Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online

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  No, he was reading more into this than what was there. And yet Madhava couldn't deny the attraction he felt for the tiny female. Madhava cast the occasional glance at Providence. She wore a skirt and small top that accentuated her supple body which had been hidden by the overly large cloak yesterday. Her full hips swayed seductively as she walked. Her breasts were large as seemed common among the human females. Her form reminded him of the way a female filled out when carrying young. Just looking at Providence, had him thinking of what it would be like to mount her.

  Again Madhava shook himself loose of his wayward thoughts. Providence was too small to withstand a male of his size. It wasn't even worth contemplating. Then again Giselle had mated Kagan. This was probably a bad idea, and yet Madhava couldn't regret making the oath.

  The trio entered the small house and Providence froze.

  "Oh my god you guys are pigs!" She exclaimed.

  Madhava didn't know what a pig was, but it didn't sound good. As he looked around the house he suddenly wanted to hide. There were clothes and weapons strewn everywhere. He and Dagaa had been so busy, and away so often that neither of them cleaned up after themselves. Nor had they asked for any help from the Toufik females. There seemed to be better tasks for the Toufik to do, like fixing meals for the parade of regents coming and going from Kagan's manor.

  Instantly Dagaa and Madhava started picking up in embarrassment.

  "If I'm staying here, let it be known that I am not your housekeeper or your momma." Providence shook her head.

  "Sorry for the mess we've been rather busy lately." Dagaa grinned sheepishly.

  "Well at least I'm close to Giselle." Providence look relieved. "So where do I sleep?"

  Madhava and Dagaa looked at each other. They really hadn't thought this through. The house only had two bedrooms.

  "I'll give up my room." Madhava offered as he cleared the dining table.

  "No it's okay I can stay here on the settee." Dagaa said, grabbing a handful of stuff.

  Providence started laughing. She laughed so hard she doubled over.

  "You guy were as unprepared for this as I was." She giggled. Her laugh was pleasant and sweet. "Why did you volunteer then?"

  "We're the only ones you know, besides Giselle and Kagan." Dagaa replied.

  Madhava was glad Dagaa answered, he would've only stumbled over his words, making a fool of himself as he looked at Providence. It wasn't like he could tell her he found her attractive. That would likely scare the shit out of the little female.

  "And we promised no harm would come to you." Madhava found his voice and added, hoping that didn't sound too threatening.

  "Well thank you." Providence graced them with a beautiful smile. "Mind giving me the grand tour?"

  "We're used to being out in battle with only a tent to live in, so sadly this is it. This level has the sitting room, dining area and kitchen. Up the stairs are the two bedrooms and the washroom."

  "I hope the bathroom isn't as frightening as the kitchen looks." Providence glanced over to see dishes piled on the counter.

  "We'll clean it!" Madhava announced.

  "Don't worry about it. You guys have anything to drink, and I don't mean water?" Providence asked.

  Dagaa nodded and headed to the cooler. He pulled out a bottle of vinum and grabbed several glasses. Providence plopped onto the settee with a sigh. Madhava sat on her left and Dagaa her right as he poured the brew and passed it down.

  "It's a bit strong so be careful." Dagaa warned.

  "Good I've needed a stiff drink for days."

  Madhava nodded. Providence had been through the wringer. It was enough to make even a seasoned warrior turn to the bottle.


  Providence drank the slightly bitter drink that reminded her of beer but had a stronger kick like hard alcohol and tried to relax. She looked around the small house taking everything in.

  The house wasn't as messy as bachelor pads she'd seen, but it did need help. The lower level was basically one giant room. Unlike the large manor house, it was made of a dark rustic wood, with exposed beams and pleasant sage stucco walls. The dining area was on the right as you entered, next to the kitchen. The kitchen was a mix of stone counters and wood cabinets, much like you'd find at home. It had a fireplace almost like a pizza oven, which Providence assumed served as a stove, since she didn't see anything else that looked like it served that purpose. Cadi society was a strange mix of futuristic conveniences and primitive ones all mashed up.

