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Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Page 15
Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online
Page 15
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander." Giselle said.
Sabin mimicked Giselle at the end of the table, obviously having heard the odd saying before.
Providence giggled.
"What does that mean?" Madhava asked in confusion.
"It means what's good for the male is good for the females." Kagan smirked at his mate. "It’s an Earth saying Giselle uses on me all the time." Kagan shook his head at both Giselle and Sabin. "Earth females are confusing, you better get used to it."
"Hey, we are sitting right here!" Giselle declared as she swatted Kagan. "Besides you love it."
Kagan grinned at his mate.
"Alright, alright, let’s eat." Kagan said seriously, which meant he wanted everyone to put the competition to rest for the evening.
Sabin dove into his dinner with the gusto of a growing boy as he chattered about school and all his playmates.
Dagaa was hoping to talk Providence into coming home and maybe getting a moment alone with her. He needed to convince her to give up this competition before she hurt herself. She was still recovering from what the Jurou Biljana had done to her and shouldn't be exerting herself like this. But before he realized it Providence and Giselle finished eating and snuck off to put Sabin to bed while Kagan was talking to him and Madhava.
The thought of getting Providence alone had Dagaa's mind turning to other things they could do in private. His gums itched as his fangs extended in his mouth. Dagaa shook his head, trying to dispel the images that taunted him. The longer he was around Providence the more he felt compelled to mark her.
He'd given up trying to repress it. He'd fallen for Providence, utterly and completely.
Dagaa wanted to growl in frustration, mainly at himself. It would take more than a little convincing before Providence would give him a chance to win her heart, especially after the way he'd behaved. She needed time. But the only way to give them that time would be if he won tomorrow. Then he'd have a chance. But if Dagaa didn't win, then none of his feelings or desires for her would matter. He'd be her Second, end of the story. Dagaa couldn't imagine being only her Second, a mere after thought.
A thread of doubt reared up and twisted in Dagaa's gut, clawing at him.
Providence seemed to have quickly found a connection with Madhava. What if she desired his friend, more than him? What if Dagaa did win tomorrow and Providence didn't really want him, but instead wanted something more with Madhava? The thought was crushing.
Dagaa had to talk to her. This whole situation was turning him inside out.
"I'm going to bed." Madhava said in disappointment staring at the patio door Providence had disappeared through.
Dagaa wandered slowly through the garden, towards the house he shared with Madhava. He looked up at the balcony of the room Providence was staying in. The flickering light cast Providence's silhouette against the thin curtains. Dagaa admired the shadow of her full breasts and hips.
Before he could help himself, Dagaa was scaling the wall and swinging up onto the deck. Dagaa knocked on the veranda door.
Providence peeked out with a shocked look on her face, and then opened the door.
"What are you doing here?" Providence asked.
She was wrapped in only a towel and Dagaa was instantly distracted from his purpose.
"Were you about to take a bath?"
Dagaa walked in and headed for the bath. He started the water and filled the basin, adding a soothing floral oil to the hot water.
"Get in." Dagaa gestured to the tub.
Providence stood in the doorway. Her expression held a mix of amusement and annoyance.
"Why are you here Dagaa?"
"Get in and we can talk."
Providence's brow rose.
"Please." Dagaa added.
"Fine, but don't try to sweet talk me out of competing tomorrow." Providence insisted.
Dagaa sighed.
Providence dropped her towel and stepped into the water, then eased down with a groan. Dagaa also wanted to groan. The sight of her had him instantly hard. Her pale full breasts bobbed in the water, the erect berry pink tips playing peek-a-boo in the suds.
Dagaa picked up the cloth and started bathing Providence's shoulders, rubbing the tension from her neck.
"Providence I'm trying to understand why you joined the challenge. I get that you are..." Dagaa paused. "What is it Giselle always calls it. Oh yeah. I get that you are a liberated woman."
Providence laughed sweetly.
"I am. I did a fine job taking care of myself back home." Providence replied.
