Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online

Page 30

  "Again thank you, it is good seeing you. I'm sorry I must go assist Stone with the Toufik." Madhava said as he pulled from Providence's grasp and headed across the clearing to the starship.

  Providence was instantly pissed with Madhava's sister. Madhava may not want to rip her blinders off, but Providence didn't have the same compunction.

  "I don't know why the Daimio insisted I should be here?" Kore stated as Providence was debating what to say to her.

  "I made the request."

  "You have a perfectly good male why are you even bothering with Madhava?" Kore shook her head as if Providence was a giant idiot for wanting to mate Madhava.

  Providence had heard enough. She marched forward and stuck her finger in the woman's face.

  "I'm mating your brother because I love him and have never met a man more willing to sacrifice his happiness, flesh and blood for his loved ones!" Providence snarled.

  "Then you don't know him very well. Do you know what he did while serving our former Daimio?"

  "Yes. The question is do you? While you were free to mate and have a family. Madhava was getting tortured on a regular basis because he refused to let Uthyr attack your mother. But was he free when your mother took her own life and Uthyr was dead? No! He was subjected to the brutal whims of Vigdis. If he had been without family, he would've rebelled far sooner, but no, he accepted scar upon scar on his body and on his soul, all to assure not just your safety, but that of your children." Providence railed.

  Kore stood with her mouth open.

  "I know Cadi females don't involve themselves in warrior's affairs, but make no mistake your willful ignorance doesn't absolve you of any of it. All the things you condemn Madhava for, lay equally on your shoulders."

  Providence whirled around and stomped off before she ruined her wedding day by punching Madhava's sister in the mouth.

  Providence berated herself for thinking she could arrange some sort of happy reunion. Clearly Kore was a fool. Her heart still ached for Madhava. Now she'd gone and rubbed salt in that wound.

  She arrived back at the starship to see the Agurtzane vessel with additional Toufik land. Hiroki and Sidika descended from their ship wearing something that looked like a wet suit with an odd bubbling collar. The strange respirator appeared to wash water over the gills in their neck, making it possible for them to breathe easy on dry land.

  Kagan approached the Agurtzane and pressed his fist to his chest in greeting.

  "I am Kagan, Daimio of Cadi and this is my bonded mate Giselle." Kagan introduced himself and Giselle.

  "Greetings Daimio Kagan. I am Hiroki and this is Sidika."

  Providence waved and smiled at the Agurtzane, who nodded to her with a smile in return.

  "Thank you for your assistance. I am honored to have you celebrate a successful mission with us today." Kagan strode forward to stand next to the Agurtzane.

  "Thank you, it is our honor." Hiroki bowed. His eyes however were drawn to the giant trees in awe. No doubt his planet didn't have such things.

  "I hope we have prepared some fare to your liking." Kagan gestured towards the banquet.

  Providence glanced at the long tables piled high with food. On one lay a giant fish the size of a massive tuna, stuffed with roasted vegetables. Providence wondered if Kagan hunted that behemoth down specifically to please his new allies, and to assure they were comfortable at the celebration.

  "Your hospitality is greatly appreciated." Hiroki smiled at the sight.

  Providence's head turned in time to see the new Toufik disembarking from the Agurtzane ship. Her anger instantly dissipated watching their furry faces fill with wonder as they strode down the ramp. More than one hairy individual almost tripped as they stared out at the verdant landscape that would be their new home.

  Stone, Petal, Giselle and Kagan ushered both the Toufik and the Agurtzane over to the banquet. Providence joined them and found Dagaa and Madhava already assisting the other Toufik in grabbing a meal. The smile on her face was so wide it nearly hurt. The adult Toufik were hesitant and not greedy as they filled their plates. The youth weren't so reserved.

  Providence and Giselle giggled as one hairy little boy piled his plate so high it nearly collapsed under the weight. His father made an admonishing gesture, but Stone clapped the male on the shoulder and made a motion, insisting the male relax and enjoy himself. The alpha male's face transformed as it truly dawned on him that his people would no longer have to scrape out a tenuous living.

  "Worth the loss of a little tail, isn't it?" Dagaa whispered from behind Providence.

