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Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Page 24
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Page 24
"She's going to give us both heart attacks." Dagaa said as he stood by his friend.
Madhava nodded looking stricken as he stared down into the hatch.
"The human females sure are unusual. Do you think all of them are as brave as Giselle and Providence?" Tytus asked looking intrigued
No doubt if he could've fit in the shaft below or had more time Tytus would've easily fixed this problem. He was gifted when it came to these things.
At the end of the war, the male had been down right giddy when Giselle asked if the Cadi had something called an Electro Magnetic Pulse that could shut down the enemy's electronics. The name alone gave Tytus enough information to work from, to create the device that helped win the war. He'd shut himself away for two days and emerged with the very thing Giselle described, like a mad scientist.
Dagaa never saw Tytus around too many females. He seemed to prefer gadgets and equations. So the fact Tytus, one of their most intelligent and capable engineers, was impressed with how savvy and hands-on Giselle and Providence were, said something. A male like Tytus would probably be well matched with a capable human female, except they were all taken.
A wisp of red hair emerged from the tunnel below and Dagaa was instantly relieved. Madhava sighed beside him, his shoulders slumping from their tense position. Dagaa knew his friend was silently berating himself this entire time.
"Son of a metcor." Dagaa swore when Providence reached the top of the ladder.
Providence was wet and shaking. Madhava pulled her mask off as he tugged her close looking her over. Providence handed the brazing tool to Tytus then winced when the male took it from her.
"You're hurt." Madhava growled as he looked at her hands.
"A bit of frost bite." Providence shivered.
"Shit! A layer of flesh is almost gone on your palm." Dagaa snarled.
Madhava lifted her up and nearly ran towards medical. Providence's broken finger hadn't even healed and now this.
"This was a mistake. You shouldn't be doing all this." Dagaa groused as he frowned down at their injured little bonded.
"Thank you for fixing the cooling coil and saving us Providence." Providence chattered looking annoyed with him.
"I'm sorry. Thank you Providence. I am beside myself with gratitude, but it kills me seeing you like this." Dagaa apologized feeling bad for being an ass.
Providence had done what they couldn't, and he didn't need to harass her, she was already injured. Just seeing her wet, trembling, nearly frozen, with bright red raw hands had him mad with worry.
"I know. I'll be fine gentleman."
"You're fine, my tail." Dagaa heard her say that phrase a lot. He was coming to learn that it really meant 'I'm hurt but not trying to show it.'
They entered medical to find the Jorg already there.
"Tytus called me. I have a healing salve ready that should help numb the pain. Let me see the damage." Their medic got straight to it.
"Oh good. Can I dip my hands in it?" Providence gave him a wane smile as she held her palms out.
"Actually that looks like a good idea." Jorg looked at her hands in shock.
"See, I knew it was bad." Dagaa growled.
"Calm down." Madhava rebuked.
Providence snickered at them through chattering as she dipped her hands into the tray, Jorg had filled with the salve. At least she was in good spirits, better than Dagaa. He should've been ecstatic, they'd just escaped disaster, but his mate had been hurt in the process.
"It looks worse than what it is. I'm sorry for my reaction. I expected mild frost burns since you don't seem to be in a great deal of pain." Jorg explained.
"It’s gotta be pretty bad before I scream bloody murder." Providence replied.
Goddess help Dagaa if he ever heard that sound. They'd have to pry him off the ceiling.
"She saved all of our tails repairing the cooling coil on the fuel cell." Madhava told the medic with pride. "Our bonded is a little warrior."
Dagaa smiled at the respect he heard in his friend's voice. Their mate WAS a little warrior. They were beyond lucky to have found such an amazing female. Dagaa relaxed a bit hearing Providence's injuries weren't that bad.
"Stop you guys are embarrassing me." Providence chattered, her wet red hair sticking to her face.
"Aw shit. Jorg get a blanket, she's completely soaked." Dagaa instructed. He'd been so worried about her raw hands that he'd nearly forgotten how soaked she was.
