Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Read online

Page 27

  "Please let them want the ship more than revenge." Dagaa prayed to the Goddess as he hitched the second rota to the transport he'd be piloting.

  Dagaa looked north as he engaged the rota and lifted off the ground. The massive storm threatened to end this foolishness before either side could solve this conflict. As it was, they had been cutting it close. If he wasn't back with the others before the storm got to a critical point... Madhava knew what had to be done.

  Dagaa thought about Providence and Madhava as he pushed the rota over the terrain. His heart twisted. Fate was so damn fickle. Yet he couldn't curse fate, it had brought Providence into his life and showered him with a soul deep joy that he'd never believed possible. If all that he treasured was going to be cruelly ripped away, Dagaa couldn't imagine leaving his mate in better hands, Madhava, the brother he'd never expected.

  Once upon a time Dagaa's greatest fear was being shut out and left behind. But here on this distant dying planet with the enemy breathing down their necks, facing his greatest fear was the one thing he could do for the brother of his heart and the love of his life. Dagaa's only regret was that he hadn't kissed Providence's sweet lips one more time before going on this fool’s errand.

  Dagaa shook his head, he couldn't think that way, he wasn't in his grave quite yet.

  Dagaa wasn't surprised at all by the sudden flash and thundering crash in the rear of the vehicle.

  "Fuck!" Dagaa growled.

  He attempted futilely to control the rota, but it pitched and started tumbling end over end, slamming into the rocky landscape with each flip, before finally coming to rest.

  The last thing Dagaa saw before everything dimmed was a pair of emerald eyes haloed by fiery red hair.


  Madhava held Providence, sobbing and trembling in his arms, as he walked to the control room. He couldn't believe the Agurtzane had abandoned them so quickly, and yet he also couldn't blame them. This wasn't their fight.

  "We have to stop him." Providence wailed as they passed dozens of Toufik huddled in the corridor.

  As much as Madhava might agree, he knew that Dagaa was giving him the precious extra moments to possibly even the score.

  "Let me down!" Providence pounded at his chest. "We have to do something. He's going to get himself killed." She cried.

  "Providence, Dagaa knew what he was risking." Madhava stated as he entered the control room.

  Providence looked at him with wet, puffy, red eyes. She opened her mouth and gasped, then gasped again, like she was choking or hyperventilating.

  "No NO." Providence shook her head wildly. She struck his chest again with her small fist, pounding him in her anguish. "How dare you! How could you let him?" Providence struggled to get free.

  "I'm doing exactly what I gave my oath to do." Madhava said as he held her against him while he sat next to Ashtoret at the console.

  "Damn your oath! I don't need you protecting me at Dagaa's expense. I'm not somehow more important." Providence insisted as she fought him to release her.

  "I didn't just make that oath to you beautiful. Dagaa and I promised each other that should something happen to either of us, you'd be safe. And because I love my brother I will uphold that oath."

  Madhava hoped that his little mate didn't hate him, but he wouldn't be swayed. It would kill him if Dagaa died on this awful planet and she blamed him. They were the only family he had left, he couldn't bear their loss. Even now the accusation in Providence's flashing green eyes twisted his gut. Madhava steeled himself against that possibility as he did what he had to do.

  Providence was beside herself with dismay. He had to calm her quickly. If was going to defeat the attacking Jurou Biljana before the storm struck, he needed to concentrate. Madhava felt bad for what he was about to do but it couldn't be helped.

  Madhava's hand gripped the back of Providence's head and tilted it to the side. Before she could object he struck out sinking his fangs into the side of her neck. He pumped a large amount of serum into his little mate till Providence moaned and convulsed in his arms. Madhava strapped Providence into the seat beside him, her eyes lolled as she slumped back. Her scent had changed from gnawing agony to something more sweet, but it still held that despondent quality he could do nothing about. Madhava hated using the conjugo mark against her, but he didn't know what else to do.

  Seeing Providence was okay, Madhava turned back to the display screen. Dagaa was making his way in the rota over the jagged plain at the base of the plateau. The Jurou Biljana hovered aggressively in the air.

