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Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2) Page 28
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Page 28
Madhava was so shocked he didn't react fast enough when Providence pulled away from him. Much to his horror she quickly untied the rope around her waist then leapt towards Dagaa. Madhava felt his heart hit his stomach as Providence went over the cliff's edge. He desperately grabbed for her but she was already caught up in the strange force pulling everyone towards the unidentified ship above. Madhava ripped off his mask.
"Providence!" He screamed in desperation.
Providence pulled off her own mask and yelled something he couldn't hear over the roar of the wind.
Madhava shook his head vehemently.
Providence did something he didn't expect, she kissed her hand and then blew into it. She then smiled and pointed from him to the starship several times.
Madhava looked at her with wild eyes for another brief moment before he nodded solemnly and raced to the starship entrance as fast as the violent wind would allow him, pulling at the ropes to help reel him in.
Madhava witnessed Providence disappear into the massive looming ship as the hangar doors closed sealing him in.
The anguished bellow that erupted from his throat reverberated through the ship, causing all the Toufik females to cower in fear.
Madhava slammed his hand on the panel in the loading bay, cracking the glass, as he called the control room.
"Ashtoret get us out of here." Madhava snarled.
"Yes Sir!" Ashtoret replied sounding relieved.
Thankfully, although he'd damaged the small vid screen, Madhava was still able to call up the image of their take-off.
Madhava watched the unknown massive vessel as it took off into the atmosphere with a streak of light. Madhava huffed, a part of him was relieved that Providence was no longer on the damned planet, but now he had a new problem. Someone had his bonded.
Madhava gripped the walls as the ship shuddered and tossed while climbing out of the violent atmosphere. He made his way to the control room and strapped in next to Ashtoret. The warrior gave him a grim sideways glance as he fought to break free of the savage hold the planet had on their starship. Sweat poured down the male's face as he forced the craft to ascend at a sharp angle. Ashtoret let loose an exhausted, exuberant bellow when they finally pierced the hazy stratosphere, emerging into starlit space.
"Follow that ship. They have my bonded, Dagaa and Stone." Madhava demanded.
Madhava ignored his fellow Cadi vessels orbiting the planet, his sole focus on the one that had taken Providence and his brother.
14 Up Up and Away
Providence fought off the mild drowsy sensation that threatened to overwhelm her already exhausted body as she looked around at the familiar frosted glass walls. All around her the Toufik males were sleeping like babies. Providence didn't know why sedation didn't quite work on her. It made her more giddy than sleepy and generally she could power through it. At the moment she was glad for that fact.
Providence looked over to see Dagaa. She gasped as she took in the sight of his body.
"Oh god." She cried as her hand rose to her mouth. She bit down on her fist to keep from screaming in dismay as she scrambled over to him.
Dagaa's clothes were tattered and dirty. But that's not what had Providence trembling with rising panic. Blood covered him from head to toe. There was a bandage on his arm barely covering the gruesome bone that pierced his skin. Another one bound his leg, which lay at an odd angle. Providence gasped as she noticed the end of his tail was missing entirely. The gash and knot on his head looked pretty bad too. The way it bled, it was clear he needed stitches.
Providence held her breath as she reached out with shaking fingers and felt the side of Dagaa's neck. He had a pulse!
"Oh god!" Providence cried in thanks and desperation. "Hang in there handsome." Providence begged him as she kissed his forehead.
Providence jumped up and ran to the glass wall.
"Cila, Zer if you are out there I need your help." She screamed as she pounded the glass.
The silhouette of a figure appeared and the wall split in two. Providence didn't recognize the pale female that greeted her, but thankfully Cila rushed towards them from across the domed cargo bay.
"Providence it is you!" Cila cried out as she ran towards them.
"This is the human you were looking for?" The other Miran Sona female asked as she looked Providence over.