"Here these were kept in the warmer." Jorg handed several blankets to Dagaa then turned his back as he and Madhava quickly stripped their mate and bundled her up. Dagaa appreciated the consideration, the man was a physician, but he was also male.
"Providence there's a red swath down your back?" Madhava asked in concern.
Providence snuggled into the blankets with a relaxed sigh.
"Yeah, I had to brace myself against the wall and floor to get the back of the pipe sealed. It was a real bitch."
"If it isn't as bad as your hands it should heal soon. Would you like some of the ointment for it?" Jorg inquired as he turned back around.
"No it's fine." Providence said.
"We'll take some." Dagaa and Madhava said at the same time.
Providence smiled at them.
"Hey this salve is neat, it forms a little layer like skin." Providence marveled as she examined her hands. "My mother would have loved to have this when I was getting scraped up as a kid."
Dagaa grinned at the image of a tiny Providence with wild red hair jumping out of trees and generally giving her mother fits. Then again she was giving him fits now.
"Yes it's a mother's best friend. Little warriors can be quite a handful. It has a host of great uses. It can even be used as a liquid suture for deeper injuries. It was invented during the war and has been a life saver. Although many warriors refuse to use it unless in dire need." Jorg nodded his head towards Dagaa and Madhava.
"I bet. Men can be such stubborn patients." Providence reached a hand out and touched one of the scars on Madhava's chest.
"Hey! I would have been a perfect patient." Madhava defended himself. "Vigdis didn't believe in such medical advancements."
Dagaa grimaced. His friend wouldn't be as scarred if the deceased Scelus Cadi leader had cared more about his people's wellbeing. Granted Dagaa had a few scars of his own, but he'd always been able to treat the worst ones and the injuries to his face.
"It makes me sad that you had to suffer, when something could've prevented it." Providence frowned.
"None of that." Madhava soothed her crinkled brow. "I am fine."
"Ha!" Providence said as she pointed at him.
Dagaa laughed at how she'd turned the tables on them. They were a stubborn lot.
"Well I think you are going to be fine. The salve will wear off and may need to be reapplied, but the skin should be mostly healed by then." Jorg instructed.
"Great. I feel tons better already." Providence smiled, her green eyes beaming at them.
"I imagine not being wet and cold helps." Dagaa shook his head. Poor Providence had looked so bedraggled as she came out of that hole in the hull.
"Yep now I'm starving." Providence added.
Dagaa nearly forgot they'd missed first meal and now with all the excitement it was well past mid meal.
"I need to return to the control room but how about you and Madhava eat, get changed and maybe rest?" Dagaa suggested.
"I'll be good as new with some dry clothes and something in my belly." Providence said.
Half an hour later Madhava and Providence entered the control room with a tray full of food. Providence had on a fresh jumpsuit and her long red hair was brushed and plaited into something she called a braid.
"You need to eat too." Providence said as she set out a dish in front of Dagaa, and then sat to eat beside him.
Providence tapped on the screen of a communicator she brought as she poked bites into her mouth.
"What do you have there?" Dagaa asked.
br /> "I asked Tytus to load some videos of the basic repairs that might be needed to the ship. I think it might be good to know." Providence said as she watched the vid display.
"You are probably right if you are the only one who can fit in those damn tunnels." Dagaa shook his head frustrated at the grim prospect.
"Yeah, you know I'm betting the Jurou Biljana took or traded for this ship. I don't think they could fit in those tunnels either."
"Probably right." Madhava agreed.
"I fear what else they neglected to maintain." Dagaa frowned.
"Well that’s all the more reason I should try to get up to speed with all this." Providence tapped on the screen.
Thankfully when Dagaa communicated with the other ships, no one had reported any major problems. Only one of the other ships was a former Jurou Biljana vessel, but the other three Cadi vessels had been repaired with suspect parts they'd gotten from the reptile merchants.
