Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online

Page 25

  Providence hoped like hell this wasn't an aggressive species that had come to take advantage of the Toufik. This mission would become exponentially more complicated if it was. Although the Cadi ships outnumbered the unknown vessels five to three that assumed they were equally matched.

  "I can't get a clear read yet on their weapons' capabilities, so I'm diverting extra power to our shields." Madhava reported.

  "I'm sending a message to our other vessels instructing them to prepare for the worst before I hail the unknowns." Dagaa stated.

  They were the lead vessel on this rescue foray, so it was up to them to guarantee the safety of the other four vessels in their party.

  "Hold back. Let's not traverse through the asteroid belt till we know who we are dealing with. It'll be more difficult for the unknowns to get through the debris field if they decide to take the offensive." Madhava suggested and Dagaa nodded in agreement.

  Providence was glad her men were well versed in military strategy. They knew when it was wise to hold back rather than barreling in. Their ship came to a halt on the far side of the asteroid belt and was joined by the other vessels.

  "I'm hailing the ships." Dagaa announced as he tapped into the console.

  The silence was intense as minutes passed waiting for a reply. Providence didn't realize she was sitting on the edge of her seat till the computer beeped startling her. She almost fell onto the floor.

  Dagaa looked at her in concern.

  "We have a response. Thank the Goddess it's the Agurtzane. Bringing them on screen now." Dagaa sighed in relief.

  The screen showing the three ships orbiting the Toufik planet shifted and a completely unexpected image replace it. Two pale almost blue individuals appeared before them. They had large perfectly round eyes, slits for noses, and a narrow line of a mouth. When Providence looked them up and down, she noted what appeared to be gills on the sides of their necks, which opened and closed, along with some sort of spines on their short forearms. It looked as if the two Agurtzane were treading in a fluid that filled their ship.

  Providence was amazed at seeing the advanced aquatic species. She shut her mouth trying to remember her manners and not gawk.

  "Greetings Cadi. I am Hiroki, captain of the Agurtzane fleet. This is my lieutenant Sidika." The fish-man on the left introduced himself then pointed to his companion.

  It was odd hearing words she understood being translated yet still hearing the mix of high-pitched squeaks and low bellows of the aquatic species. Their language reminded Providence of dolphin or whale calls.

  "Greetings Hiroki, Sidika." Dagaa placed his fist on his chest and bowed. Madhava did the same, so Providence followed suit. "I am Dagaa, Ardrigh of the Cadi."

  Providence hadn't heard Dagaa referred to by this title and assumed it must allude to Dagaa's authority status in Kagan's absence.

  "This is Madhava, my lieutenant and Providence. I bring you greetings from my esteemed Daimio, Kagan. We deeply appreciate the talks you have opened with our people and your assistance in locating the Toufik. We hope this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial alliance."

  Providence looked at Dagaa as he stood tall and proud speaking diplomatically with the Agurtzane. His stoic expression was the complete opposite of his otherwise playful demeanor. That along with his self-assured swagger made her proud, and hot damn he never looked sexier.

  "It is an honor. Our Podus also desires to expand our alliances. After receiving notice of your valiant intent to rescue this species, we have come to offer assistance. It is very rare to meet an altruistic species such as you."

  "Hiroki I wish to enter this relationship with nothing but honesty. I must admit to you that in the past the Toufik were enslaved on our planet. They were valued chattel while our people fought a desperate civil war. We deluded ourselves into believing the situation was amenable since the Toufik came from a dying planet and we generally treated them kindly. However we have learned the error of our ways. The Toufik fought valiantly beside our Daimio to end our civil war. Our Daimio hopes to bring us into an era that our people have not seen for centuries, one in which we wish to form beneficial alliances with honorable species such as yourselves. Our first effort to make amends is to rescue our brethren here."

  Bubbles rose up from both of the Agurtzane and their mouths opened as a warbled sound was emitted. Providence hoped it wasn't a bad sign as she looked at the aquatic people in confusion. It was hard reading their expressions.