"Yes Ion. Oh thank the stars you are okay Providence. What were you and those poor creatures doing on this awful planet? The storm that was coming would've killed you?" Cila's pale mohawk vibrated with her excitement.
"Did the other ship make it off the surface?" Providence asked, fear for Madhava gripping her tight.
"Yes unfortunately, but Zer is about to take care of those nasty Jurou Biljana." Cila replied.
"No!" Providence screamed. "Call him now. It's not the Jurou Biljana in that ship."
"Okay." Cila looked confused as she pulled her communicator out. "Zer hold. Providence said the Jurou Biljana aren't on that ship."
"Please there are two ships here that were former Jurou Biljana ships. They have an insignia on their hull that looks like a knife going through a quarter moon. There may be others in orbit that have those nasty reptiles but don't attack the two with that symbol." Providence begged.
"Did you hear that Zer." Cila asked.
"I got it. What do you know about the other ships?" Zer asked through the comm.
"There should be two former Jurou Biljana ships with the mark. Three other ships with the same symbol and three more from an aquatic species. Any others I don't know about. Any un-marked reptile ships are the enemy." Providence quickly explained. "Please Cila I need your help. My mate is horribly injured."
They were losing precious time while Dagaa suffered and possibly slipped away.
"Your mate is injured?" Cila looked at Providence in confusion.
Providence ran into the room and knelt by Dagaa. Cila gasped as she looked down at Dagaa.
"Oh my stars. Ion get the gurney." Cila exclaimed and Ion ran out of the room. "Zer, Exo I need one of you to come assist. We have a large male with very serious injuries." Cila spoke into her comm.
Providence stroked Dagaa's forehead, pushing back his matted hair as she stared into his calm face. The rise and fall of his large chest was subtle but thankfully his breathing was steady.
Ion re-entered the glass room, pushing a large metal bed that looked like a floating hospital gurney. She glanced nervously at the sleeping Toufik males as she pulled the bed up next to Dagaa.
"They won't hurt you if you are kind to them. We were rescuing them from that planet. That one there." Providence pointed to Stone. “Stone knows me."
A tall Miran Sona male, Providence didn't recognize, entered. Providence cast him a hesitant smile as he knelt by Dagaa. With a bit of effort the four of them hefted Dagaa's battered body onto the gurney.
"Quick Exo we need to get him to the surgery unit." Cila urged the male.
"We are not familiar with his species. We may do more harm than good." The male grimaced.
"Please do what you can. We have to be very similar, our people are compatible." Providence pleaded as they raced Dagaa across the domed holding bay in the center of the ship.
"How?" Cila looked at her in shock.
"It's a long story. I'll explain everything as soon as we get Dagaa patched up." Providence replied to her pale friend.
They entered a sterile looking room with calming blue bands of light at the floor and ceiling. Exo pushed Dagaa into the center then locked the odd bed in place. He moved to a control panel on a pedestal and pressed several buttons.
Providence watched as a dome came down from the ceiling sealing Dagaa in. There was a silent hum as a beam of light passed over Dagaa in a solid line. It paused at his various injuries then continued on, till it had scanned him completely.
"Amazing. He is a hearty species. There appears to be only minor internal injuries, the bulk damage was done to his extremi
ties." Exo reported.
Providence released the breath she was holding. She watched as a dozen little machines extended from the dome and rapidly went to work. First, they cut free Dagaa's clothing using tiny lasers, at the same time removing the layers of dirt and dried blood that coated him.
"Here sit." Cila pushed up a chair and Providence sat with a brief smile for her friend.
Providence frowned as she noted the blueish tinge covering much of Dagaa's usually red skin. Her poor sweet mate was bruised all over. A tube appeared beside his neck, then pierced his skin. Providence assumed it was similar to an IV. Once Dagaa was clean, the dozen little medical machines then shifted tasks, most of them converging on his leg. Providence watched in awe and a little bit of trepidation as the medical wonders sliced into Dagaa's leg exposing the broken femur and shattered tibia bone.
