Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online

Page 23

  Providence almost grinned at his randy innuendo.

  "How about I promise not to bite." Providence bit down on Dagaa's thumb to emphasize her point.

  "Wicked female." Dagaa cringed at the thought of her biting his cock. "Alright bend over the counter."

  Providence did as he commanded. Dagaa spread the cheeks of her bottom then his fingers spread her folds. The man couldn't seem to help himself as he worked his fingers into her restricted slit. Providence was wet as usual for him.

  "That's not what I had planned." Providence moaned her denial.

  "Holy goddess you are tight." Dagaa groaned as his hard cock bumped into her rear.

  "Hey you two cut it out. We need to be in the control room soon." Madhava said as he shoved Dagaa out of the way. "Deep breath beautiful." Madhava said as he gripped the plug in her butt. "Now push."

  Madhava pulled, and the toy came free with a pop.

  "Thank you." Providence gasped then sighed in relief. "Now out, so I can use the bathroom in peace."

  Providence quickly used the bathroom then hopped into the shower unit. It was nothing like the shower back home or the one she learned to use on Cadi. This thing had a series of buttons and she couldn't see a shower nozzle overhead.

  "Well what the hell do I do with these?" She stared at them, hesitant to start pushing at random.

  Providence stepped out of the stall and peeked out of the room. Dagaa was strapping on the kilt that they seemed to prefer since it didn't encumber their tail. Madhava was still gloriously nude, rummaging through his bag. Providence smiled at how comfortable her men were with their nudity. She wasn't uncomfortable, but she also wasn't accustomed to wandering about naked either.

  "Hey do either of you know how to use this shower?" Providence asked.

  "I got it." Madhava said as he joined her in the bathroom. "It's a sonic shower. The center button turns it on." Madhava pointed as he stepped into the stall with Providence. "Tap the one on the left to adjust the strength and then right to adjust the temperature. Let me go first in case it's too much for you."

  Providence stepped behind Madhava as he turned on the sonic shower. A hazy light beam shone down on him as a fresh ozone-like scent filled the room. Madhava adjusted the odd oscillating beam then stepped aside to let Providence join him.

  "Alright just hit this again to shut it off. It's not as nice as water but it'll do the job."

  "It's probably best to conserve water while in space." Providence said as she leaned back against Madhava's firm chest while the sonic shower cleaned her, making her skin tingle.

  Madhava ran his large hands over her hips then around to her butt. His fingers trailed between her crack to find the pucker of her ass.

  "Are you sure you are okay with what we did last night?" Madhava husked into her ear, his lips brushing against her.

  Providence shivered at how gently he touched the taboo spot. His concern for her was touching. Looking at Madhava's scarred appearance, one would never guess how sweet and gentle he could be. Then again he could also be an animal in bed. The juxtaposition made her want him all the more.

  "Yes." Providence nodded goose bumps rising on her skin.

  "You know it is not necessary Love."

  Madhava kissed her neck as the tips of his fingers stroked the cleft of her pussy, then dipped into her ass. She was sensitive there, but the carnal act felt good as he tested her, stroking into the taboo place. The feel of his stiff cock pressing into the small of her back, had Providence wanting more.

  Providence didn't know if she'd be able take both of her men at once, or even one of them in her ass. But just thinking about Madhava and Dagaa pinning her between their ripped bodies, thrusting into her and moaning with those deep husky growls, had Providence trembling with need.

  "I want you." Providence moaned.

  "Hey, I thought we didn't have time to play." Dagaa interrupted.

  "Busted!" Providence giggled when she saw Dagaa's expression.

  "Alright alright." Madhava held up his hands in defeat.

  Dagaa crowded into the shower looking eager to join in, his intense gaze raking her up and down. Providence loved the way Dagaa's expression turned feral as passion overwhelmed him.

  There was a ping from the other room.

  "Shit, that's my communicator." Dagaa groused.

  "We better get to the control room." Madhava said as the communicator pinged again.

