Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online

Page 14

  "I didn't ask for any of this shit. They came on to me, both of them, at the same time." Providence groaned then fell over and burrowed her face in the blankets.

  "Did Dagaa really hurt you by you know..? That's not like him."

  "We were sleeping and well he sort of slipped." Providence said, her voice muffled by the blanket.

  "Oh my god! That is Kagan's favorite position. Do you know how often I wake up stuffed with wood?"

  "TMI!" Providence sat up and yelled with a vigorous shake of her head. "So what is this stupid challenge?"

  Providence couldn't believe they were going to fight over her like some sort of prize.

  "I've only seen it once. It's a series of miscellaneous contests."

  "I don't want them to do this, and not just because I can't pick between them. It'll destroy their friendship." Providence wanted to pull her hair out.

  Providence never thought she'd be in this position. She'd struggled to have one relationship scattered here and there, let alone two at once.

  "We can't let this happen, but I know those two, they're too damn proud to back out now." Giselle frowned.

  "There has to be something we can do. Maybe we can rig this thing so neither of them wins?" Providence mused out loud. She didn't believe in cheating but this was different.

  "I don't know how. It's an odd number of contests to guarantee a winner." Giselle considered the problem.

  "Please tell me it's not more fighting."

  "Well it can be, but I doubt Kagan will allow that, after what happened today."

  "Oh good." Providence sighed.

  She worried there'd be some crazy gladiator style fight to the death, there can be only one, type of bull shit. An idea suddenly popped into her head.

  "So what happens if more than two are fighting for a girl?" Providence asked.

  "I don't know."

  "Giselle I'm getting a wild idea but I need your help."

  "Ooh I'm game, especially if the guys will come out of this alive and still on good terms."

  Providence nodded.

  6 Game On


  Madhava was not happy as he entered the arena in the center of Sargon. He couldn't think of anything worse than competing against his brother in arms. After today things would no longer be the same between the two of them regardless of who won.

  However he couldn't back down either. It wasn't just what Dagaa had done to Providence that made Madhava challenge him. Dagaa was a good male, but he was never serious about any female for long. Where the connection Madhava felt with Providence ran deeper than he could ever have hoped for.

  Madhava looked into the stands. Many of the citizens had come out to witness the spectacle. Madhava looked at the gathered judges. There were two regents from both Scelus Cadi and Vidya Cadi territory. Kagan was obviously attempting to be fair. Madhava noted Kagan wasn't one of the judges. Instead he sat with Giselle in the observation box.

  "Where is Providence?" He wondered as he looked down the first row.

  Providence had been spitting mad at them yesterday. He'd been shocked at the way she stood up to them, even throwing their blades at their feet. Maybe she refused to come.

  "I hope she can forgive me once this is over with." Madhava worried.

  Madhava saw Dagaa staring at the list of events posted. All Madhava had to do was best the male in three out of five. Based on the frown Dagaa was wearing as he studied the lineup, he might just have a chance.

  Madhava walked over and looked at the events.

  "Rota race, Shooting, Foot race, Diving and Long distance swimming." Madhava read.

  It wasn't exactly what he expected. The competitions weren't all that odd except for the diving. Obviously Kagan didn't want the two of them fighting anymore hand to hand competitions. Madhava and Dagaa mounted the steps on the dais in front of the judges and turned to face them, along with Kagan in the observation box. Madhava nodded solemnly to the males that would judge his fate.

  Kagan stood and everyone in the stands grew quiet.

  "Citizens we are gathered here today to witness a competition to determine who will hold the position of Prime protector." Kagan paused and his eyes widened, while Giselle, sitting beside him, grinned.

  "I formally challenge the warriors for the position of Prime."

  Madhava and Dagaa whirled around to see Providence standing behind them. SHE was challenging THEM?!

  Providence walked up the stairs to the stage and stood beside Madhava and Dagaa. She was dressed not as a female would, but in a pair of boys short pants and shirt.

