Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online

Page 22

  The day grew late and marching orders were disseminated to the warriors to prep the star ships and load up supplies.

  As Providence, Dagaa and Madhava left the council room heading for their small house, her men were silent. By the time they entered the door Providence was pissed. She whirled on them.

  "I appreciate your concern for my safety. But it's a slap in the face the way you relegate me to the position of female as if my pussy is the sum total of who I am. I trained long and hard and bested more than a few men to earn my position back home and I've been on too many rescue missions to even count." Providence ranted, shaking in anger.

  The men stared at Providence in shock as she railed at them.

  Providence had wondered why fate had brought her to Cadi. She believed whole heartedly that part of her fate was to meet her men, but she was seeing that another part of it was this mission. If she had been told back home, that she'd have an opportunity to rescue an entire people, nothing would've held her back. She was meant to do this. She felt that conviction as deeply as she felt the love for her two men.

  "Providence this has nothing to do with your qualifications. I just can't stand the thought of you being in danger." Dagaa said with a pained expression.

  Madhava nodded in agreement. He wasn't as outspoken as Dagaa but they were obviously of the same mind.

  "I know you worry for me and I appreciate that, but how does your concern for me outweigh my concern for you?" Providence reasoned. There was a catch in her voice as she spoke. "Do you think I want you going off to that god forsaken planet, putting your ass in jeopardy? It would wreck me if you died. I would sooner be there in danger with you than here forced to live without you. My life would be nothing without the two of you." Providence cried.

  The two men crowded around her caging her in.

  "I'm sorry beautiful." Dagaa husked, affected by her fear of losing him.

  "It’s not like we have children to think about. I'd rather die with my two men by my side than be sheltered like some precious piece of glass."

  "I understand how you feel." Madhava rubbed her back. "I would follow Dagaa into a fire if I thought he needed me, and I would do the same and more for you."

  "You guys saved me yesterday and only you could do that. But this is what I know how to do. It would tear me apart if I let you go when I know I can make a difference. It would be like you letting me fight that metcor alone when you are the ones skilled and knowledgeable in their temperament and vulnerabilities." Providence explained.

  "I am sorry for being a male as you say. I know we keep underestimating you. I'll try to stop doing that. But please understand, my concern for you will probably always get the best of me. I love you too much my fiery warrior." Dagaa said as he hugged her close.

  Providence rubbed her eyes to dispel the tears forming. Dagaa and Madhava loved her. This situation was difficult at best, so she couldn't blame them for the way they behaved.

  "I love you too. I will try to be understanding and not take undue risks." Providence conceded as she leaned into her men. They sheltered her in their arms, pressing close.

  Providence closed her eyes and soaked up their affection. She felt better, even though she knew the guys would likely be exceedingly over protective again. Their odd relationship would take a lot of getting used to. She'd have to work to not be so defensive, since at heart it was because they cared. Providence admonished herself. But Providence also refused to be a pushover when they sided against her on issues like this.

  "I guess this counts as our first official fight as a trio, so you know what that means?" Providence said as she smiled seductively up at Dagaa and Madhava.

  "No, what beautiful?" Madhava said looking perplexed.

  "Make up sex!" Providence declared with a suggestive grin. The men's gaze turned instantly predatory. "Now gentlemen get those sweet asses upstairs. I'm getting a bowl of ice. I want you two naked when I get up there." Providence winked as she slapped their biteable muscular behinds.

  Twenty-four hours later Providence found herself on one of the spaceships with Madhava and Dagaa as they headed for the control room.

  "I knew this was a bad idea." Providence overheard Dagaa whisper to Madhava as they followed behind her.

  Providence frowned. She thought they'd gotten past this nonsense.

  "I know. If one more warrior eyes her in that tight jumpsuit this team is going to get exponentially smaller." Madhava growled.

  Providence had to repress the sudden laugh that almost burst forth. The jumpsuit she was wearing did hug her curves a little obscenely. Can you say camel toe? Unfortunately it was this or a skirt which wasn't good rescue attire.