  An hour later Providence was sitting in the control room, in the pilot's seat. Dagaa gave her the controls for the first half of their shift.

  "You want me to have someone bring us some food, since we missed first meal?" Madhava asked after reviewing the security reports.

  "Well whose fault is that?" Dagaa teased.

  "Well as I recall you both are at fault." Providence grinned at them.

  "I think if we are laying blame, you fiery warrior are the common denominator here." Madhava said with a quirk of his mouth.

  "I agree. Before we met you we were exemplary warriors." Dagaa joined in.

  "Oh, so we are ganging up on me, huh?" Providence asked with mock offense.

  "No but we will later." Dagaa pinned Providence with that gaze that made her stomach flutter.

  Providence shook off her wayward thoughts. They needed to concentrate on the mission at hand.

  "I think I'll be fine till lunch, but you guys go ahead and eat if you want."

  Providence turned back to the controls although she didn't have to do much since the craft was on autopilot. They were still on course as she glanced at the navigation readout and noted the symbols still matched the ones Dagaa had programmed in. She was getting pretty good at translating the various Cadi symbols, at least the numbers and ones for flight. The buttons on the control panel had new labels written in the Cadi swirly language, much like the tattoo's her men bore on their chest and biceps.

  There weren't that many controls that concerned her at the moment. If something approached, and she needed to take the controls, the joystick in front of her was the main instrument she needed to know. The stick would allow her to adjust their pitch and yaw and the acceleration of both. If she needed to roll the behemoth vessel, there was another toggle. But Providence doubted she'd have to do any of that. They weren't flying in a planet's atmosphere or among a debris field, like Dagaa had maneuvered through yesterday, so there was little do other than watch the computer blips.

  "I'd like to put this thing to the test when we get back home." Providence commented.

  "Like what?" Dagaa asked.

  "Oh I don't know. Just see how tight she can maneuver turns. See if I can make it do a barrel roll. Stuff like that."

  "It does a pretty good job responding." Dagaa replied. "I'd suggest you give it a try but with the artificial gravity on, the warriors on the rest of the ship might not be amused."

  "Yeah that would suck pretty hard to suddenly hit the ceiling when I roll this thing." Providence grimaced at the thought of some poor warrior with his face planted in the metal hull.

  An alarm sounded on the control panel and had the three of them quickly looking at the source.

  "What is it?" Providence asked as she looked at Dagaa's concerned expression.

  "There's an issue in engineering." He said grimly.

  "Tytus report! We have an alarm coming from the primary energy cell." Madhava spoke into his communicator.

  That did not sound good at all.

  "What happens if we lose the primary cell?" Providence asked. She knew what happened if she lost engine power on a plane and it wasn't good.

  "We'd be dependent on the secondary cell and would be forced to return home."

  The communicator beeped.

  "Madhava, Captain, the primary cell is overheating, but I can barely get into the hatch let alone the tunnel to see what is wrong with the coil that cools the cell." Tytus responded sounding stressed.

  "Damn those Jurou Biljana. They kept this thing running but barely so." Dagaa cursed.
  "Stay here. I'm going to go see if I can help." Madhava said as he got up and marched out.

  "I'll go with you." Providence followed.

  They needed all the help they could get since the ship had a skeleton crew at best. There was Tytus and his assistant in engineering, the spare pilot, Ashtoret, who rotated shifts with Dagaa, Jorg, the medic, and Stone, who would act as an ambassador when they landed on the Toufik planet.

  They reached engineering to find Tytus practically pulling out his hair as he tapped furiously on one of the panels.

  "I don't understand. These cells were pulled and overhauled when we were planet side." Tytus said looking grim.

  "So let’s shut it down. We'll run on the secondary cell till we get this fixed." Madhava said.

  "That would be fine if it wasn't the cooling coil that was malfunctioning. If that energy cell isn't brought back down to temperature soon we are looking at a core breach."

  "What are you saying?" Madhava asked in frustration.