Dagaa smiled as Providence got lost in watching various repairs that had been recorded on this and other Cadi ships. The day grew late and soon it was time to turn in. Dagaa was more than ready. The day had been more exciting than he'd expected on their voyage to the Toufik planet. This kind of excitement was exactly what worried him about bringing Providence on this mission, and yet if she hadn't been here, things would have been much worse for him and his crew. Dagaa had to admit that his little mate was right. Having her at his side was proving to be vital in so many ways.
When the three of them finally made it back to their quarters, Dagaa dropped onto the edge of the bed and pulled off his boots. Tomorrow would be a big day, they'd arrive in the solar system the Toufik planet occupied.
"I'm exhausted." Dagaa sighed.
Providence straddled his lap and slowly started unhooking her jumpsuit from the neck down. The seductive look in her eyes as she reached her breasts instantly had him hard. His shaft punched up hitting the vee in her thighs as she ground against his lap.
"Well if you are too exhausted, I guess it's straight to bed." Providence demurred
She pushed Dagaa's chest, and he fell back in the bed.
Providence stood between his splayed knees and slowly unhooked one clasp, then the next, then another, baring the swell of her breasts painfully slow.
What was it with human females? They could tease a male by the mere act of getting naked. He'd seen Providence naked a dozen times already and yet the anticipation of seeing her nude was killing him. Dagaa was ready to rip the garment off her.
Madhava sat beside him on the bed, just as enthralled by their mate.
Providence inched the suit slowly over the splendid creamy mounds that bedeviled his dreams. The blushing peaks barely appearing when Providence paused. Dagaa realized he was holding his breath which came out on a growl as their wicked female taunted them. Providence relented. The next clasp gave way, and her rosy swollen tips peeked out.
Dagaa huffed, his fangs aching, his shaft straining in his vestments.
Providence glanced at the apex of Dagaa's thighs to see the evidence of his arousal, and her eyes narrowed. Beneath her shuttered lashes Dagaa could see her pupils dilate further. She bit her lip as her breath heaved, making her breasts swell temptingly. Providence reached up and sucked one finger into her mouth then trailed it down her chest, to slowly circle her turgid nipple, making it stiffen and pucker even further, before slipping the jumpsuit down her ribs.
Dagaa's eyes were riveted to her stomach, waiting to see the fiery patch of hair on her mound. He could already scent her sweet musk. It made his mouth water. He'd heard that nothing smelled better than your bonded female. But nothing could have prepared him for the reality of it. Providence smelled and tasted divine before he had marked her. But once he'd had a true taste and made her his own, she was like an addiction.
His exhaustion forgotten Dagaa couldn't wait. He reached out lightning fast and snatched Providence towards him with a feral growl.
"Dagaa!" Providence squealed.
Dagaa captured her lips and silenced his mate with a searing kiss as he held her against his chest.
"It's not nice to tease a predator." Madhava snarled.
In the corner of his eye, Dagaa saw and felt his friend pull Providence's suit the rest of the way down her legs. Dagaa held Providence against him kissing her as he lay back on the bed.
Providence cried into his mouth as she jolted forward, her nails digging into his shoulders.
Dagaa looked up to see Madhava gripping her hips as he knelt at the side of the bed. The male had shoved his shaft into their sweet mate, and was working deeper, twisting and curling his hips.
Dagaa watched Providence's face as Madhava impaled her. Her jewel green eyes were wide, ruby red lips parted as she licked them between breathy pants. Her flushed cheeks were gorgeous. The moan that burst forth as Madhava thrust the rest of the way into her body, made Dagaa groan.
"Goddess you are a vision." Dagaa husked.
Madhava grunted in agreement as he pulled back and thrust deep into their mate again. The stiff tips of Providence's breast rubbing against Dagaa's chest each time his friend impaled her. Dagaa wrapped his arms around her and held her firm as Madhava possessed her body with increasing intensity.
Dagaa resumed kissing Providence as she trembled against his chest. His mouth trailed down her neck, fangs itching. Dagaa laved the crook of Providence's neck then bit down. Providence tightened up then started spasming.
The look of sheer ecstasy on Madhava's face as he threw back his head and snarled, was amazing. Dagaa could only imagine the way Madhava felt as their mate's tight sheath gripped him.