  "We can man the ship just fine with the three of us." Dagaa snarled at another warrior they passed to enter the bridge.

  They took their seats, Dagaa as pilot, Providence as co-pilot, and Madhava monitoring security. The star cruiser took off from Cadi without the rumbling and jostling that went along with NASA shuttle lift-offs. It was incredibly smooth as it left the planet's atmosphere, making Providence marvel at the vast difference in the advanced technology. Providence watched as the Cadi grew smaller. She was starting to get accustomed to wandering the stars.

  Despite the fact they were going into a dangerous situation. Providence felt that giddy burst of adrenalin that she always got when going out on a mission. It was compounded by the fact this was a mission among the stars. Never in her wildest dreams while she'd trained had she imagined she'd be on a rescue mission in space among aliens. It was surreal.

  "It will take us three days to reach the Toufik home world." Dagaa said as he looked at the control panel.

  The reptilian's former ship could move faster but since they needed to conserve energy for the return trip and any unforeseen hiccups, along with the added return weight, it would take longer.

  "Well here we go and may Kali watch over us." Dagaa said as he set the coordinates and they launched into the unknown.


  Madhava did a final check on the proximity alarm before handing over the controls to Ashtoret, the warrior that would pilot the ship and monitor security while the three of them ate and slept.

  Madhava rose and followed Dagaa and Providence to the room they would share on the former Jurou Biljana ship. He looked around the bland room they'd occupy for the next week and groaned.

  "I've seen prison cells smaller." Madhava groused.

  Although the ship had been augmented, it was still made for the reptiles, which weren't nearly as large as a Cadi warrior. According to the ship schematic there weren't any rooms suitable to house the three of them. In the past Madhava wouldn't have minded the close quarters. Years of being at war had acclimated him to conditions that were far worse. But Madhava wanted the best for Providence.

  "Well at least the space is clean and there's a washroom attached." Dagaa commented.

  Madhava nodded and walked over to the set of bunks and pushed them against the far wall, making a larger bed that would suit them better.

  "It's not that bad. It was rather nasty when those overgrown iguanas were running the show." Providence smiled as she looked around the cramped space. Let's eat."

  Providence opened a bag holding the meal she packed back home and passed the sandwiches and fruit around. There'd be meals in the dining hall, but this would be the last fresh palatable meal for at least a week.

  Madhava smiled as he recalled Providence making the unusual thing she called a sandwich. Neither of them was sure if their little mate would be a good cook, even once she got used to Cadi food. He and Dagaa had watched with a bit of dread this morning as Providence grabbed an odd combination of vegetables, meat, fermented dairy and spiceroot sauce from the cooler then started layering them on slices of bread. Providence had taken a bite declaring it 'not bad' then handed them her concoction. Dagaa had smiled hesitantly as he took a bite, not wanting to offend her. Then his friend's eyes lit up as he chewed and took another bite of his half. Madhav
a found himself pleasantly surprised as well when he tasted the unusual combination. Providence's sandwich was a convenient meal, the bread acting like a wrapper for the innards.

  Madhava looked to Providence and noticed her melancholy expression as they ate.

  "What's on your mind fiery warrior?" Madhava asked concerned.

  "I was thinking about the last time I was this ship and I started thinking about my family. I miss them." She said moisture welling in her eyes as she paused between bites.

  "I'm sorry beautiful." Dagaa frowned. "You said you have sisters. Tell us about them." He asked.

  "Bethany is the oldest. She's married with two little boys and is an awesome mommy. She helped take care of the rest of us." Providence cast them a watery smile. Madhava could see she was picturing the young. It reminded him of the niece and nephew he too missed.

  "April is a professor. She was always the bookworm, helping the rest of us with our homework. Hope is more like me though still pretty girly. She and I used to get in trouble together making mud pies in our dress-up clothes. She turns all the boy's heads, making dad pull his hair out. I doubt she'll ever settle down. And then there's Abigail. Abby is her own girl. I'm still thinking she was adopted." Providence eyes had that faraway look as she reminisced.

