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Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Page 29

  Providence held in her laugh. She didn't know if they would still try to keep her but they had to unload Dagaa and the Toufik.

  "When?" Madhava demanded.

  "Your friend should be out of the surgical unit in an hour. We can use our small cruiser to transport everyone over." Cila said.

  "I expect to hear from you in an hour." Madhava insisted.

  He looked reticent to sign off as he stared at Providence but one of the Miran Sona disconnected the transmission before he could object.

  Providence frowned, not having had a chance to say good bye.

  "Cila this is not what we agreed on when we went on this mission." Zer said as he looked at his mate.

  "Well things change. Do you want to start a war with these people? They are not planet bound like the humans." Cila pointed out.

  "We are well equipped now that we know what to expect." Zer stated.

  "Yes, but look how fierce that male was. Providence is mated to him. She is also mated to the one in surgery. Do you think for an instant they will let us take her without a fight? What would you do in their position?" Cila argued.

  Zer's expression softened as he looked at his mate then nodded in understanding. Providence kept her mouth shut as Cila argued in her favor. Cila knew her mate and knew whatever crazy rules the Miran Sona used to justify their actions.

  "It seems foolish to risk the entire colony over one human, especially when Providence is happy and safe with the Cadi." Cila smiled at her mate, seeing she was swaying him.

  "And like I told Cila. I promise you I'll cause a whole lotta trouble if you try to take me again."

  Both Zer and Exo groaned. Providence was pretty sure she heard some exasperated comment about females. Providence smiled as she said a silent thanks to the Creator. Things were going to be just fine.


  The moment Madhava heard Providence's voice, and she told him Dagaa would be okay a sense of relief the likes of which he'd never known overcame him. When Providence had struggled out of his grasp and been swept up into that ship he thought his life was over. It took every bit of control he could muster to get back on the starship and evacuate the planet before the storm overwhelmed them.

  But now they were safe, all of them. The brother he thought dead, was being healed. It was too good to believe. Madhava had to leave the control room to get ahold of himself.

  "Let me know if anyone hails us with an emergency." Madhava brusquely instructed Ashtoret.

  He swiftly moved through the hall to the quarters he shared with Providence and Dagaa. Their combined scent was so strong in the room, he drew in a deep calming breath. Providence's sweet perfume washed over him, burrowing deep into his soul.

  Madhava dropped to his knees and bowed his head.

  "Thank you." Madhava choked out a prayer to Kali, thanking her for sparing his family, and delivering him from the unimaginable sorrow he'd felt closing in. A shudder of relief racked through his entire body as he broke down.

  When Madhava finally looked up, the hour had passed.

  "Ashtoret any word from the Miran Sona?" Madhava inquired.

  "Their cruiser as already left their starship." Ashtoret reported.

  Madhava rapidly made his way through the ship, stopping outside the sealed loading bay. As he paced back and forth in the corridor, monitoring the progress of the Miran Sona cruiser on the small vid screen as he paced. Time moved impossibly slow.

  By the time the cruiser entered the loading bay and the hangar doors sealed behind it, he was ready to pry open the door to get in there. It took way too long for the room to re-pressurize.

  He felt like an animal. The beast that lurked within him was clawing at his insides demanding to see its mate. He was ready to hold her in his arms and never let her go.

  Madhava was through the doors the instant they disengaged. He raced to the foreign cruiser and almost jumped aboard when the ramp lowered.

  Emerald green eyes greeted him. Not even the Creator herself could have looked so radiant in that moment. It didn't matter that Providence was dirty or her fiery red hair was a tangled mess. She was here. She was safe.

  Madhava pulled her into his arms and spun her around.

  "I thought I had lost you." He husked as he nuzzled her hair, gripping her tight against his chest.

  "I love you." Providence cried. Her fingers fluttered over his shoulders, neck and face as she peppered him with kisses.

  "Don't cry beautiful. Please don't cry." Madhava entreated only making Providence cry harder.

  Madhava looked over to see Dagaa unconscious on a cot.