  "We're fully armed but also ready to take off on your signal." Ashtoret stated grimly.

  "We're going to give Dagaa a chance to get Stone and the rest of the Toufik back to the ship." Madhava said as he kept one eye on the enemy and the other on his brother's progress.

  Having watched the Jurou Biljana attack the Agurtzane, he'd noted their weapons were equally matched. Madhava tapped into the ship's defense system and held it at ready. He had to plan this just right. A few well-placed shots would give them enough advantage to get away.

  No sooner had Madhava thought that then a disrupter blast shot out from the Jurou Biljana ship. Madhava watched in horror as Dagaa's rota was sent careening. The transport flipped nearly a half dozen times, debris flying off in every direction before striking the ground nose first and burrowing into the sandy soil.

  Providence whimpered quietly in the seat beside him. Madhava looked over to see she was no longer listless, her eyes focused on the screen, a continuous stream of tears running down her cheeks.

  Madhava's vision turned red as an intense burning rage welled up inside him. He looked out at the smoke rising from the crash site, an enraged snarl boiling up, threatening to break free. Madhava's eyes narrowed as his attention turned back to the Jurou Biljana. He didn't know what he'd do now about the Toufik, but one thing was for certain, the reptiles would pay for what they'd done.


  Providence sat boneless strapped in the seat by Madhava. Her mind swirled with a mix of euphoric love and passion but also gut gnawing despair and anxiety, as she looked from Madhava to the screen, showing everything going on outside the ship.

  Madhava had bitten her that was why she couldn't truly focus on what was happening. Then again she was being hysterical. Dagaa was risking his tail to save not just her but all of them. Rather than help solve the problem she'd lost her shit.

  Providence stared at the looming Jurou Biljana ship. She had to calm down and focus on what could be done. There had to be something she could do to help Madhava defeat those fucking reptiles. Then they could rescue Dagaa and the Toufik.

  The blast on the screen caught her off guard.

  Providence felt her heart rip into a million pieces as she watched Dagaa's transport come apart as it flipped repeatedly then slammed into the earth. The gnarled wreckage of their only remaining rota lay in a deep furrow it ploughed across the ground.

  There was no way Dagaa survived such carnage. Tears streamed down Providence's face as she watched the dreams she'd envisioned of her sweet funny Dagaa go up in smoke. There was no hope now, before maybe, but not now.

  Madhava let loose a feral growl, his fangs bared, brow creased as his eyes zeroed in on the enemy. The frightening look on his face eclipsed the times when she'd been in danger. He'd moved past anger, into a wrathful state that had no name.

  The Jurou Biljana started landing at the far end of the plateau, no doubt they thought they'd force the Cadi to give up, now that they'd taken down several people.

  What happened next shocked and amazed Providence. Madhava's hands flew over the console as he stared at the Jurou Biljana ship. A rapid barrage of disrupter fire flew from their starship straight for the enemy. Much like the contest for Prime, Madhava lit up a single spot on the overgrown reptiles' ship with unerring, deadly accuracy.

  The Jurou Biljana were caught off guard, vulnerable, while attempting to set down on the narrow precipice. Never the less they
returned fire. Providence braced herself as the ship shuddered.

  "Divert all power equally our shields and weapons." Madhava gritted out.

  It was frightening how good Madhava was. Woe to the bastard that pissed him off. The Jurou Biljana's shields flickered under the repeated assault in one location. They shot back but only landed a fraction of the shots Madhava did as their ship tried to maneuver into a more favorable position directly overhead.

  Madhava's next shot opened a hole in the Jurou Biljana hull. But that didn't halt Madhava. He was intent on his revenge. Madhava continued firing, his one hand aiming the disrupter while his other finger flew over the trigger.

  There was a blast of fire that erupted from the Jurou Biljana ship and it began listing to one side. Madhava switched his attention to another key area on the ship and resumed his assault. The reptiles' ship suddenly dropped out of the sky hitting the edge of the plateau. It teetered then fell over the edge crashing into the plain below.

  A cry of relief escaped Providence's mouth.

  "Is there any sign of other Jurou Biljana ships?" Madhava asked Ashtoret.