  The judges looked as confused as he was.

  "There is nothing in the rules that say a third challenger can't compete, nor is there anything that says a female can't compete." Providence stated to the panel of judges.

  Madhava's mouth dropped open. Providence had found a loophole in the rules. No female had ever challenged a warrior for the position of Prime, and because they never expected it, there was no rule against it.

  "What is she doing?" Dagaa asked under his breath.

  Madhava wasn't sure. Was Providence so mad that she thought this would remove them as her protectors? That wouldn't happen. He and Dagaa had already given their oath, the trio was set. This would only determine who was Prime.

  The judges looked at one another as they reviewed the rules of the competition. Finally they looked back at Kagan questioningly.

  Kagan looked suspiciously from Providence to Giselle. Giselle looked up at him with wide eyed innocence. Somehow Madhava didn't believe that feigned look. Giselle was wily and clearly the two human females together were trouble. Kagan grinned at his mate, then nodded to the judges, giving consent to proceed.

  This was going to be an interesting day.

  "This is most unexpected but the female, Providence, is correct. We have no rule against her participation." Kagan stated to the stunned arena. "Competitors is it your intent to compete today in a fair and honorable manner and will you abide by what is determined here today?"

  "I so swear." Dagaa and Madhava said in unison as they placed their fists upon their chests. Providence mimicked them.

  "The first competition will be a rota race." Kagan announced.

  It took a minute to get another rota equipped for racing, ready for Providence. Madhava was concerned. This race could be dangerous. She could be thrown from the rota, or any manner of other horrific accident.

  "Providence this is not necessary. Please reconsider." Madhava said and Dagaa nodded emphatically, sporting a deep scowl.

  "You two have your heads lodged solidly up your asses, so of course you don't think this is necessary. However in my opinion it's very necessary. But you wouldn't know anything about that because you were too busy fighting to even ask." Providence scowled as she admonished them, her finger jabbing towards them accusingly.

  Madhava stood stunned. He'd never had a female talk to him the way Providence did. It shocked him that so much fire could come from such a tiny creature. He looked over at Dagaa to see his mouth standing open.

  Providence walked down the steps to the waiting rota then turned.

  "And by the way, I'm going to wipe the floor with you." Providence taunted before climbing into one of the vehicles.

  Madhava shouldn't have been turned on by her aggressive nature, but he was, he was also frustrated that he'd incurred her wrath.

  "She is pissed." Madhava said to Dagaa.

  "You think!" Dagaa replied.


  Providence held her own staying a close third. It was neck and neck as they pushed it around the arena. She'd only learned how to handle the vehicle the day before, so the fact she wasn't a mile behind was a miracle. Providence bid her time the entire race till she saw the opening she was looking for and this was it.

  Providence watched as Madhava took the lead with Dagaa hot on his heels in the last turn of the rota race. Dagaa's vehicle scraped the arena wall as he made an attempt to pass Madhava o
n the outside, once they moved into the straightaway. Providence saw her opening and throttled forward, pushing the rota towards the finish line while the guys ignored her, jockeying for position.

  Of course they didn't see her as a threat. The guys back home never did either until she proved them wrong. Providence's goal when she stepped onto the stage to challenge the men wasn't to win, but to make sure the guys tied. However that rabid competitive side of her had reared its head the instant the race began. To become a pararescuer, she'd trained hard and had been pushed to her limit. She saw the finish line and went for it balls to the wall. Granted this race was exhilarating, but compared to breaking the sound barrier while flying, it was child's play.

  Providence goaded the rota faster. Madhava's head swung towards her, surprise evident in his eyes, as she flanked him on the inside. The set of his jaw told her he wasn't about to let her win just because she was a girl. Unfortunately for him Providence now had the advantage as they closed in on the finish line. At this point it was physics and pure bravery. Providence weighed less than either of the men, by at least a hundred pounds, and she was fearless as she pushed the rota to its limit.