  "After knowing you, I bet I'd love your family." Madhava smiled at his little mate.

  "You would. They are great. Madhava didn't you say you had a sister?"

  "Yes, but I haven't seen Kore since my mother passed. My mother and I did our best to keep her from seeing the things Uthyr did. It was one of the few things I could do for my family since I couldn't protect my mother. She thinks I'm as bad as Uthyr and Vigdis were and blames me for our parent's death." Madhava shook his head sadly as he recalled Kore declaring he was dead in her eyes. "She has young too, but I have only seen them from a distance."

  Providence was suddenly in Madhava's lap, her hands wrapped around his neck.

  "Oh Madhava, I'm so sorry. Didn't she understand you protected her from that monster?" Providence's big sad green eyes looked up at him.

  "No she doesn't. I couldn't bring myself to saddle her with the same burden I bore. It was the only thing I did right." Madhava replied.

  "So you just let her hate you." Providence choked out.

  She kissed him and he returned her embrace.

  "You and Kagan are the closest I have to siblings." Dagaa said to Madhava. "My mother was never hearty, she couldn't have more young after I was born. I think sometimes it was because my father was away so often, and she worried about him so much. My parents had a true and deep bond. When he was killed during a battle, it affected her deeply. She got sick and never recovered. The thought of being so close to someone..." Dagaa shook his head unable to complete the sentence.

  Madhava agreed with Dagaa's unvoiced sentiment. He never believed he'd have that kind of connection till Providence entered his life. Losing her would kill him.

  "I hate not seeing my family. But I guess I'm glad I don't have to face their deaths. I can pretend they are always as I remember them." Providence gave them a wavering smile.

  Madhava hugged Providence as Dagaa rubbed her knee. They hadn't really cheered her up, but there was nothing they could do besides offer sympathy and comfort. Madhava had no clue where or how far Earth was from Cadi, otherwise he'd risk losing her just to reunite her with the ones she loved.

  "We should probably get some shut eye." Madhava said as he began stripping the infernal jumpsuit off Providence, exposing her luscious pale curves.

  "I think we have time to play a little." Dagaa said with an ornery wink. "I brought a little something on our trip." Dagaa said as he fetched an item from his bag.

  "Dagaa!" Providence gasped. "Why do you have a dildo?"

  "Well beautiful I've been thinking about what you admitted to us."

  "And that is?" Madhava asked suddenly intrigued as he stared at the phallic object which was smaller than both his and Dagaa's shaft.

  "Well our little mate said human females could take two males at once. But as I see it, her little rear is too small to take one of us. She's going to need to work up to that."

  "Oh my god!" Providence declared with a gasp.

  "Tell us no, and we will accept that." Madhava said as he saw the nervous expression on her face.

  Providence nodded her ascent as she squirmed naked on his lap. Madhava felt the moisture leaking from her cleft as she shifted. She was turned on even though she was unsure.

  "Madhava lay down." Dagaa instructed.

  Madhava stretched out on the bed in anticipation, his shaft already hard.

  "Providence sit on his face with that sweet little tail facing me. Then I think you know what to do Madhava."

  Madhava nodded as Providence straddled his head. Her pink cleft descended and Madhava groaned as her sweet scent enveloped him. His tongue poked out as he gripped her splayed thighs. Madhava swiped at Providence's weeping slit then zeroed in on her clit.

  "Oh god yes! Lick it Madhava."

  Madhava loved the red little strip of hair on Providence's mound, he loved the way she moaned in pleasure and squeaked in surprise as he pressed his tongue into her core, but he especially loved the way she ground against his face, gripping his long hair as she husked erotic unrestrained demands.

  Madhava worried the little swollen nub peaking from her slick folds, letting a fraction of his serum eek from his canines to heighten her pleasure. He knew it was working when Providence moaned and stiffened up before releasing another flood of moisture that he lapped up greedily.