  "No but we don't have a clear view of the entire orbit or atmosphere. Whatever is affecting our communication is preventing it." Ashtoret shook his head.

  "Our systems are functioning fine we didn't suffer any major damage." Madhava noted. "Now how in Kali's name do we get Dagaa, Stone and the rest of the Toufik off that plain so we can get the fuck out of here?" Madhava said as he looked out at the sky that had darkened markedly.

  Providence was ever so grateful Madhava didn't talk about Dagaa like he was dead. She just couldn't bear it.

  A hand rested on her cheek and Providence looked over into Madhava's sad dark eyes. He looked so uncertain as he stared at her. Providence cast him a melancholy smile. She regretted railing against him in a fit of anger and fear. She'd be lost without him now. He was her only life line in this barren world.

  "Life line!" Providence gasped. She scrambled to get out of her harness. "The climbing gear. We have to get all the climbing gear quick!"

  Madhava was on his feet in an instant.

  "Stay here and be ready to go." Madhava bellowed as they rushed out of the control room heading toward the loading bay.

  "Get these doors open." Madhava instructed Tytus.

  "We've got to get this stuff out to the cliff edge." Providence said as the hangar doors opened.

  Madhava stopped Providence. She was about to tell him they didn't have time to waste till she saw he held her mask and goggles. Providence nodded as they geared up then headed down the ramp with the ropes and harnesses in tow.

  The instant they were outside the wind whipped, knocking Providence off balance. Madhava gripped her waist, and she felt him tie a tether to her that he then attached to his own waist. The wind had turned brutal, and the sky churned ominously. It was getting so dark it was nearly impossible to see a mile out on the rugged plain.

  Providence pushed down her fear and started tying off the ropes to the ship.

  "So that others may live." She repeated the mantra over and over as she rapidly worked.


  Searing pain shooting up his leg brought Dagaa instantly out of the sweetest dream he had ever known. Providence was waiting for him somewhere in the ether but someone was tugging at his shoulders. Dagaa flung his arm out and groaned at the pain that radiated through him. He opened his eyes to see Stone and his twin.

  "Stone I didn't know you had a brother." Dagaa mumbled, his head pounding.

  The twins shook their head at him and just kept pulling his shoulders. Dagaa gritted his teeth as the pain overwhelmed him. Why the hell did he hurt so bad? Dagaa looked down, blinking to clear his vision. There was a tangle of metal and debris all around him.

  Dagaa looked back up at the dim sky. The clouds were swirling in the distance and the wind was vicious as it lashed him with dirt that got into his eyes, nose and mouth. Slowly the reality of where he was dawned on Dagaa.

  "Providence." Dagaa's breath left him on a pained groan, when he attempted to pushed at the wreckage of the transport, while Stone reached beneath his arms and started pulling.

  Dagaa looked to see the smaller bone of his forearm protruding from the skin. He tried to push up out of the seat using his good arm but he wouldn't budge. Dagaa looked down to see his legs trapped beneath mangled metal and sandy earth.

  His right leg hurt like a son of a bitch. He could feel something jabbing at his thigh as he shifted it. Dagaa wiggled his toes which was a good sign. They worked unlike the fingers on his right hand. However he couldn't feel his left leg at all, nothing below his thigh, which was not good at all. Best case it was broken, worst case it was completely crushed or severed entirely. He didn't know for sure since he couldn't see beneath the remnants of the rota and all the dirt that filled the cockpit.

  "No it can't be severed. I would've bled out by now." Dagaa silently assessed the grim situation.

  He was trapped.

  Dagaa glance back and noticed the wreckage of a starship at the base of the plateau. His breath stopped in his throat till he saw their ship still up on the rocky plain, the Cadi insignia clearly visible. Dagaa sighed in relief then smiled despite the mind numbing pain. Madhava had done it. Providence was safe, for now.

  He looked again at the dark sky. The storm was coming fast.

  Dagaa coughed and spat the sand out of his mouth.

  "Stone my left leg is trapped. There is no time to free it." Dagaa groaned. "You need to get to the ship. Stop fooling with me." He choked out.

  Dagaa nearly laughed at Stone's reply.