  There was also a lit fireplace in the sitting area, with an arm chair on one side and a set of shelves on the other. In the center of the room was a large hunk of wood for a coffee table. It was so massive it looked like the house was built around it.

  Providence sat cross-legged on the wood frame sofa, with plush leather upholstery, that was large enough to seat five, though the two males on either side of her were large enough to occupy most of it.

  Sitting so close to Madhava and Dagaa, Providence was uncomfortably aware of how truly imposing they were. This was the first time she was able to truly relax and take stock of them. She'd been too freaked out yesterday. Providence felt almost like a child with them towering over her. They had to be at least seven feet tall. Madhava was slightly shorter than Dagaa, but not by much. Madhava was also broader in the shoulders though Dagaa was far from slight of build. Both men could easily crush her.

  They weren't threatening though. They actually attempted to put her at ease yesterday when her fear had risen to the point it threatened to get the best of her. For that she was grateful. And now because she knew no one else, they stepped forward to protect her as their society required. Providence didn't want to return their kindness by being a burden.

  Providence said she wasn't a house keeper and yet what else could she really do? It's not like she had a job to go to, and she couldn't do nothing. She'd clean up after them, if that was the only way she could repay Dagaa and Madhava for taking her in. She wasn't above it.

  The reality of how different her life was going to be started sinking in. She'd gone from having a purpose driven life, to being exactly what she feared, a burden. A female that these alien men felt had to be cared for and coddled. In a way it was true.

  Back home she was capable, had a career that was satisfying and honorable, and was a productive member of society. Now, here on this alien planet, she didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. Granted given time she would learn to be more than a burden, but it seemed women were good for one thing here, birthing and raising babies. Though Giselle had found a man, and was on the baby fast track, she too chaffed at the limited roles available for women. Providence didn't even serve that purpose. She wasn't mated and didn't see it happening. Though the two men on either side of her were sexy in an exotic way, they were fucking huge!

  It was going to be hard trying to get up to speed and fit into Cadi society, but also not lose the spirited part of herself that refused to be relegated to the role of a living breathing decoration.

  Providence took another giant drink to calm herself.

  "So what now?" Providence asked as all these things swirled in her mind.

  "You can do whatever you like. I bet Giselle would welcome your company." Dagaa said.

  Providence doubted she could do whatever she liked.

  "She doesn't like to remain idle. She seems to like helping the Toufik when Sabin is in school." Madhava added.

  "Yes but she has been tired a lot lately." Dagaa noted with concern. "I think I might mention that to Kagan. She may need to see the medic."

  Providence smiled at the worried look on Dagaa's face, and the crease in his brow. Such concern seemed so strange for these big harsh looking men. From her first impression she never would have guessed how fussy they could be over the women. Then again their society appeared to take that concern a bit too far.

  "Don't be too worried, pregnant woman nap a lot." Providence patted Dagaa's arm.

  "She is carrying young!"
Dagaa sat up in surprise. "I am her Second. Why do I not know this?"

  "Well she just told Kagan yesterday during the raid. I didn't know except I overheard Giselle tell Providence." Madhava stated.

  "I can't believe her! She purposefully kept this a secret so she could go on that raid. I know it." Dagaa fumed. "I hope Kagan turns her over his knee the moment she is healed after having the young. If he doesn't I'll do it myself! That female!" Dagaa growled.

  Providence's eyes widened. Giselle hadn't been joking when she said Kagan tried to spank her. Providence laughed as she recalled the ornery wink Giselle had given her.

  "What is so funny? She could've been hurt. She might have put the young at risk."

  "You just reminded me of something funny Giselle said. You know on my planet spanking is for children. If an adult man spanks an adult woman it's a little different." Providence shook her head trying not to laugh.

  "How so?" Madhava asked looking curious.

  Providence felt herself blush. She walked right into that one.

  "Well a grown woman is not a child, she shouldn't be reprimanded as if she were." Providence spoke the truth but opted to leave out the fact that spanking had an altogether different connotation among consenting adults.