  Providence turned and smiled up at him, glad he was happy and no worse for the wear.

  "I hope you don't mind sharing our big day?" Dagaa said.

  "Never, this is the best celebration I could ever imagine."

  Providence didn't mind one bit that this was a dual celebration. In fact it only made their special day more monumental. If she had married some guy back on Earth her reception wouldn't have been nearly so awesome or meaningful.

  "Providence, meet Ismat. He is the monk who will perform your mating." Giselle introduced Ismat.

  "Hello, nice to meet you."

  "Ismat good to see you again. Thank you for coming. Eat up." Dagaa started chatting with the monk.

  Providence listened for a bit, then extricated herself and wandered over to Madhava. She wrapped her arms around his waist, at least as far as they'd reach around his broad frame.

  "I'm sorry. I really thought that Kagan personally asking her to be here would change her opinion somehow."

  "Never be sorry for anything you do for me." Madhava hugged Providence. "I got to see the young. They are getting big. Timur looks so much like my father it's striking."

  Providence hugged him back. Despite his sister's rejection Madhava still appreciated getting the chance to see his niece and nephew, if only from afar.

  "I love you." Providence snuggled into his chest.

  "Let's grab something to eat." Dagaa walked up to them with a smile.

  "Agreed or we might go hungry." Madhava grinned as he elbowed Stone.

  Stone bared his teeth and pretended to snap at Madhava as he reached for a plate. Petal with her big round belly yanked the hair on the back of Stone's head then made a gesture.

  "She said mind your manners children are watching." Giselle whispered as she joined them in the buffet line.

  Providence joined her men on a blanket in front of a giant bonfire, near the shore of the river. The cozy fire had been lit as daylight began to wane. It felt nice as the air began to chill. Providence sipped a glass of wine as she looked around. Kagan, Giselle and Ismat, sat on a blanket at one side of her. Stone and Petal were on the other side. Kore and her family apparently decided to stay, after what she'd said, and were seated at one end of the front row. The Toufik and Cadi were on various blankets in the field. Despite the flagging daylight several of the young Cadi had finished eating and were happily splashing around in the river, taking delight in the clean fresh water. Providence laughed as she noticed the Agurtzane had joined them in the water as well.

  "Are you happy?" Dagaa asked.

  "Yes!" Providence leaned into him and stuck her feet in Madhava's lap.

  Madhava grinned and slipped her shoes off, wiggling her toes before massaging her feet.

  "Good so am I." Dagaa said as he rubbed her shoulders.

  "Me too." Madhava smiled as he palmed her calf.

  Providence smiled remembering a certain night where her two men had massaged her while a fire flickered in the background. It was funny how life circled back around sometimes. Providence would've never believed that night, that she would be here today with Dagaa and Madhava.

  Providence thought about her family. She'd always imagined her father would give her away on her wedding day. Providence quickly shook off her morose thoughts. She refused to let anything interfere with today.

  Kagan stood up and everyone quieted.

  "Friends we are gathered he
re today to celebrate a successful mission and to join a bonded trio." Kagan glanced towards his gathered warriors, the few Agurtzane and the new Toufik. "Dagaa's team met with some particularly harrowing adventures. Considering all that befell them I feel blessed that the Goddess saw fit to return our brethren safe and sound. Not only did this team meet our new allies," Kagan gestured to Hiroki, who nodded, "and rescue our new brethren. They did it all while the storm to end all storms was breathing down their necks. If that wasn't enough, in the midst of all this Dagaa's team and our Agurtzane friends also fended off a surprise attack from the Jurou Biljana. Just as the end neared, they met a whole new ally that helped pull them back from death's door. I am beyond honored to have friends such as this."

  As she listened to Kagan, Providence was in awe of what happened in the span of a single long ass day. She was tired just thinking about it.

  "I'm sure the warriors there that day, will be more than happy to regale you with their story, however Giselle is giving me the evil eye which means I need to move on."

  Several warrior's that knew Giselle chuckled. Providence looked over to see Giselle smiling sweetly, which was a put on.