  "We may need to abandon the ship." Tytus replied flustered.

  "Are you talking about a nuclear meltdown?" Providence asked.

  "In so many words, yes." Tytus said loudly over the blaring claxon.

  "Shut that infernal noise off and show me the problem." Madhava demanded.

  "Holy Shit" Providence silently cursed.

  Images of the ship blowing to smithereens filtered through her head. This was exactly the kind of thing she feared would happen if she sent Dagaa off on his own. Not that she wanted to die, but she meant it when she said she'd rather be by her men through thick and thin.

  The three of them headed several paces down a corridor. At the end were a pair of thick glass domes no larger than a globe, embedded in the wall. One was glowing a bright white while the other appeared a pale blue. The glowing blue sphere of matter was much smaller and Providence assumed that was the secondary cell.

  "Should that be glowing white like that?" Providence asked.

  "No it should look like the other one, though larger." Another male replied.

  Providence turned to see Tytus' assistant standing in a hatch in the floor.

  "I can't get wedged in here to see what is wrong with the damn cooling coil." He cursed.

  "Well how in Kali's name did you service them before we came on this mission?" Madhava growled.

  "Technicians pulled the units from the exterior of the hull. These damn shafts were made for those reptilians." Tytus countered in frustration.

  Providence looked at the large men. They were bigger and wider than the Jurou Biljana although both species were larger than she was. It looked like she was the only one capable of going into the tunnel.

  "Well hop up and let me in there." Providence said to the technician. "Do you have some sort of video camera so I can record what I see?"

  Madhava growled and Providence quickly glanced at him with censure as she held up her hand.

  "Do you want to abandon ship? Can we even get ahold of one of the others in time?" Providence asked.

  She appreciated Madhava's concern, but this was a do or die situation. Providence didn't know if she'd even be able to help, but she had to set aside the fear that was inching up her spine and give it a try. The alternative was unthinkable.

  "We have an hour before the cell core temperature reaches a critical point and breaches its containment." Tytus said wringing his hands.

  "Is it even safe down there?" Madhava demanded.

  "It should be. The energy cell hasn't started leaking yet." Tytus replied though uncertainty threaded his voice.

  The technician handed Providence a communicator she could use to talk and relay images back to them.

  "Alright let’s see what's wrong." Providence said as she screwed up her courage and stepped towards the hatch.

  Madhava stopped her and pulled her into his arms.

  "If something doesn't feel right, or we tell you to get out, you turn right around." He insisted as he squeezed her to him.

  "Will do." Providence rose up and kissed her concerned male.

  The look on his face broke her heart as she descended the ladder into the shaft. He looked like he was sending her to her death. She smiled in encouragement, though she felt uncertain herself, before disappearing from view.

  Providence had to duck down and get on her hands and knees as she reached the tunnel below. No doubt the Jurou Biljana had to army crawl when they serviced these spaces. It made Providence wonder if the duplicitous reptiles didn't steal or buy the ship from a smaller species that were closer to her size.

  "Go straight ahead then turn left." Tytus said.

  She could hear him through the communicator but also through the shaft opening several feet back.

  Providence paused every so often while she crawled, panning the video over the walls as she approached the bend in the tunnel. As she got further the temperature dropped markedly.

  "It's getting colder." She commented into the communicator.

  Once Providence turned the corner she was greeted by a mist that threatened to choke her. The metal tubes along the walls were frosted over. As she skimmed over the tunnel, she noted one of the tubes was encrusted with ice where in connected to the next tube. It looked like a relatively simple fix.

  "It looks like a loose joint." Providence coughed.

  "Get out of there before you choke to death." Madhava bellowed.

  Providence backed up. There was no way she could fix this without some tools and a mask.

  When she emerged, Madhava looked beside himself. Clearly her men didn't do well with her being in danger.

  "I need something to melt that coolant, tighten or seal the connection, mask and gloves." Providence said to Tytus as she patted Madhava's back. "Don't worry. I used to help my dad around the house. This looks like a simple plumbing repair."