  "We are shocked by your admission, but appreciate your honesty." Hiroki replied.

  Providence wondered if their burbled response had been a nervous one.

  "We have recently cut ties with a dishonorable merchant species that call themselves the Jurou Biljana. They are the reptile species that brought the Toufik to our planet. In fact this ship was taken from them, when we learned they had cheated our people, and brought a terrible weapon to our world which killed many people. Do you know this species?"

  "No, but we are cautious with the people we choose to deal with. I must admit that if we had known your history we might have reconsidered contacting you. However we cannot in good faith ignore the plight of these Toufik people. Unfortunately as you may well see we are unable to support them on our world."

  Providence could imagine the aquatic species might be hesitant to make allies. They seemed incredibly vulnerable. Most of the species she'd seen breathed air. If the Agurtzane were captured, they would easily be at risk. Then again if under attack, water filled ship or oxygen filled ship, both would be equally at risk in space.

  "I understand your reservations. It is wise to be cautious. It is best that you avoid the Jurou Biljana. I will send you all the information we have on them." Dagaa warned the Agurtzane. "Thank you for your understanding and patience. Our people have grown tired of fighting amongst themselves. It is not our desire to start up that fight again with others when mutual benefit can be found." Dagaa replied attempting to allay their fears.

  Hiroki looked to Providence and seemed to study her with his large bulging eyes.

  "You host another species besides the Toufik?" Hiroki asked.

  "Providence." Dagaa gestured for Providence to step forward with a smile.

  "Hello it is nice to meet you." Providence said hesitantly as she bowed. "I'm human but unfortunately I don't know where my galaxy is, but my people call it the Milky Way. A people called the Miran Sona brought me to this quadrant of the universe." Providence doubted the Agurtzane knew of the Miran Sona since they came from even further away than Earth, but who knows

  "They traveled through a worm hole to get here. When they emerged, the Miran Sona ship was attacked by the Jurou Biljana, and I was captured. Thankfully the Cadi rescued me from the slavers." Providence explained.

  "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Providence. These Jurou Biljana sound most unpleasant. Thank you for bringing them to our attention. As much as I would like to learn more about all of you, it is probably best if we return to the business that brings us here." Hiroki suggested.

  "Agreed." Dagaa replied.

  "We have quarters on our ships equipped to house the Toufik. Unfortunately we find the conditions on the planet too hostile to assist with more than transport to your home world." Hiroki stated.

  Providence was instantly grateful even though the Agurtzane couldn't go down to the planet.

  "We can land where you indicate, but are unable to depart our ship." Hiroki added.

  "Thank you, your assistance is greatly appreciated. When we land and determine which colonies are the largest, we'll communicate those locations to you. We will reach the planet in an hour. In the interim I will send you our plans for retrieving the Toufik from the planet. Until then."

  Hiroki nodded and Dagaa closed communications. He sighed as he sat back down.

  "Here we go." Madhava stated solemnly.

  Providence nodded. She took the little time they had to review the protocol the committee had agreed upon. Each team was broke
n down into three parts much like, Fire, Police and EMS acted back home. They would need to land in a viable location near their designated colony, overcome whatever obstacles to reach and retrieve the Toufik, then quickly assess, separate and load up the hairy people.

  Providence was glad that Stone and other trusted Toufik had joined them. He had been included the planning and had wisely argued, though silently, that a certain number of males, needed to be rescued. Stone pointed out that many of the rescued would be unwilling and afraid to leave without their clan alphas. It also reasoned that if they didn't rescue a certain number of males, they might create an imbalance in the Toufik population that could have genetic repercussions.