  "Friends I want you to enjoy this evening and know that you have my greatest esteem. You bring great honor to all of Cadi. Ismat I leave it to you." Kagan spoke to the entire group, but he looked mainly at Dagaa and Madhava, his closest friends.

  Providence realized that Kagan must've been just as relieved that they returned, as she was.

  "We would have honored you today with a traditional dance, but were worried it would frighten the young Toufik, and disturb our peaceful allies." Madhava leaned in and whispered sounding disappointed.

  "I'm happy just to have you." Providence squeezed Madhava and Dagaa's hands to let them know it was okay. She didn't know what this traditional dance was, but if Madhava thought it was frightening, she could only imagine.

  Kagan sat and Ismat stood.

  "Cadi we are gathered here today before Kali to join these two warrior, Dagaa and Madhava, with their bonded, Providence."

  Providence shorted out the moment Ismat started talking.

  "I'm getting married." Providence kept thinking.

  As much as she tried to pay attention all she could do was look from Madhava to Dagaa and back again. The firelight reflecting in their eyes was nothing compared to the fire that burned in their gazes as they held her hands. Providence was mesmerized. She felt the heat of their desire well up in her. Providence wanted to blush as Madhava and Dagaa eyed her wantonly in front of all these people.

  Suddenly they both released her hands, stood up, and approached Ismat by the fire.

  "Don't flip out." Giselle leaned over and whispered.

  "What?" Providence snapped out of her trance.

  When Ismat grabbed a hot iron brand out of the fire Providence realized what was about to happen. Providence bit her lip and watched wide eyed, as Madhava and Dagaa stood stoically, while Ismat pressed the molten brands against their chests, creating a swirling, beautiful yet frightening design. Ismat took turns adding a mark then rubbing dark charcoal paint into the raw wound, moving from one of her men to the other. Sweat poured down their bodies as Ismat worked. Providence sat so close she could hear their flesh sizzle and the unmistakable scent filled her nose. Her stomach lurched threatening to rebel.

  Providence couldn't believe Dagaa and Madhava were suffering this to mate her. She hadn't expected, nor did she require them to mar their bodies. Neither of them needed any more scars. If Providence had known she wouldn't have agreed to this mating ceremony. Dagaa and Madhava didn't make a sound, they just stared at her, their eyes filled with love. Her eyes were riveted to theirs, willing them to see just how much she returned their affection. Providence was trembling, the tear streaming down her face by the time Ismat finished.

  She didn't realize she was gripping Giselle's hand so tight, till Ismat stepped back and gestured to her, snapping her out of her haze. Providence flew to her feet and was by her men in an instant. Her hands feathered over their sweaty chests, but she didn't dare touch the dark angry welts. The swirling design melded seamlessly with the other tattoos arching up their pecs and down their biceps.

  "Witnessing the sacrifice of these two honorable warriors, Providence do you accept Dagaa and Madhava as your mates, till Kali takes you into her bosom?"

  "I do." Providence sobbed.

  "Then in the eyes of Kali and the people of Cadi you three are now one." Ismat announced.

  Madhava gripped Providence, his mouth descended on hers and he kissed her passionately. Providence gripped his forearms as Madhava branded her. She felt every bit of the love and desire that smoldered in his gaze every time he looked at her. When Madhava finally released her, Providence was panting. She barely caught her breath before Dagaa grasped the back of her neck and captured her mouth. Providence saw stars as his mouth melded with hers. If love could be distilled into a single act this was it. The world suddenly felt like it was spinning, a roar more intense than her thudding pulse, filled her ears.

  16 Providence among the Stars


  Providence opened her eyes to see Dagaa was cradling her in his arms as he ran through the stomping crowd, with Madhava hot on his heels.

  Providence giggled and sighed feeling a sense of utter contentment she never believed possible till she met her two men. She looked up into the night sky, twinkling with a million stars. A happy memory surged into her mind and Providence smiled wistfully.

  She sat on her father’s shoulders as he pointed out the constellations. "One day Angel, you might travel the stars." Providence could still see her small hand reaching for the Big Dipper as he talked about the possibilities that might be achieved in her lifetime. "I'll take you with me." She'd replied, seeing how her father longed to see the day man would travel beyond their orbit.