  "Fuck yeah!" Providence screamed as she crossed the line nosing out Madhava.

  Before Providence knew it the next turn came up fast. She'd crossed the finish line at an ungodly speed in order to beat the guys. Even if she put on the brakes now, she'd easily ram the wall.

  Providence didn't panic, she'd taken a few curves too fast in her life. She held the rota steady and let off the accelerator as she entered the turn, then at the peak she throttled it faster whipping around the bend. The rota handled like a dream, better than any gas guzzler on Earth.

  Providence sighed in relief as she let off the accelerator, once out of the turn, applying the break to bring the vehicle to a steady stop.

  "God that was a rush!" Providence's broad grin hurt her cheeks as she jumped off the vehicle.

  "You almost killed yourself." Dagaa stormed towards her frowning.

  "What were you thinking?" Madhava demanded looking equally pissed.

  "I was thinking about winning. Sound familiar?" Providence turned her back on the men with a flip of her hair as she approached the stunned judges.

  Providence couldn't believe them. They could risk their hides fighting and trading paint on the race track, but then they had the audacity to pull this double standard bull shit with her.

  "Providence wins the rota race." The lead judge announced.

  Giselle stood whooping and hollering from the stands. Providence giggled as she heard her chant 'Girl Power.'

  "One down, four to go." Providence smiled to herself. She was feeling pretty good. "This just might just work."

  Providence probably should feel guilty for siccing Giselle on Kagan, but she didn't. Last night Giselle and Providence had approached Kagan, picking his brain about the rules and the events he was debating for today's lineup. They'd played the part of concerned females to a tee, suggesting certain games over others. Poor Kagan. Of course the way he looked at Giselle now, he knew just how they'd played him. Thankfully he didn't call foul. If anything he looked amused.

  Next up was the marksman competition. Providence wasn't the best shot, but she'd often been shooting with her father and had learned her way around a gun in the Air Force. She'd been good enough to kill those damn reptiles. She felt confident enough she'd at least hit the target. It would be best out of three, aiming for a target roughly a hundred yards away.

  As the three of them were handed pistols similar to the one Providence had used against the Jurou Biljana, the song from Annie Oakley, the musical, popped into her head. She would always sing it with her father when target shooting. She had yet to best her father, but it was still fun to talk smack.

  "I can do anything you can do better. I can do anything better than you." Providence sang out.

  Dagaa and Madhava turned from their mark and gawked at her.

  Giselle must have heard her from the stands nearby.

  "No you can't." Giselle sang back in reply.

  Providence and Giselle went back and forth, then laughed as the men shook their heads at their antics.

  Providence made her shots one after another. Although they did hit the target, unfortunately only one struck the bullseye. She'd expected as much.

  Dagaa was next up. All three of his shots hit the bullseye.

  Providence nodded, impressed by his marksmanship, when one of the judges brought his target forward.

  Madhava went last. He aimed and shot three times in rapid succession. When the target was brought forward, there was only one shot dead center of the bullseye, and the rest hadn't hit anywhere on the target at all.

  The judge studied the fancy digital target, looking shocked and confused. He then looked up at Madhava and smiled.

  "Madhava wins the marksman competition. All three shots through the same hole!"

  Providence's eyes widened. Madhava was good, creepy good.

  "Good show as always." Dagaa congratulated him. "Thank Kali I never wore a bullseye on my back when we were on opposite sides."

  "No kidding. Holy Hell Madhava!" Providence declared.

  Madhava gave them both a smug smile with a nod of his head.

  Providence looked from Madhava to Dagaa as they took position at the starting line for the foot race around the same track they'd raced the rota on. With her shorter legs she was going to get creamed for sure. If Madhava won this one he'd be in the lead. It was time for a bit of deviant strategy.

  "Whew, it’s getting hot out." Providence said as she squinted at the midday sun.