  Providence was almost giddy the Agurtzane were willing to assist with transporting Toufik. That meant that they didn't have to leave as many behind as she feared. Everyone always thought it was the physical exertion of a rescue that was the hardest part, but it wasn't. The most agonizing part was picking who would go first. It was a sad reality that meant the elderly and hopelessly injured were abandoned to fate, in favor of those who had a higher chance of surviving. Providence grimaced as she recalled discussing the tagging system they would use to separate the Toufik. The hairy alpha males going with them had nodded in grim understanding since they would be doing the lion's share of this tasteless task.

  "Approaching orbit." Dagaa announced.

  The hour passed unbelievably fast.

  Providence glanced up from the tablet she was reviewing and nearly choked as she looked at the planet. The atmosphere was hazy at best, occluding the view of the continents and oceans. There were areas where the sky swirled with massive turbulent storms, much like views Providence had seen of the surface of Saturn.

  The door to the control room opened and Providence turned to see Stone enter. His eyes widened in surprise. This was likely his first view of his home world from space. He moved to Dagaa's side and Dagaa clapped a hand on his shoulder.

  Stone made a gesture and Providence wished she knew more of their hand signals.

  "Yeah it's bad." Dagaa said grimly as they descended closer.

  "Dagaa one of the storms near the north pole is moving towards one of the colonies. Projections give it four hours before it hits." Madhava stated soberly.

  Dagaa looked from Madhava to Providence. His expression was dark, jaw clenched, as he battled with what would need to be done. They occupied the lead ship. Where in some cultures the leaders sent subordinates into difficult situations, among the Cadi their leaders took on risk just as equally.

  Providence gave Dagaa a single curt nod, indicating her willingness to do this. Madhava followed suit.

  Stone made a series of gestures to Dagaa.

  "Thank you for your understanding my friend." Dagaa said to Stone as he also spoke with his hands. "But they are not lost just yet. We can do this if you are up to it as well."

  Stone responded with a sober nod.

  Dagaa's expression shifted to one Providence had yet to see. This was his game face. It wasn't the diplomat, it was the warrior she looked upon now. Dagaa opened communications to the other ships.

  "Cyprian we are taking the north-west colony, you will take the southernmost colony but watch for the storms that seem most aggressive close to the poles. Vintor, you will take the eastern most colony, Payim the south-eastern, and Faktil take the one mid-continent, but keep your eye on that volcano. Report to my team your colony population estimates. The Agurtzane will assist with the largest." Dagaa instructed.

  "Yes Ardrigh." The commanders all replied in turn.

  "You know where to find me." Providence stood.

  As much as she wanted to watch their descent she needed to head to the loading bay to confirm their gear was set.

  "No sit!" Dagaa said firmly.

  Providence looked at him in surprise then sat back down without argument. There was a reason he wanted her to stay here for now. From the intense expression on Dagaa and Madhava's face it had more to do with what was approaching than some overprotective sentiment. Dagaa's tense expression softened.

  "Providence I want you to strap in. The gear can wait till we safely land."

  "Of course." Providence replied.

  "Everyone strap in, it's going to be a rougher landing than anticipated." Madhava reported to the crew.

  Providence struggled with the harness on her seat, not having had to use it up to this point.

  "Here let me help." Madhava leaned over and adjusted the restraint.

  She looked nervously at her men and Stone as they did the same. Take-off and landings were the most dangerous moments during flight. She would've never been up, moving around on a plane landing back home, but she'd become accustomed to how the starship handled so smooth, and the fact it wasn't protocol to strap in. She'd forgotten just how vulnerable they really were. Given the look of the swirling atmosphere, this was going to be one of those rare occasions.

  No sooner had Dagaa descended into the hazy atmosphere then the vessel started to rattle about. The shaking got worse as the turbulent environment buffeted the ship. Dagaa held everything steady, his face austere. The muscles in his jaw were clenched so tight, Providence worried he'd break a tooth as he concentrated on maneuvering the ship.

  Providence pressed her head against the back of her seat, clenching her own jaw to keep her teeth from clacking together as she gripped the armrests. If she had been in the loading bay, she would've been knocked silly by now. Rough landing was starting to feel like an understatement, crash landing might be more apropos.