  "Oh papa." Providence whispered. He'd never know how right he'd been. He would've been positively giddy at all the sights she'd experienced and he would've loved Dagaa and Madhava. Providence picked the brightest star in the sky and said a prayer, hoping that her father looked into the night sky as she did now, and found the same peace she'd come to know. She summoned his image in her mind and her heart, willing him to be with her if only in spirit. "I'll take you with me, always."

  Providence looked up at Dagaa's handsome profile as he reached the edge of the woods. She smiled at the eager look on his face, his excitement unrestrained. Providence glanced over his shoulder to find her other wonderful mate, but he was no longer behind them.

  Madhava stood at the edge of the crowd, his sister, Kore standing in his path.

  "Dagaa." Providence looked up at Dagaa, gesturing back at their other half.

  He nodded, stopped, and turned back towards his friend.

  Providence held her breath. She was too far away to hear, but Kore was clearly saying something to Madhava. Providence hoped like hell the woman wasn't saying anything cruel.

  Madhava nodded as he replied to his sister and her shoulders dropped, her head hanging. Madhava reached out and ran his hand along Kore's cheek, then lifted up her chin.

  In that moment Providence knew Kore truly realized the weight of what Madhava had done for her. And rather than rub it in his sister's face, her sweet mate absolved Kore of everything.

  Madhava hugged his sister, squeezing her tight. Kore tentatively wrapped her arms around him, and then leaned in further soaking up the comfort he offered. After a moment Madhava patted his sister, then looked back up at Providence and Dagaa, his eyes bright. He ran towards them again, beaming a happy grin.

  Providence smiled at her mate as her eyes misted, relief overwhelming her. Providence hadn't realized just how much she wanted Madhava to have this moment, to have a fraction of the family he'd been deprived, in exchange for all the scars and pain he bore. That he was so forgiving made her realize again how very blessed she was to find two devoted loving men.

  Providence looked
up at Dagaa reveling in the fact he was with her, hearty and whole. It made the tears she held back a moment ago, fall down her cheeks as she snuggled into him. Just thinking how she'd almost lost him, still tore her up.

  Dagaa grinned at her as he took off again, entered the woods, and then kept running down a narrow path. He didn't stop till they were at the base of one of the massive trees. Providence looked up and realized it was their beloved treehouse.

  "I didn't know we were this close." She smiled.

  Dagaa smiled that wicked grin down at her as he took the steps two at a time. When he burst through the wooden door, Providence mouth gaped open. The already stunning treehouse was awash in faint blue light that showcased all the flowers that filled the room. Little flickering votives danced in water-filled globes. Bouquets and garlands of blooms were tucked here and there filling every crevice as she surveyed the room.

  Providence was speechless.

  "Kagan and Giselle out did themselves." Madhava turned round and round as Dagaa placed Providence in the middle of the hanging bed.

  "Oh my goodness." Providence stroked the blooms running up the ropes that suspended the bed.

  "You like it?" Dagaa grabbed a carafe of vinum off the carved table and poured three glasses.

  "Yes!" Providence nodded ecstatically. "Thank you."

  Dagaa handed her a goblet and Providence took a long sip as did her men. They were her men. It was official.

  "Oh this is good, a bit strong, but good." Providence commented as she took another satisfying drink.

  "To us!" Madhava held up his glass.

  The three of them toasted their union.

  "To a long life with a wonderful mate." Dagaa added.

  Again they toasted.

  "To getting off that awful planet." Providence grinned.

  "Agreed!" Madhava raised his cup nearly spilling the contents.

  Providence smiled as Madhava poured her another glass. She relaxed and started swinging the bed while Dagaa and Madhava grinned at her from their chairs. They looked so damn sexy, bare chested, corded arms, rippling abs. Their kilts and leg armor did nothing to hide their impressive muscular legs. They were hot as hell. Providence felt warm all over. It was only magnified by the alcohol humming through her bloodstream. The only thing that made her resist the urge to instantly jump their bones, were the branded tattoos scrawled across their chests. They made her grimace.