  She grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled her top off. The bras she and Giselle had ordered arrived early that morning, so her girls were trussed up and nicely supported, which would help loads while running. It also conveniently put them on display.

  Providence stretched alongside the men. She bent over and touched her toes sticking her ass out. The guys stopped stretching and just stared at her.

  Providence smiled knowingly.

  Dagaa shook his head and crouched on the starting line. The look on his face spoke of unwavering determination. However Madhava's eyes were riveted to her boobs like they were calling his name.

  The shot sounded, and they were off.

  Providence worked hard to keep up. Poor Madhava couldn't keep from glancing at the sweat dripping down between her bouncing C-cups. She panted making them heave in exaggeration.

  Providence felt bad as she noticed the bulge in his crotch. It had to be a bitch running with a hard-on.

  Dagaa quickly moved into the lead, so he was up ahead missing the show. He hadn't been as affected by the sight of her body. Providence tried not to get distracted by the reason behind his disregard. The image of Dagaa with that woman and what he'd said hounded her as she ran.

  Providence paced herself dropping back long enough to catch her breath and for Madhava to recover before surging forward again.

  The third time she made a break for it Providence was ready to drop from exhaustion. She had to do something. She quickly hiked her shorts up, giving herself a mega wedgie, accentuating her ass. Providence then pushed herself to pull in front of Madhava. She knew he could see her full bottom flex and jiggle as her feet pounded the earth.

  "Dammit!" Providence heard the scuffle followed by the growled curse behind her.

  She turned to see Madhava on his ass in the dirt. The poor guy had been too busy watching her, to pay attention to where he was going.

  Providence stopped and walked back to him, extending a hand to help him up.

  A horn sounded calling the race.

  Madhava grumbled something unintelligible as he accepted her hand though he didn't really need it to get up.

  Up ahead Dagaa stopped and threw a fist in the air in triumph.

  Providence smiled to herself as Madhava dusted himself off, looking supremely perturbed. They were tied, just as she hoped. Three down, two to go.
br />   Dagaa

  Things were tense as Dagaa, Providence and Madhava joined Kagan, Giselle and little Sabin on the patio of the manor house for dinner.

  Dagaa was still stunned that Providence won the rota race. When Providence zipped dangerously into the turn after crossing the finish line, Dagaa's heart had been in his throat as he prayed to Kali. When she pulled out of the turn like a natural he'd been beyond relieved but also mad as hell. He wanted to redden her backside for risking her life so foolishly. She wouldn't pull that crap in the future if he had anything to do with it.

  Of course that meant Dagaa would have to win both matches tomorrow to be Providence's Prime protector. So far he'd only won one, and that was by default. He'd have to do better.

  Despite the risk Dagaa wanted to smile at the fiery warrior as she strutted proudly next to Giselle, taking a seat at the outdoor dining table.

  Providence was amazing. He and Madhava had foolishly underestimated her. She'd told them some of her life back home and the things she'd done, but it apparently hadn't sunk into their thick heads.

  Dagaa didn't quite understand why Providence challenged them but he was starting to get an inkling of just how proud and strong a female she was. She was used to taking care of herself. Undoubtedly Providence took exception to being handed off to two warriors. Then he and Madhava made it worse by fighting over her. As Dagaa thought on it, he would be pissed too if he was in her position.

  Yet still Dagaa couldn't back down, less now than when the competition started. If anything Providence had proven herself to be a female of worth as well as one that needed a strong male to keep her from risking her sweet tail. He wanted her now more than ever.

  "Oh my god you were awesome!" Giselle practically vibrated as she patted Providence's back.

  "I had to go to school!" Sabin pouted about missing the contests.

  "She almost got herself killed with that stunt she pulled on the rota." Dagaa growled.

  "I agree." Madhava groused.

  "Don't give me any crap. That rota handles more smoothly than any car I've ever driven, and I wasn't any worse than you two." Providence's green eyes flashed at them.