  "So how does a woman reprimand a man if he is out of line?" Providence asked turning the tables though she was genuinely curious.

  "A female need only go to her Second, if she has been wronged by her Prime." Madhava said as if it were obvious.

  Providence wanted to shake her head but opted to take another swig of her beverage. Cadi society was going to take some getting used to. The thought of being swatted like a child was insulting.

  Providence stretched with a groan, her calves cramping up. She was sitting cross legged on their couch since her feet didn't touch the floor, and the position was getting to her.

  "Are you still in pain from what the Jurou Biljana did?" Dagaa asked, a slight growl in his voice.

  "Yeah, my muscles have been cramping a lot."

  "Here let me see your feet." Dagaa said.

  He reached down and took her feet, removing the sandals Giselle had given her. He then started to massage her feet and calves as she leaned against Madhava. His hands were large and strong but gentle.

  Providence felt a second pair of hands on her shoulders as Madhava rubbed the knots in her neck and back. Providence couldn't help the groan that fell from her lips. Their skillful hands felt too good. Maybe having two big males taking care of her wouldn't be too bad after all.

  Providence looked from Dagaa, whose long fingers teased the instep of her right foot, back to Madhava, who expertly palmed her neck and scalp. Madhava was broader than Dagaa and slightly shorter, but considering their overall enormous size it mattered little. Providence had quickly become accustomed to the sight of their tail and red skin but not their fangs. Those long dangerous canines made her shiver every time they peaked past their lips. There was something disturbing yet carnal about them.

  The males on this planet seemed to forego wearing shirts most of the time, showing off their corded arms and the rugged planes of their chests. Providence could clearly see the dips and valleys of their abs. A dusting of hair extended from their midriff down, disappearing beneath the waistband of their kilts. It was distracting.

  Providence quickly looked back at Madhava before Dagaa caught her staring at his groin, debating how their overall size translated to what hid beneath their clothing.

  Madhava's strong jaw was covered in stubble that extended up to his temples. Both men had long black hair, though Madhava's went down to the middle of his back, with a few braids to keep it out of his eyes. Madhava's countenance was serious, the arch of his eyebrows adding to his stern features. The slash through his left brow that extended down his cheek, gave him the air of a ruthless barbarian, poised to strike. Madhava's eyes were dark and appeared rimmed with coal, though it was his natural skin coloring. All of it added to his dangerous presence. He was the kind of rugged male that made Providence feel feminine, something she hadn't quite felt in a while.

  Dagaa wasn't a pretty boy but he could probably grace Cadi's version of GQ magazine, and he likely knew it. Dagaa was clean shaven, his chin and cheek bones strong, but not as pronounced as his friend's. His face was free of scars, but enough dotted his arms, chest and legs to let Providence know he was no less rough and tumble than his Madhava. Dagaa's shoulder length black hair fell in unruly tendrils framing his face. His eyes were dark but his brow thinner. He had a playful quality that generally lit his expression. Except as he stared at her now, his face had taken on a serious quality that had Providence feeling nervous all of a sudden. He was most definitely a bad boy.

  Providence closed her eyes and attempted to relax as the alcohol and magic fingers soothed away her aches. But it wasn't that easy. Having two handsome exotic men with their hands roaming her body was starting to get to her. She nearly jumped as Dagaa's hands worked past her calves, up one knee and started to knead her thighs. Madhava's fingers moved over her back, trailing beneath the edge of her tank top perilously close to her breast.

  It felt so good Providence bit her lip to keep from moaning in pleasure. Every nerve in her body was awake and standing at attention, waiting to see where they might move next. As Madhava silently worked along her spine, the sensation rocketed through her making her nipples stand at attention. All she could hear was his steady breathing just behind her ear. Dagaa moved from one large muscle on the front of her thigh to the other. Each place he grazed with his deft touch shot straight to the apex of her thighs, which had started to pulse.