  "What is going on?" Dagaa said through the comm.

  Providence snatched the communicator from Madhava before he ratted her out. There was really no alternative here. No need to freak both of them out.

  "Working on it." Providence reported back.

  Madhava shook his head at her.

  "Well you know he'd just worry." Providence replied.

  "Here." Tytus handed her a tool and a mask. "This will heat up and seal the breach."

  "Ah, so it's a welding torch." Providence considered the wand-like tool.

  "Just press this and follow the joint. Try to get the back side of the tube, but don't touch the walls, we don't have gloves small enough for you."

  Madhava fitted the mask over her head.

  "It's too damn big." He snarled.

  "Just crank up the flow and I'll be fine. I'll get in and out." Providence said as she took the straps and tied them in a knot behind her head since they were too long to hook tight.

  Providence stuck up her thumb and headed back to the hole in the floor before Madhava could object.

  She quickly crawled back to the problem unencumbered by the communicator this go round. The air was colder and a bit thicker, but the mask helped. Thankfully she wore the jumpsuit the guys hated. It kept her knees from completely freezing to the floor. Her hands however were quickly getting frigid. Providence sat down if front of the breach and warmed her palms under her armpits for a moment before grabbing the welding wand from her pocket.

  Providence gripped the tool and lined it up with the joint on the pipe as she pressed the switch. The coolant melted and suddenly there was a spray of icy fluid. Providence ducked back avoiding the spurt that could've gotten her face, but some got on her hands instantly burning the back of her palms. Providence dropped the tool.

  "Fucking hell!" Providence cursed as she watched the coolant freeze on her skin and the seam of the pipe again.

  She flicked the ice crystals off her hand and retrieved the tool with her numb fingers. At least the biting liquid hadn't gotten into her eyes. She'd have to start over, but this time she knew what to expect. Providence shifted to the side and held up
the tool. It was difficult to hold steady as she started to shiver. This time she was out of the way when the frozen liquid melted and the leaky joint spurt. The welding tool sealed the worst spot, and she worked along the seam till she reached the back side. The angle was difficult at best. Providence had to brace herself against the icy cold wall and floor as she worked.

  "Finally!" Providence sighed as she finished.

  Her back was pins and needles and she'd lost a lot of feeling particularly in the hand she'd used to prop herself up with. Providence grimaced as she peeled her hand away from the floor. Her hands were taking a beating lately.

  "Madhava and Dagaa are going to be pissed." Providence thought as she started crawling back down the tunnel.

  By the time she reached the entrance again Providence wished her hands were still numb. The one stung so bad she nearly had to repress the tears in her eyes each time she placed it on the metal floor to move forward. She took to crawling on her forearms the last several feet, but took relief that hopefully this had worked.


  "She's doing WHAT?" Dagaa yelled into the communicator.

  Dagaa was up and out of his seat, headed for engineering in an instant.

  "The coolant breach is bad. If we don't fix it, we're likely to lose the ship. Our bonded is the only one small enough to fit in the tunnel. I don't like it any more than you do." Madhava snarled back obviously torn.

  Dagaa disconnected and called Ashtoret. He didn't care if he awoke the male considering these dire circumstances.

  Dagaa was beside himself as he entered engineering and stomped down the hall.

  "Shouldn't she be back by now?" Madhava demanded.

  His friend was practically snarling in Tytus' face.

  "It shouldn't take much longer." Tytus replied nervously.

  "We've got coolant pressure!" The technician said excitedly from the control panel at the head of engineering. "She did it!"

  Dagaa, Madhava and Tytus stared at the hole in the floor anxiously waiting for Providence to emerge. Dagaa couldn't believe Madhava let her do this, and yet what choice did they have? Besides Providence, as tiny as she was, would've torn Madhava a new one if he tried to stop her. They'd already learned that lesson with their fearless little mate.