"But back home you had your father, family and friends to help watch out for you. You don't have that here. That is why you have Madhava and me. I don't dispute your abilities, but there are also risks here you don't understand yet, as well as dishonorable males like the one that attacked Giselle before you arrived." Dagaa explained.
"So Dagaa is your honor the only reason you're doing all this?" Providence asked looking conflicted.
"Well I..." Dagaa stammered.
Dagaa didn't know if he could admit the things he'd been feeling, the desperate need that had been hounding him. He could barely admit it to himself.
"I heard what you said in the garden with that female." Providence said with a frown. "I'm not about to stand between you and your future happiness."
Dagaa grimaced as he attempted to recall what Providence might have witnessed. He'd been drunk. As soon as the memory filtered into his brain, Dagaa was ready to kick his own tail.
"Look it's okay. I release you from your oath." Providence added when Dagaa took too long to reply.
"Providence I..." Dagaa paused again. How did he explain this? "I never planned to mate with Vola. I've never felt compelled to bond with her."
"Okay, but you said that because of your oath you never would mate."
"I was trying to let her down easy. I've known a female or two." Dagaa averted his eyes as he admitted the last part.
"Ah so you're a bit of a Casanova, huh. I'll try not to be offended at being another notch in your bed post." Providence flicked water at Dagaa soaking his chest.
Dagaa didn't know who Casanova was, but it likely wasn't flattering given the context.
"No that's the thing. I find myself very interested in you." Dagaa said as he ran his hand over Providence's bare back. "That's the problem."
"Oh." Providence said as she looked down at the bubbles. "Well I really like you too. I thought we had a connection. It hurt my feelings seeing and hearing you after what we'd done."
Dagaa's shoulders drooped. He was such an idiot. He desperately hoped his foolishness hadn't ruined his chances with Providence. Not only had he hurt her physically but also emotionally. Maybe he should step aside, he was clearly not behaving in her best interest.
But just maybe if Providence felt so strongly all wasn't lost. There was something growing between them. It wasn't just one sided. That gave Dagaa confidence that this challenge wasn't a fool's errand.
"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, that is the last thing I want. I know it's no excuse but I have reasons for being so stupid. Providence, Cadi males can mate without bonding to a female, but many couples search for a mate who incites the urge to bond. It’s a deep instinct that goes beyond just interest and even emotion."
"Are you talking about love?"
"Yes and no. It's more primal, a biological urge." Dagaa tried to explain. "A warrior feels compelled to mark the female he's drawn to."
"Do you mean bite? Is that why Giselle has those bite marks?"
"It's called a conjugo mark." Dagaa nodded.
"Ah so you never felt that way for any of the women you've met. I see."
Dagaa took a deep breath as he closed his eyes.
"I have felt the urge twice. Once when I was a young warrior, but when I returned from war, I found Idida had turned to another male." Just saying her name out loud hurt.
"She cheated on you while you w
ere at war. What a whore!" Providence frowned as she touched his arm.
Dagaa smiled at Providence. It was sweet she felt bad for him.
"I never again wanted to feel the things I felt for her. Then I met you." Dagaa took Providence's hand and placed his lips on her knuckles. "I saw you with Madhava and it made me happy, and confused, and angry at the same time." Dagaa shook his head, unsure of how to express what he wanted to say. "You seem to like Madhava so much and I hurt you. Suddenly it felt like I was being shut out all over again."
"Oh Dagaa." Providence said as she placed a hand on his cheek. "I really like both of you. It probably isn't fair to either of you, but I find myself wanting you both for different reasons. My life has been nothing but insanity for the last week and I'm feeling pulled in every direction. "
"I'm sorry we've made things more difficult for you. It's okay. I get that you are interested in both of us. I don't want my friend to be rejected, or to feel the way I did. I loved watching him pleasure you. I guess I just feared that you two were creating a bond, and we weren't."
"You are two very different people and you take up different places in here." Providence pointed to her heart. "It's a weird situation for me, because in my culture people don't really form intimate relations with more than one person."