  "Not happening huh?" Dagaa shook his head at his stubborn furry friend.

  Stone made several gestures and four large Toufik males appeared. Quickly they began scooping away dirt and metal debris baring his trapped limb. Dagaa gritted his teeth as they gripped the mangled console and began tugging it upward. The pain was immense. Dagaa's vision faded as he repressed the agonized howl that threatened to break free.

  Dagaa was jostled and his eyes flew open. He looked around to see he was lying at the edge of the hole his rota had created. One of the Toufik was tying a scarf around Dagaa's leg, while another finished with his arm. He was free but Stone was staring down at the vehicle. Dagaa followed his gaze to see a foot of his tail was still trapped, crushed between the seat and the hull.

  Dagaa grabbed one of the knives from the bandolier beneath his tattered cloak and handed it to Stone.

  "You know what needs to be done." Dagaa murmured.

  There was no more time to waste on his sorry tail, literally.

  Stone gripped the knife, and then quickly tied a scrap of fabric around Dagaa's tail. Dagaa closed his eyes against the cruel whipping wind. He barely felt the pain as Stone started sawing into the numb appendage.

  Next thing he knew he was being lifted by Stone and three of his hairy comrades. One male at each shoulder and knee. The pain was unbelievable as they started running best they could across the rugged terrain, towards the plateau less than a mile away. The wind had increased to such a degree in threatened to knock them off their feet. Each foot-fall that struck the earth sent another spike of agony through his body.

  Dagaa debated demanding they leave him, but the determined look on Stone's face halted the words. Instead Dagaa squint his eyes and trained them on the ship perched atop the plateau while the cadre of nearly fifty Toufik males ran towards their only salvation.


  Madhava gripped the rope as he braced his legs at the cliff's edge, his muscles quaked as he fought against the building wind. He looked behind him at the ground, nearly two-hundred feet down, and nearly bellowed into his mask. A score of dark figures moved towards the plateau.

  At the end of the pack they were carrying someone.

  "Dagaa!" He whispered.

  Madhava tugged on the rope pulling himself back up. Once on firm ground he gestured to Providence, who was crouched on the ground so she di
dn't blow away, indicating the Toufik were coming.

  Madhava lit a handful of flares. He dropped half down the rocky face to the ground below then left the other at top to illuminate the ropes. Providence dropped the rest of the ropes down.

  "Come on, come on." He prayed.

  Madhava held his breath as the slack went out of the ropes indicating someone was climbing at the other end. It couldn't come too soon.

  Madhava then noticed Providence's intent stare northward. He turned his head, and his eyes widened. Off in the distance he saw the swirling twisters whipping rapidly across the plain, heading straight for them. The hurricane emptied the muddy lake as it skimmed the surface. An instant later Madhava felt the moisture the storm churned up, on the exposed skin of his hands and face.

  Madhava looked from the grim sight, to the ropes, then at Providence. Her cloak whipped about, lashing her, as it threatened to tear from her body. Her hair was wild as it tangled in the mounting gale. Madhava had to hold Providence so tight by the waist just to keep her upright, he was afraid he would break her.

  Madhava looked grimly to the ship, it was no match for the handful of tornado's bearing down on them.

  As much as Madhava didn't want to admit it. Time had run out.

  Providence shook her head in denial as the tears spilled into her goggles.

  A bright light appeared overhead, piercing the growing darkness. Madhava stared up, his mouth gaping open as the beacon grew. It was coming from a massive ship. Madhava felt a strange pull on his body. It was different from the wild jarring motion of the violent wind. If he hadn't been tethered to the starship, Madhava had no doubt the force would've tugged him off the surface of the plateau.

  "What in the hell?" Madhava growled.

  Madhava glanced at the cliff's edge to see a handful of Toufik, still gripping the ropes, being pulled upward, while a dozen more levitated behind them. The stunned look on the Toufik's furry faces, as they struggled against the pull, no doubt mirrored his own. Madhava saw Dagaa's limp form hovering midair, being pulled towards the light, despite the hurricane force wind. The way Dagaa hung listless in the sky gave Madhava little hope for his brother.