shocking and crazy biological response since she wasn't Cadi. But it wasn't all just lust. Providence found herself rapidly falling deeply in love with her men.

  "So are we going to be mated?" Providence asked.

  "We'd be happy to have the ceremony." Dagaa beamed as he pulled her onto his lap while Madhava plated their steaks.

  "Are you asking me to marry you, because that was a pretty pathetic proposal?" Providence smiled coyly.

  "Yes!" Madhava jumped in quickly making both Dagaa and Providence laugh.

  "You, my fiery warrior, have brought joy and light to my life. I praise the Goddess for the day I discovered you on that ship. With every day that passes I find my heart more deeply ensnared by you. For the first time I am excited about what the future may hold by your side, and I can't picture a tomorrow without you. So yes my bonded, it would be a great honor if you would mate us for all to see that you are our chosen." Dagaa caressed her cheek then pulled her in for a kiss that stole her breath.

  When Dagaa released her, Madhava was in front of her, on his knees.

  "I never fathomed I'd find a female who could accept this." Madhava gestured to himself. "A harsh cruel male who has been far from perfect. I'd long given up my hopes for a bonded, certain it was a fate meant for better warriors. But what I see in your eyes when you look at me, it humbles me and shatters all the walls I built to shield myself. I don't deserve you, but goddess I need you like the very air I breathe. If you are willing to have me for all to see, it would make me the happiest warrior in all of Cadi." Madhava squeezed her so tight as his lips descended on hers.

  Providence was ready to cry. Her men had made an oath to care for her, they'd rescued her from peril and worshiped her body. She believed they cared but hearing just how deep their emotions went touched her soul.

  A dozen sentiments went through her mind. She'd crossed the whole of creation to find not just one but two men that loved her. When all this began she'd questioned and cursed fate. Now she knew what had been awaiting her. It made all that she suffered worth it and far surpassed her wildest dreams. Surely there was a divine hand directing all of this. Providence was so struck by the intensity of it all, she was speechless.

  "I love you two." Providence sniffed. It was all she could stammer out.

  "Then it is settled we will mate." Madhava grinned wide as he knelt in front of her.

  "Where and when?" Dagaa asked happily.

  "Here. We should get married up here." Providence beamed giddily.

  "I would like that." Dagaa replied looking touched.

  This place clearly meant a lot to him. Despite the incident with the metcor, Providence could think of no better place.

  "I think this would be a great place. Let's arrange it before the season changes." Madhava suggested.

  "We better eat before it gets cold." Dagaa mentioned as he handed her a plate from beside the fire.

  They ate and watched the hypnotic flames as the stars twinkled overhead, then retired up in the treehouse for the night. Providence was disappointed her men refused to make love to her after seeing the bruise and scrapes along her side, even though she insisted she was fine. Instead the men stroked her body as they snuggled her from either side and kissed her t
ill she was content. Providence smiled as she drifted into a blissful secure sleep wrapped in the arms of the men she loved.

  10 So That Others May Live


  "Dammit!" Dagaa snarled as he read the message on his communicator. He couldn't believe their trip was being cut short.

  "What is it?" Madhava asked.

  "Kagan sent a message. We have to return." Dagaa groused as he sat up and got out of bed.

  "Ahh why?" Providence asked as she rolled sleepily in the bed.

  "The Agurtzane reported that the Toufik's planet conditions are worse than we feared. Kagan is mounting an emergency rescue mission and needs as many teams as possible to man the star cruisers." Dagaa reported as he began collecting their belongings.

  "Oh no." Providence frowned as she got up and started dressing. "We better get back then. Who all is going?"

  "I'll be required since I'm one of the primary pilots." Dagaa replied.

  He didn't relish the thought of leaving Providence so soon for such a dangerous mission, but he also couldn't bear the thought of the Toufik being decimated. The Cadi owed them much. Honor and his personal commitment demanded he do what he could. Dagaa took comfort that Madhava would be there to care for Providence while he was away, and if anything should happen...

  "What's wrong?" Providence asked as she rested her palm against his chest.

  "I don't want to leave you. I have no idea what we'll be facing and I might not make it back." Dagaa hesitantly admitted.

  He didn't want to frighten Providence, but he couldn't keep her in the dark either.

  "Who says you're going alone? This is what I'm trained to do." Providence stated defiantly placing her hands on her hips.

  "Providence I have no idea what we are getting into." Dagaa reasoned. "There's no way."

  The thought of Providence facing the dangers that likely awaited were enough to give Dagaa heart palpitations. In the last week she'd been threatened by a violent male and nearly torn to pieces by a metcor. That was more than enough to send him reeling. What kind of male would knowingly drag his female to a dying planet?

  "Madhava?" Providence looked to his friend for support.

  "I have to agree with Dagaa." Madhava replied looking just as disturbed by the prospect as Dagaa.

  "Men!" Providence snarled as she stomped out of the treehouse and tromped down the stairs.

  Providence was silent, well almost silent, the entire way back home, as she stared out the window, refusing to look at them. Occasionally she would grumble something that sounded rather uncomplimentary. Dagaa didn't like that she was angry with him, but there was no way he'd risk her life. From what they'd learned from Stone, their Toufik brethren, the Toufik planet was a mess. The planet was ripping itself apart with volcanic eruptions and cataclysmic storms. If the Agurtzane reported conditions were worse, then the Goddess only knew what would greet him.

  When he landed at the manor, they left their bags in the cottage and headed towards the main house. Providence followed behind Dagaa and Madhava as they walked to the council room. Dagaa was about to protest but the angry look on her face silenced him.

  "I'm going to talk to Kagan and this council." She insisted, and he wisely closed his mouth.

  Madhava's eyes widened at Providence's tone.

  Dagaa didn't think they'd ever get used to her ire.