No sooner did Madhava pull free of Providence then Dagaa gripped her waist, yanked aside his vestment and sank into her still quivering wet heat.
"Oh god." Providence moaned into his shoulder as Dagaa worked past the slick clenching muscles of her channel.
Dagaa gripped the globes of her ass, curled his hips and thrust up into her, till the base of his shaft ground against Providence's swollen clit.
Dagaa suddenly felt Providence grow even tighter as she cried out a strangled sound. Dagaa looked down the line of her back to see Madhava with the phallus in hand, working the oiled toy into Providence's rear opening. Dagaa stilled, buried to the hilt in her quaking body. He pressed his tongue against his fangs pushing more of the liquid ecstasy into her.
The feeling was beyond amazing as Madhava pushed and twisted the toy deeper into Providence. Dagaa could feel the ridges on the shaft in her rear as they abraded him through her convulsing walls. It was enough to make him instantly spill, but he held off.
"More." Providence gasped as she strained in his arms, pushing her hips out.
Madhava pulled the toy back and pushed it in deeper. The action started up an intense quake in Providence's channel. Dagaa could no longer stay still. He pulled back and thrust into her soaked spasming heat. Dagaa and Madhava worked in unison, penetrating Providence in turn, increasing their speed in tandem with her building ecstatic cries. His teeth were still latched onto the crook of her neck as he pumped more of his serum into her body. Providence shook and writhed as he impaled her repeatedly on his length.
Dagaa had to release her shoulder, he was panting so hard. It was becoming increasingly difficult to control his mounting release. Providence bit down on his shoulder sinking her blunt teeth into him as he hammered into her body. She froze going rigid, all but the clenching convulsions and the flood of moisture that filled her channel. She was so incredibly tight as she milked his shaft and screamed her orgasm into his shoulder. He couldn't hold off any longer, it was too good. Dagaa frantically pounded up into her body, his stomach flexed as nirvana shot up his spine and out his shaft. Dagaa convulsed as his seed spilled into her clasping heat.
Dagaa slumped back against the bed, spent. He stroked Providence's limp sweaty body and smiled. Her mouth was still latched onto his shoulder.
Madhava touched the toy embedded in Providence's rear and they
both moaned.
"No leave it. I can't." Providence murmured into his shoulder.
"Amazing!" Madhava husked as he lay down beside them.
Dagaa moved to pull his shaft free of Providence but she stiffened up on him.
"I said leave it!" She groused sleepily.
Madhava chuckled and Dagaa grinned. Dagaa was more than happy to comply with their little mate. He could imagine no better way to sleep than embedded in Providence's body.
12 Toufik Planet
Providence put her game face on when Dagaa announced they were approaching the Toufik planet's solar system. They would land before she knew it and Providence was more than ready to get this show on the road. She was amazed that in a few hours the Cadi starships would traverse the solar system when it took Earth satellites years to travel a similar distance. Providence couldn't wait. As advanced as the starship was it was getting old being cooped up in a metal tin can breathing regenerated air.
As the image of the solar system came on screen, Providence mouth dropped open.
The sun was huge even from this distance, a Red Giant, burning fierce and out of control. The enormous orange mass, swirled and churned violently. Providence watched, riveted, as a solar flare leapt from the sun's surface, arcing out like a fiery wave.
"Amazing." Providence said in awe.
"And deadly." Madhava added.
The flaming orb was the reason the Toufik planet had started to self-destruct. It was sad to think the entire solar system would soon die as the star grew even larger, consuming the planets in its wake.
A beep sounded, indicating a previously undetected presence somewhere in their vicinity.
"We've got three ships in orbit around the Toufik planet." Madhava announced.
"Shit, do we know who?" Dagaa asked.
"Undetermined yet. The ship's computer is reviewing its database but hasn't identified the craft. I wish we had more records of our own to compare to. I hate relying on the reptiles' intel." Madhava vented.
"Well at least it's not the Jurou Biljana." Providence suggested, trying to be positive.