  "He'll be just fine." Providence laughed, though tears still streamed down her cheeks. Her emotions were all over the place.

  Madhava couldn't control the overwhelming sense of elation that having his family restored and by his side, sent surging through him. All he could do was hold Providence and stare at his brother.

  A pale male with solid black oblong eyes appeared along with a similar looking female. Though the male looked concerned, as he held the female back. The female smiled with her narrow mouth at Providence. Although these people had taken Providence from her home, they were responsible for bringing her into his life, saving Dagaa, and reuniting them all safely to him.

  Madhava dropped to his knees, still clutching Providence, and bowed to them.

  "Thank you. I am in your debt." Madhava choked out.


  Dagaa's eyes flew open and his arms shot out.

  "The storm!" Dagaa shouted.

  "Shhhh." A melodic voice soothed him.

  "Calm down you son of a metcor, you almost struck our mate." The welcome gruff voice chastised.

  Dagaa looked to see the beautiful green eyes he thought he'd never lay sight on again. Madhava sat smiling, next to Providence on the bed. Providence leaned in curtaining him with her crimson hair as she pressed her lips against his in the sweetest kiss. Dagaa wrapped his arms around her, gripping her lush body close to his chest.

  Dagaa groaned into her mouth.

  "Oh, I'm hurting you?" Providence pulled back her face twisted with concern.

  "Never." Dagaa replied then stopped.

  He actually felt pretty good, just a lingering soreness. Dagaa sat up and pulled back the sheet covering him. He looked in shock at his arm then his leg.

  "What in the name of Kali?" Dagaa exclaimed.

  He was healed. Not even Jorg could've worked a miracle like this. He looked around the room he shared with Providence and Madhava. Had he imagined everything? Dagaa shifted his tail and looked at its stunted length.

  "Sorry the Miran Sona couldn't fix everything." Providence frowned.

  "Are you kidding me? I don't care about that. How in the hell? What happened?" Dagaa asked almost too stunned for words.

  "I'm glad you don't mind my friend, but I still promise to kick the ass of the warrior that dares to say anything about how long my tail is compared to yours." Madhava said with a sober face.

  Dagaa burst into laughter.

  "Madhava!" Providence swatted Madhava in the arm.

  Madhava grinned as Dagaa doubled over gripping his stomach, he laughed so hard. It felt good. Things had been way too intense.

  "I can't believe you just made a dick joke!" Providence grinned as she elbowed his smiling friend.

  "Stop. Seriously what the hell happened? How long have I been out?" Dagaa groaned. He still ached from his ordeal. "The last thing I remember is Stone and some of the other males carrying my pathetic tail towards the plateau."

  Madhava chuckled at Dagaa's inadvertent double entendre.

  "Stop it! It’s not funny anymore!" Providence swatted Madhava again casting a serious smirk at him.

  Dagaa wasn't offended. He was amused and touched how Providence defended him against Madhava's jibes.

  Madhava tugged her close and kissed the top of her head.

  "I'm sorry beautiful. I'm just so relieved. I can't help but make light of everything, now." Madha
va said, as he stared at Dagaa, over top of her head.

  The look that passed between them spoke more than words ever would of how relieved the brother of his heart was at seeing him whole and hearty, well almost whole.

  "Madhava took out the Jurou Biljana." Providence said.

  "I have a hazy recollection of seeing the wreckage." Dagaa nodded.

  "We sent ropes down the cliff to get you guys but the storm was finally upon us." Madhava said.

  "You should've seen it. The twister swallowed up the lake." Providence shivered.

  She had one hand resting on Dagaa's chest and one hand on Madhava at all times like she couldn't bring herself to let them go. Dagaa soaked up the sensation. His hand gripped her as she sat between them.

  "Then the people that took Providence from her home showed up. They sucked you all into their ship, Providence included. I nearly lost my mind." Madhava frowned at their little mate.

  Dagaa had a feeling there was a story there.