Providence looked away. She couldn't watch this.
"I am going to assist Zer." Exo said as he nodded to her then left.
Ion and Cila sat down beside Providence in chairs they pulled from the side of the room. Cila reached out and gripped Providence's hand lending her a bit of comfort.
"I am so glad you are okay." Cila smiled.
"Thank you for rescuing us." Providence nearly broke down.
Things had been so stressful in the last several hours. They had nearly died. She thought Dagaa had. Providence didn't know how she could possibly show Cila her gratitude.
"You said he was your mate. What happened?" Cila asked, her dark almond-shaped eyes curious.
Providence smiled as she thought back on all that had happened since she saw Cila last. It was shocking to think it had only been a handful of weeks at best. Her life had changed so much.
"The Jurou Biljana captured me as you know, but I killed two of their men." Providence smiled wickedly.
"I know we found them. I was so afraid for you. You saved all of us." Cila gripped her hand tighter.
"She's been a mess ever since." Ion chimed in.
Providence smiled as she looked at Cila. It was nice to know she was missed, and that everyone human, and Miran Sona alike, were safe. She'd been wondering about that.
"Well they went to trade with the Cadi." Providence gestured towards Dagaa. "But those nasty lizards had been cheating the Cadi, and it backfired. The Cadi took two of their ships and sent the reptiles away on the one, telling them never to return. Dagaa found me on one of the ships they kept." Providence smiled at her poor Dagaa.
"And now he is your mate?" Cila asked.
Providence couldn't be sure but she thought Cila blushed as she looked at the package Dagaa was sporting. She debated being offended, but it was impressive and daunting even at rest.
"He is one of my mates. His best friend Madhava is my other mate." Providence moved her hair aside, exposing the conjugo marks on either side of her neck. At one time they scared her, but now she wore them with pride.
"Oh they've bitten you. Why? Have you been forced into this mating?" Cila cried out with her twittery voice looking horrified.
"No!" Providence giggled. "Their culture is a bit domineering but when it comes to females, they are very protective. Their bite mark has special meaning. They carry a chemical in their fangs that is very nice." Providence felt herself flush as she thought about how it affected her.
"You said you were compatible. Is this what you meant?" Ion asked.
"No my friend Giselle is pregnant. She is another human your people took and handed over to those damn reptiles. She was sold to the Cadi, and she mated their leader."
Ion looked suddenly devastated and ashamed.
"That was my fault." Ion said as she looked at the floor.
"No it's not! Exo was going to terminate her because of her genetic defect. You wanted her to live." Cila defended the other female.
"Ion, Giselle doesn't hate you. Well I don't know about Exo, but not you. Giselle heard you arguing on her behalf." Providence encouraged the female. "And she's very happy now."
"The males are redeeming themselves. They didn't put up too much fuss when I insisted we find you after getting your fellow humans settled in the colony." Cila smiled.
Providence grinned at the thought of Cila badgering Zer till he relented.
"You were looking for me?" Providence said in surprise, never expecting them to come for her.
"And your friend Giselle. I felt so guilty. Exo had to give in, he couldn't stand me anymore." Ion admitted.
"We hunted those reptiles down and followed them here." Cila added.
Providence was in awe of the turn fate had taken. If they hadn't come when they did she and everyone she loved might be dead.
"You said you were rescuing the hairy ones. Why were the Jurou Biljana also here?" Cila asked.
"Well the Cadi used to buy the Toufik, they're the hairy people, from the Jurou Biljana. But the Toufik helped the Cadi leader win their civil war. He set them free and now the Cadi want to rescue the Toufik from their dying planet. The Cadi leader Kagan is a good guy. He really loves Giselle. Anyway either those reptiles wanted more slaves to sell, or they followed us to get revenge." Providence explained.
"Well it looked like you took out their ship just fine down on the planet." Cila noted.