  "Goddess that looks good." Dagaa groaned from behind Providence.

  Madhava felt a few drops of oil fall on his chest as Dagaa prepared to penetrate their mate with the small shaft. Madhava spread Providence ass cheeks wide presenting his friend with her puckered little opening.

  Providence stilled above his face, panting in nervous anticipation. Madhava knew the instant Dagaa pressed the phallus against her behind because Providence jumped. Madhava renewed his efforts on her engorged bead, sucking, licking and worrying it with small concentric circles.

  "Easy beautiful I've got the tip in. Are you doing okay?"

  Providence nodded. Madhava felt Dagaa add more lubricant, it had a pleasant flavor as a bit dribbled down reaching his mouth. Madhava licked the oil from Providence slick folds as he speared into her slit.

  "That's it almost there. How does it feel?"

  "Full." Providence groaned a sound of pleasure tinged with pain as she pressed harder against Madhava's face.

  Madhava reached back and felt the object penetrating her behind. It was more than halfway embedded in her body. The ring of her ass was stretched impossibly tight around the phallus. Madhava didn't know how she'd ever accept both of them at the same time, when the smaller shaft had her stretched to capacity.

  Providence panted hard and short, as Dagaa continued, sweat running down her body. Plaintive mewls escaping her with every breath. Madhava needed to do something to ease her. If he bit her, he knew it would hurt but it would also cause her great pleasure.

  Madhava salivated and his canines lengthened at the thought of nipping his mate in such an intimate place. He turned his head and struck her inner thigh.

  Providence cried out, then started bucking against his mouth as she climaxed.

  "That's it, it's in." Dagaa said proudly as Providence continued to convulse, gushing against Madhava's mouth.

  Madhava held her hips as she rode out the intense climax. Her pink slit spasmed making him want to delve into her welcoming heat, but his little mate was spent. After several more jerks Providence slumped exhausted against the wall.

  Dagaa lifted her off Madhava and tucked her between them in the bunk. Madhava licked Providence's nectar off his lips as he turned to his sweet mate.

  "Are you okay?" Madhava asked in concern.

  "Yes." Providence sighed as she relaxed.

  "Show Madhava the little toy in your behind." Daga
a suggested with a deviant twinkle in his eyes.

  Providence turned to face Dagaa. He wrapped one hand around her neck tugging her towards him for a kiss as his other hand lifted her knee.

  Madhava first examined the bite mark he'd placed on her inner thigh. It looked good, a clean strike. He spread her pale cheeks to see the bulbous base of the phallus peeking out from her puckered rosette. As a male he couldn't even fathom having something shoved that deep in the ass. The fact that little delicate females let brutish warriors mount them, let alone do such wicked things was a wonder.

  Madhava pressed a kiss against her shoulder and Providence sighed as she drifted asleep in their arms.

  11 The Cold Hard Truth


  Providence awoke and squirmed as she sat up. She slept the entire night impaled by the dildo. The guys called it small, and it was compared to them, but it was at least eight inches long and almost as big around as her wrist. She practically felt the thing in her throat. Dagaa was a dirty pervert.

  Providence grinned down at her randy men. She had a feeling their sex life was never going to be dull. She felt blessed as she thought about the hand fate had dealt her. Her life could be so much worse. The Jurou Biljana could've gone to any other planet and sold her to god knows who.

  "Good day Love." Dagaa yawned and rubbed her thigh as Providence climbed over him to go to the bathroom.

  "Morning handsome."

  Providence waddled to the bathroom. She reached back and attempted to dislodge the thing in her butt, but it wouldn't budge. Providence gasped as the broad base tugged at her poor stretched anus.

  "Leave it in." Dagaa suggested with a wink when he walked in and saw Providence struggling.

  "I'm not going about my day with a cock shoved up my ass. Get this thing out." She insisted as she shoved the rotten man.

  "Hmmm, what are you going to do for me?" Dagaa ran his thumb over her lips, as he stroked his morning wood suggestively with the other hand.