  Sweat poured down Dagaa's face by the time they breached the swirling stormy atmosphere. The haze lifted somewhat, and the turbulence calmed, but didn't entirely abate. The sight that greeted them was a desolate wasteland. Much of the planet's surface was baked and barren. A massive tornado, the breadth of a small city, with three smaller ones dancing about it, whipped the sandy earth, scouring across a broad plain.

  Providence took solace in the fact they bypassed it to the east. Unfortunately her relief was short lived as she recalled the scene from space. As shocking a sight as this twister was, it wasn't the epic storm they'd witnessed closing in from the north.

  Providence looked north, dreading what she might see. The sky was ominously dark in the distance. Suddenly Providence started to wonder if this was one of those futile missions that sadly sometimes arose. Perhaps Stone had been right.

  Providence shook her head gravely. Four hours, they had four hours.

  She hazard a glance over at Stone to see a look on his face that broke her heart. He stared at his home planet in utter shock and devastation. His head was tilted to the side as if he were trying desperately to reconcile what he was seeing. His nostrils flared and chest heaved as his sad mocha eyes scanned the ravaged landscape.

  Providence wondered if it had changed so much in the time since he'd left.

  She glanced back towards the planet's surface to see an area that was shimmering like a mirage in the distance. The monotone brown surface shifted in hue appearing more olive drab. As they approached, she could make out a dry ravine on the left, the remnants of a riverbed, leading to a muddy body of water, the size of lake Erie at best. Near the shore of the shrinking sea were scraggly trees and brush. The sad oasis was the last viable spot in this area that could possibly support life. It was insane to fathom.

  "This is where we believe the colony is in this region." Dagaa announced.

  Providence nodded. Anything still living on this planet had to have water. The raging over-bloated sun was quickly boiling away what little they had. As the ship neared the shore of the lake Providence could see a smattering of anthills with Toufik pouring out. The structures weren't nearly large enough to house the numbers exiting them.

  "The dirt mounds must lead to underground shelter." Providence mused.

  "We can't set down here. The surface is unstable, in fact maintain your altitude. This area appears to be an old sea bed and I'm detecting precarious caverns and
pockets throughout. I'm concerned the gravity displaced by our ship will destabilize them." Madhava reported.

  Providence cringed. They needed to set down nearby, but if they caused a cave-in they'd possibly bury alive the very people, they were here to rescue.

  Stone made a gesture to the men.

  "Shit yeah we really don't want to disturb any of those pockets." Dagaa grimaced.

  "What?" Providence asked with increasing alarm.

  "The pockets might contain deadly gas." Madhava stated looking grim as fuck.

  "This is just getting better and better." Providence muttered.

  Providence forced herself to ignore the fear and adrenalin hammering at her. Instead concentrating on the mission, running through options, and looking for viable solutions to overcome yet another obstacle.

  Providence looked at how high they were. At this altitude they could see the gathering Toufik but it was still too high to send down ropes and harnesses. Even if they could repel down, the way the wind whipped about, the climber could easily be slammed into the side of the ship.

  "Too bad this thing can't set down on the water, and the ropes are out." Providence said with a shake of her head.

  "It'll take longer but we'll just have to use the cargo transports to move them. Where's our best option to land?" Dagaa asked.

  "Unfortunately at the top of one of those small rises." Madhava pointed to a location several miles to the west. "The rocky plateau should be stable enough. It will however make us vulnerable to those smaller storms we witnessed."

  They had no better option. Their hands were tied. They could cause a cave-in and possibly gas themselves or risk landing in the distant, vulnerable, yet stable location.

  Providence wished they had one of the small cruisers like what they used to visit the Primal Forest, then immediately dismissed the idea. The tiny space ship, though fast couldn't carry the number of Toufik they needed to transport, even if they made a dozen trips, and it would've taken up too much room in the starship to bring along. Plus they didn't have one, so it was a waste of time to dwell on it.