  The trio entered the council room and everyone present turned to acknowledge them. They didn't bat an eye at Providence's presence, since Giselle already sat stoically beside Kagan. It seemed the Cadi council of regents were getting used to the input from these unusual human females.

  "Good, now that we are all here. The Agurtzane have sent the recent images and data their probes collected from the Toufik planet." Kagan brought up the dimensional image in the center of the long table. "There seems to be only a half dozen remaining Toufik colonies on the planet, but the areas are rapidly degrading. We unfortunately don't know how many Toufik are occupying those colonies." Kagan pointed to five locations on the planet.

  "I understand that the last time we discussed this issue we were debating if we were capable of mounting a rescue mission." Kagan continued. "Considering the urgency I have made the decision that we are dedicating half our fleet, and will be leaving as soon as we can gather the necessary warriors and supplies."

  There were murmurs in the room, but no one openly objected to Kagan's decision. It was Kagan's right to do so. Although the Daimio granted his regents a lot of power, Kagan didn't have to consult them at all. He had the final say in all things.

  Dagaa nodded in agreement with Kagan's decision. It was only right that the Cadi stand up and assist the Toufik.

  "What is our goal?" Providence spoke up much to Dagaa's surprise. She remained quiet at the last meeting.

  "It’s a rescue mission. We retrieve as many Toufik as possible." Kagan stated simply.

  "No offense but that is obvious. However if there are more people than can be safely rescued then sadly, tough decisions must be made." Providence smiled kindly.

  She wasn't being snippy with Kagan, unlike her current mood with Dagaa and Madhava. Dagaa could see Providence's mind working on the problem. He didn't discount her training in these types of missions, but trusting her council and taking her along were two different things.

  "As expected, females and young will take priority." Kagan stated.

  "And besides your pilots, who will monitor and organize your ground teams? Who will monitor the numbers rescued and make the hard decision when to cut them off and abide by it? There are certain skill sets that should be considered."

  Dagaa listened as Providence spoke. She asked so many good and logical questions the council was amazed. The Cadi regents were getting used to the tenacious human females, but the reality still surprised them. Compared to Cadi females, the humans were more like Cadi warriors in personality.

  "Rescuing people in difficult places is what Providence did back home." Giselle smiled proudly at her friend and fellow human.

  Dagaa couldn't help but smile. Providence was pretty wonderful. He wasn't surprised that Providence posed such good points. He was more shocked by the things she brought up that he hadn't considered about this mission. It was difficult just getting Cadi on board with rescuing the Toufik in the first place, now they quickly had to mount a rescue mission.

  Providence smiled at Giselle then her face turned serious again.

  "I'm going with you. This is what I was trained to do. This image shows a lot about the planet, but situations change in an instant. You need someone who can roll with the punches."

  "Providence!" Dagaa had to repress his urge to get up and haul her out of the room.

  Providence refused to look at him and stared only at Kagan.

  Providence was openly contradicting him, which he hadn't expected. Of course the human females never behaved as expected. Clearly Dagaa hadn't impressed on her how strongly he felt about her staying behind on Cadi. He should've known. Providence clearly stated she was going to talk to Kagan.

  Dagaa wanted to groan in frustration as he noticed all the males staring at them. He didn't want Providence going on this deadly mission, but this wasn't the forum to argue with his bonded. Quarreling with his mate here, rather than behind closed doors put him in an awkward position. However when it came to her safety Dagaa didn't care.

  "Kagan I must protest." Dagaa insisted.

  "Dagaa." Kagan held up his hand halting his protest. Kagan looked from Dagaa to Providence to Madhava, his brow creased in consternation.

  Everyone in the room was quiet as the Daimio considered the situation for a moment. Kagan looked over at Giselle briefly and sighed.

  "As much as this may pain you my friend, Providence won certain rights when she bested you and Madhava. She is the Prime in your trio. I understand your concerns, however we do not have the time to locate someone else with the same type of experience in search and rescue as Providence possesses."

mouth opened in shock, then closed it. He nodded curtly to his Daimio and sat back down. This was entirely unprecedented. No doubt this was the first of many repercussions of Providence winning that damn contest. He and Madhava had only themselves to blame for that foolishness.

  Dagaa was able to easily concede that Providence was the most experienced person here, but the thought of her risking her tail twisted his stomach in knots.

  Madhava growled under his breath also unhappy about Kagan's decree. Dagaa's shoulders slumped in defeat.


  Providence had kept her mouth shut during the last meeting when the regents debated whether to rescue the Toufik. She hadn't felt qualified to tell the Cadi what to do since their decision had overarching effects on the whole of society. However now that Kagan had decided to attempt a rescue, Providence was in her element.

  Once the council wrapped their heads around the fact Kagan was committed to going on this dangerous mission the meeting progressed much better. The bulk of the regents were former warriors and were capable of teasing out strategy in war. They approached this rescue as a particularly heinous retreat scenario. It was clear the men were more than capable of plotting out a triage plan in a nasty situation.

  All Providence had to do was pose the occasional suggestion or make points based on her own experience back home. When it came to the logistics of space travel Providence wasn't much help. However she did know how to form competent rescue teams and suggest viable drop points given the terrain pictured on the map of the Toufik planet.

  Madhava and Dagaa didn't pose any more argument against her going on the mission. They stuck to the topic at hand, treating her as a fellow warrior, but she could tell they weren't pleased, even though they'd be on the same retrieval team.

  Providence understood her men's concern, but there was no way she was backing down. It shocked her a bit that Kagan sided with her. Although Providence had a feeling if she hadn't won the position of Prime, he would've sidelined her despite her experience, or at the very least taken her advice but then made her stay home. That aggravated Providence to no end, but since things fell in her favor she wasn't about to argue how foolish the Cadi way of doing things was.