"I understand." Dagaa nodded. "Trios aren't common but they do happen on Cadi."
"Wow. Okay." Providence said in surprise. "So then why are you two fighting to decide who is Prime?"
"Well no male who feels driven to bond with his female wants to be relegated to the position of Second. It doesn't hold the same rights as Prime. It's hard to explain all the intricacies, but if Madhava is your Prime, he could take you away from me because I hurt you, and I would have no recourse as your Second."
The thought of being Providence's Second when in his heart he was her Prime, twisted Dagaa's gut. He truly didn't want his friend to feel the same sense of rejection he'd felt, but Madhava had already accused Dagaa of hurting Providence. Who's to say Madhava wouldn't do just what he feared? He couldn't bear that again. Dagaa's feelings for Providence had grown too intense, more so than what he'd felt for Idida as a youth. He wouldn't survive losing her.
Dagaa looked so conflicted, frustrated and hurt, as he described why he needed to be her Prime in this strange set-up the Cadi demanded. Providence felt relieved, at least she now understood why he said those things and had been a man whore. It was the easy way out after getting his heart crushed. It took a lot for a man, any man, to admit to being hurt.
Providence ran her hand over Dagaa's cheek, hoping to comfort his fears.
Madhava was scarred and subsequently never felt good enough in a woman's eyes, which was crap, but apparently Cadi females were squeamish. It was a shame since he would protect anyone he loved with his life. Dagaa had been just as broken by a callous female. He desperately avoided getting his heart trampled, but clearly that hadn't worked out either. Both men were sweet, funny, intelligent, loyal and strong. Providence couldn't imagine living on Cadi without either one of them, and not just as friends.
She had been right to challenge them.
Providence wasn't able to choose between Dagaa and Madhava, or elevate one above the other. If she could help it tomorrow, this would be over and the two men would still be equal. In theory, regardless of the outcome she would still have them both, but to the men being Prime versus Second mattered. If either of them won this battle, the other would be hurt. She didn't care if that posed a complication according to Cadi society's rules. If they were anything less than equal, it wouldn't just ruin their friendship, it would ruin this thing that had started between them.
Thud, thud, thud. Someone pounded on the bedroom door.
"Dagaa, I know you are in there." They heard Madhava growl through the door.
"Here we go, I'm in trouble now!" Dagaa groaned, got up and went to the door.
"I can't believe you. I saw you scale the balcony. What exactly are you doing?" Madhava rebuked Dagaa as he followed him back into the bathroom.
Madhava stopped and stared at Providence in the tub.
"Well I guess it's a party now." Providence grinned at him.
"We were talking. I needed to explain myself and apologize for my behavior." Dagaa replied.
"Uh huh." Madhava frowned.
"Well if you gentleman are going to hang out, you have to call a truce for the night." Providence insisted.
The men nodded in unison.
"Good, it's been a long day and you need to bathe, so run some more hot water and hop in." Providence winked at them.
She nearly giggled as the men stripped in record time. Surprisingly they didn't stink, but were dirty from the day of competition. Dagaa smelled of leather, where Madhava scented of sandalwood. They both smelled musky, their masculine scent overpowering her as they disrobed.
Providence stared at the warriors as they bared their magnificent bodies. God, they were sexy. She licked her lips as she felt a shiver of desire move through her. Providence shifted to let Dagaa climb into the massive tub at her back while Madhava sat between her spread legs facing her. Dagaa started rubbing her shoulders as he bathed her while Madhava worked on her feet. Providence loved how attentive they were, but she wanted to take care of them for a change.
"I think it's my turn." Providence said as she pulled away from Dagaa. "You two turn and get in front of me."
She grabbed a cloth and began washing Dagaa's back, then moved to Madhava. She then moved back to Dagaa and rubbed the tension from his slick broad shoulders.
Madhava must've gotten impatient waiting for her to return to him, because he slid behind her and began running his hands over her shoulders, her arms, her sides, and hips.