  Their earlier discussion of spanking was forefront in her mind and didn't help matters. Despite trying to calm her nerves, unbidden an image rose up in her mind. Providence pictured Dagaa's strong palm falling against her bare, up turned behind, as she lay sprawled over his lap. All while Madhava restrained her wrists in one large hand, his dark gaze pinning her, as his other hand massaged and tormented her swollen nipples. She could almost hear them growl in their deep husky voices that she'd been a 'bad girl.'

  Providence opened her eyes to see Dagaa staring intently at her. Could he see where her wayward thoughts had traveled? She felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Providence didn't quite know what was going on with her. Surely she wasn't having amorous notions about not just one, but two alien men she'd just met. It had to be the stress and the booze. There was no possible way! They were huge for christ sake.

  "Thank you." Providence said with a hesitant smile as she moved to sit up and pull her legs back from Dagaa.

  Dagaa held her calves firm in his hands while Madhava bracketed her waist.

  Surprise widened Providences eyes as the two men refused to release her. She was suddenly reminded again of just how large they truly were, not that she had been able to ignore it. She was completely at their mercy.

  "Relax Providence." Dagaa insisted firmly as he shifted her legs so he was sitting between them, and then began working on the back of her right thigh again.

  She didn't have any panties on. He was this close to baring her nude pussy. It was unnerving.

  "You still have some knots here in your back." Madhava said at the back of her neck. "If you don't work out these kinks, they'll continue to bother you." He said his lips dangerously close to the back of her ear.

  "You forget so soon that it is now our duty to see that your needs are taken care of." Dagaa added.

  Providence shivered. The men were taking their oath into territory she hadn't expected or considered. What started as a massage was turning into something else entirely as the men roamed her body with their strong hands. The Cadi men were clearly dominant, demanding that she submit to their care. She was a strong female, finding a man her equal back home had been hard. None of the men she'd ever known had taken her in hand. This was not something she was used to.

  There was no way Providence could relax now. Every time their hands moved close to particularly sensitive ar
eas, she wanted to jump right out of her skin.

  "Is it always so chilly on Cadi?" Providence asked, trying to distract herself and make excuses for the way she trembled and her skin pebbled.

  "No, we are at the end of the blustery rainy season." Dagaa said as he bent her knee to catch the back of her opposite thigh. "The weather will warm up and the mid-day sun will become uncomfortably hot."

  Providence was starting to feel moisture leak from her core. It was embarrassing. They were just giving her a massage. Neither of them had ventured to touch her more intimately. It was her own randy mind that was torturing her.

  "Get it together Providence!" She rebuked herself silently. It had been way to long since she'd had sex. Just a few touches and she was acting like a dog in heat.

  "Soon the meadow grass will turn as green as your eyes and will erupt with hundreds of flowers that are nearly the same shade as your hair." Madhava practically whispered.

  Providence could tell the harsh man didn't speak such sentiments often, the words didn't come off as poetic or rehearsed, as consummate flatterer's might. Providence thought Madhava was all the more sweet because of that fact. However his words didn't help her forget their roaming fingers. If anything it made it worse.

  "Tell us about Earth." Dagaa asked with interest sparking in his eyes.

  Providence had to think to come up with something. For the life of her she was having trouble concentrating on anything but Dagaa's eyes and the way they seemed to penetrate her, as Madhava's hands again came perilously close to the sides of her breast.

  "There are all types of climates. Some places are covered in sheets of ice all year round while other areas don't see water but a few times a year." Providence generalized.

  "Yes we have such places, though nowhere near here." Dagaa replied.

  "My favorite memory is of visiting a place called France. I was traveling a road amongst rocky rolling hills. I looked out into a valley and saw a farm that grew lavender. There were fields upon fields of the fragrant purple plant." Providence closed her eyes picturing the moment. "I'd never seen a flower farm. The green and purple stood out in stunning contrast to the tan rocky hills and the pale blue sky. The scent in the air was so soothing." She sighed at the peaceful yet breathtaking recollection.