  "My friend, Cila had been looking for me. She wanted to rescue me from those reptiles and followed them to the Toufik's planet. They were able to heal you. I just can't fathom how everything turned out the way it did." Providence shook her head.

  Providence's eyes welled up as she thought on the things that had transpired. Dagaa pulled her head against his chest, reveling in her warmth and touch.

  Only the Goddess herself could've worked such miracles. As Dagaa looked down at Providence, he realized just how apt her name was. She was goddess sent, the embodiment of love. Without his precious mate, he would have been dead more than once on this mission. Not only that but without her, his life would be empty. Providence filled the hole in his soul. He was truly blessed.

  15 Family Trees


  "We will be landing soon in an area called the Primal Forest. Thank you again for your assistance transporting the Toufik." Dagaa said to the image of Hiroki, their Agurtzane ally, on screen.

  "We are honored to assist. I just regret we were unable to assist you more during the attack on the planet." Hiroki burbled.

  "Again, no need to apologize. You had a serious hull breach that had to be dealt with, it is understandable. This was not your battle, nor did we expect to be ambushed. All ended well." Dagaa smiled. "There will be a celebration when we land. Our Daimio would be honored if you would join us."

  "Thank you. I guess we now know what to expect from the Jurou Biljana if we ever encounter them again. We look forward to your celebration and will see you soon." Hiroki nodded as he signed off.

  Providence was glad the Agurtzane were still willing to bring the overflow of Toufik all the way to Cadi after what had happened. They were returning with all the Toufik they had been able to find, along with a not just one but two allies.

  Though Cila, Ion, Zer and Exo hadn't joined them, they had parted on good terms. Madhava and Dagaa had pledged to assist the Miran Sona in the future should they ever need anything for the colony. Providence felt glad that the fledgling human colony would now have the added support.

  Providence smiled as the rapidly approaching image of Cadi reappeared on the control room screen.

  "What are you smiling about?" Dagaa asked as he wrapped his arms around Providence.

  She snuggled into him as she sat staring at the blue and green planet that was so similar to Earth. She was practically shaking with excitement.

  "I'm ready to walk on solid land that's not going to implode." Providence rubbed his clasped hands at her stomach.

  "It is a sight for sore eyes." Dagaa whispered into her ear, his lips running along her lobe.

  Providence shivered as she soaked up the affection he showered on her.

  "I might just fall on my knees and kiss the ground." Madhava said in all seriousness.

  Madhava had been a little morose since they had left the Toufik planet, but loving, very loving. Then again they all were strung-out. Nearly losing everything had pushed them to their limits and beyond. Poor Madhava had taken on the lion's share of ship duties while she and Dagaa slept a lot. Dagaa had an excuse, he was still healing. Providence was just plain exhausted. When Providence wasn't sleeping she was doing her best to help tend to Dagaa and the Toufik passengers. That hadn't left a lot of time for extracurricular activities. Providence was okay with just sleeping between her two men. Considering everything that had happened it felt like a gift in itself. Now she was ready to be back home, just her and her men. She was beyond ready to do all the salacious things that flitted through her head.

  "It couldn't be because we're heading straight for the Primal Forest could it?" Dagaa smiled against her neck.

  "Maybe." Providence demurred.

  "Maybe?" Madhava looked back from where he was seated at the control console.

  "Yeah." Providence grinned at him. "I'm also happy Tytus' assistant is going to be okay."

  The injured male was still in a drug-induced coma, but things looked good. Sadly the poor old Toufik male that had been injured in the same blast did not fare as well.

  There was a beep and the image of Cadi shifted to show a pair of familiar faces.

  "Hello Daimio, Giselle." Dagaa greeted them.

  "Hello" Providence beamed at her friends.

  Giselle waved at them, smiling. It was so good to see them.

  "Seriously, forget the formality Dagaa." Kagan insisted. "I hear you tried to end our friendship a little prematurely on that damn planet."

  Dagaa chuckled.

  "Well everything is set for the ceremony and the Toufik. You sure you don't want to catch your breath once you land?" Kagan asked.