"I wanted to do this all day." Madhava husked as he gripped the slick cheeks of her ass.
Providence smiled knowing she had teased him.
She leaned forward and kissed the side of Dagaa's neck, licking his earlobe, biting it.
Dagaa hissed then reached back and gripped her ass as Madhava's hands moved up to cup her tender breast.
Providence nearly squeaked when Dagaa's tail wound around her thigh beneath the water. The tip of it flicked against her calf in time with his massaging hands on her ass. Providence reached down to the base of Dagaa's tail, in front of her stomach. She hadn't really explored this part of their unique anatomy. She wrapped her fingers around it and stroked, following the length down to her thigh. Dagaa released a growl from deep in his chest as she fondled the odd appendage. He gripped her rear even tighter as she squeezed him. Apparently their tails were sensitive, she'd have to remember that.
Madhava's lips traced the crook of her shoulder, teasing the sensitive flesh making her nipples stiffen further in his hands and her clit pulse.
Providence looked up and saw their reflection in the mirror. She reveled in the sight and feel of being pressed between their large muscular bodies. Providence still couldn't believe she was with two men. Dagaa was staring back at her in the glass. His gaze dark and intense while he kneaded her butt spreading her cheeks wide.
Madhava's face was buried in her neck as he laved her. His hard shaft insinuated itself between her thighs as he subtly thrust against her slick flesh. Providence squeezed her legs tight, eliciting a groan from him. She rode Madhava's broad cock, though he wasn't penetrating her, it still felt good to feel the ridges of his shaft tease her folds and abrade her clit.
Dagaa turned around so he could look at her directly and she smiled up at him. He leaned forwards and captured her mouth, his firm lips parted and his tongue snaked out demanding entry. Providence let him in. Their tongues dueling, stroking, exploring.
That strange spicy flavor the men seemed to emit when they were highly aroused and their fangs lengthened, greeted her as her tongue speared into Dagaa's mouth. Providence trembled as the liquid desire struck her, zinging through her blood stream, sending her reeling.
Dagaa's brief pe
netration had been nearly too much to handle, but Providence found herself empty and wanting that intense possession, that pleasure that verged on pain. Madhava's tempting thrusts between her thighs was only serving to taunt her. Her nipples ached and her womb cramped.
"I want you to take me." Providence whispered to them.
"I don't want to hurt you." Dagaa said looking concerned.
"You are so small." Madhava insisted behind her, though his cock jerked against her slick cleft telling her he was more than interested.
"How am I ever going to get used to you if you deny me?" Providence practically begged.
"Not tonight fiery warrior." Dagaa said. "But we can pleasure you."
Both sets of hands moved down Providence's body as she knelt sandwiched between them, the water lapping lazily around them. Dagaa lifted her leg and placed it over his thigh. His fingers spread her slick folds to find her swollen clit. Madhava's fingers joined in from behind, running through the moisture leaking from her vagina.
Providence felt full as Madhava's slid two large fingers into her channel. He stretched her adding a third digit as he made a scissoring motion testing her velvety sheath.
Dagaa continued to circle her clit with varied pressure, occasionally pinching then rubbing her nub.
Providence gasped as the twinge of pleasure spiked from her clit and G-spot at the same time, sending a climax shooting through her. Her vagina gushed with a flood of moisture as she clenched and spasmed around Madhava's thrusting fingers.
The men growled and pressed in closer, watching her pant out her release. The way their thick cocks poked at her, one rubbing at her stomach, the other teasing the crease of her behind, only prolonged her pleasure.
Dagaa's mouth was parted, his fangs peeking out making him look like a predator. Providence watched his fangs lengthen as he licked his lips. His intense dark eyes narrowed on her gasping lips, then lowered, pausing to stare at her neck before traveling to her heaving breasts. His cock twitched against her stomach.
"Tell me truthfully do some of your females really take two men into their bodies at once?" Dagaa asked as he resumed stroking her over sensitized clit, then bending to suck her turgid nipple into his mouth.