"Yeah my other mate was very angry at what they did to Dagaa and he wasn't about to let them hurt me." Providence smiled as she thought about Madhava.
She looked over at Dagaa. The little bots were still piecing his leg together, but they'd already finished working on his arm and the other smaller injuries. Providence couldn't even see a scar on his arm. She almost giggled when she thought about how miffed Dagaa was going to be when he learned he'd been cheated out of his battle wounds. Then again it looked like there was no way to replace the end of his tail. Providence hoped Dagaa wasn't torn up by its loss.
"So they are very protective of you. That makes me glad." Cila commented.
"Yes, I have no doubt they would hunt the universe over for me." Providence smiled down at Dagaa. She certainly would for either of them.
"Well Exo and Zer better not insist we bring you with us now. I don't think we need that kind of trouble." Ion said.
Providence glanced up at Ion then to Cila, suddenly worried. She had almost forgotten they'd taken her from Earth for a reason. That damn colony!
"They better forget it, if that's the plan. I won't go, and if forced, I'll raise holy hell!" Providence snarled.
Cila opened her mouth to respond but her comm chirped.
Providence heard Zer's strained voice through the comm. She debated giving him the what-for, but held her tongue.
"Yes." Cila replied.
"We have a few issues. The hairy males are close to breaking out of the hold, and there is a very angry male hailing us, insisting to speak to his mate, I assume he means Providence."
Providence smiled. She could only imagine how worked up Madhava was.
"We will visit the Toufik in the hold on our way to the bridge." Cila said before signing off. "Do you think you can calm the Toufik?"
Providence nodded.
"I guess Dagaa will be okay." Providence looked at him as she stood.
"I will stay here." Ion said.
"Thank you." Providence nodded to the female and followed Cila out of the medical suite.
The moment she entered the central storage bay, she heard the Toufik pounding on the glass. The hairy goliaths were large, and strong enough, Providence could see the thick glass reverberate with each thud. Cila tapped on a panel by the room and the glass doors gave way.
Providence stood where they could see her and the males instantly calmed seeing a face they recognized. Stone rushed up to her his hands going mile a minute.
"Sorry Stone I don't understand. We are safe." Providence gripped his furred arms. "This is my friend Cila. She is Miran Sona. They are healing Dagaa right now. Everyone can relax, the other ship made it off the planet safe and sound." Providence encouraged. "Try to remain calm.
I'm going to figure out when we can meet the other ship."
Stone nodded and gestured his gratitude.
"I will bring water and food in the meantime." Cila added.
"Thank you." Providence smiled.
The Toufik males, though large, looked like they needed several good meals. Stone sat on the floor appearing deeply relieved. Providence appreciated the sentiment.
"Leave the door open. It'll make them feel better. They won't wander." Providence added as she followed Cila to the bridge.
As they entered the control room, she heard Madhava's angry voice, but only saw the image of the starship on the broad vid screen.
"I demand you relinquish my mate and her companions." He snarled.
"Hey handsome don't break a tooth." Providence said.
"Providence!" Madhava bellowed sounding both assuaged and yet still agitated.
Providence felt the same way. She wouldn't feel better till she could have both her men safely by her side. The Miran Sona colony was hanging heavy on her shoulders.
"I'm bringing him up on screen." Zer stated looking a little less frazzled.
Madhava appeared big as day in front of her. Providence sighed then smiled. It was so good to see him healthy and whole, and off that awful planet. He looked positively haggard and yet wonderful at the same time.
"These are the Miran Sona. This is my friend Cila and her mate Zer." Providence pointed to them. "They are the ones who took me from my planet."
Madhava growled, and both Zer and Exo jumped in their seats.
"Easy big guy. They're patching up Dagaa and he's going to be just fine." As Providence said this, she started to cry in relief. "When he is fixed up, we'll find a way to transport to your ship." Providence choked out.
Zer opened his mouth to object but Cila popped him in the back of his head. Zer closed his mouth looking perturbed.