  "No!" Madhava and Dagaa said simultaneously.

  Providence giggled at their eagerness. She was eager to mate with them too.

  "Providence I did that favor you asked." Kagan said.

  "Oh I can't wait." Giselle chimed in bouncing next to Kagan.

  "What favor?" Dagaa asked.

  Dagaa and Madhava looked at her curiously.

  "You'll find out soon enough." Providence smiled.

  As Providence looked over at Madhava, she hoped her special request didn't backfire. It would upset her on her special day.

  "We should be there within the hour." Madhava announced.

  "Until then." Kagan nodded and signed off.

  "I really like your suggestion." Madhava said to Dagaa.

  "Me too. I think Stone appreciated it too." Providence added.

  "I can never repay them for how they helped me. I hope after living in that wasteland the Toufik love the forest as much as I do." Dagaa said seriously.

  "They will, it is so gorgeous up there." Providence encouraged him.

  "It'll be like paradise." Madhava smiled at his friend.

  Providence stood with her men as Cadi got larger and larger. The closer they loomed the more excited she grew. This would be her wedding day. Not that she had to have the ceremony to know Dagaa and Madhava were hers, but she wanted the world to see they were hers, and she was theirs. The violet sky greeted them as they burst through the clouds. The massive trees below reached up with their welcoming boughs. Their starship aimed for a large clearing in the valley, near the river they'd hiked alongside during their last visit.

  The instant they landed Providence rushed towards the loading bay with her men following, laughing behind her. She felt guilty for not assisting to get the Toufik unloaded, but Stone looked like he had it handled. Many of them watched her, smiling, as she ran towards the exit.

  As the hangar doors opened Providence took in a deep breath of the fresh fragrant air. She closed her eyes and took in the faint scent that reminded her of a mix of pine and rosemary.

  Suddenly a pair of arms scooped her up and jogged down the ramp. Providence squealed and smiled up at Dagaa as he spun her around. The towering trees up above whirled around and round.

  "Dagaa let me go! I'm going to vomit!" Providence cried out.

  "Never. I will never let you go." He husked as he kissed her.

  Kagan and Giselle along with several other Cadi warriors stood watching them in amusement. Some were regents she recognized, along with their families. Providence looked out to see blankets spread out across the field and at one end was more food than she'd ever seen in one place.

  "Don't make her puke." Madhava took ahold of her and Dagaa relinquished. Madhava then tickled her. "At least not until I have my turn." He teased.

  Dagaa grinned as he walked up to Kagan. Madhava placed her on the ground and followed. Both men placed their fists on their chests and bowed to Kagan. Providence bowed but before she could right herself Giselle tackled her with a giant hug.

  "Oh my god I was so worried. Kagan kept threatening to sedate me." Giselle said as she squeezed Providence tight.

  "It was touch and go." Providence sighed.

  She couldn't believe how good it felt to be home. The thought suddenly struck her. This WAS home. If she was on Earth, she would've never met nor been able to have both of her men. As much as she wanted to see her family again, Madhava and Dagaa would never be able to go to Earth with her, even if it was possible to return. This was her family. This was her home.

  Providence looked up to see Dagaa and Kagan were looking at the edge of the clearing. Madhava was standing several paces away staring at a female with a young boy and girl. The woman was staring back at him.

  "That's her. Be forewarned, it took some convincing by Kagan to get her here." Giselle whispered.

  Providence walked up next to Madhava and wrapped her arm around his. Madhava turned to Providence looking confused and vulnerable.

  "That's Kore." He said.

  "Yes, I wanted to meet your sister." Providence encouraged him forward.

  Thankfully the woman didn't retreat as they approached. Her mate took hold of the children and stepped back a few paces.

  "Hello Kore."

  "Hello Madhava." Kore replied

  "Thank you for coming to witness my mating."

  "Our new Daimio insisted. Since he is an honorable male, I didn't want to refuse him." Kore punctuated the word honorable.

  Providence could practically feel Madhava deflate beside her.